Hey everyone it's Pyra here, how're ya'll doin'? Welcome to my MAL profile, a minimalist page that really doesn't do much but both show both my adoration for fox people and just how bad I am at graphic design. (As well as my shoddy attempts at comedy with sentences in parentheses like this.) In any case, this is the place where I make seasonal anime reviews and is the hub of my record keeping when it comes to all things anime, manga, LN, anime short, what have you. Most of what I watch/read is romance or slice of life-related, but I can and probably will watch anything so long as I have enough time and willpower. You can drop me a PM or a comment any time you want; I'm always around. But not friend requests. I will only accept them if I have talked to you for at least a decent amount of time and it doesn't devolve into degenerates yelling at each other for who's best girl. That's the most important part.

I'm also an avid player of freemium gacha games as a f2p user. Though I joke about how my luck with these things is absolutely terrible, in reality, I'm like a B-A rank luck. I just like to complain because quite frankly, everyone around me seems to get better stuff than I do. But I digress. They are a fun distraction to do while watching stuff, so I guess I can't really complain much when I do about average in comparison to the rest of the playerbase. Despite being a student, I still find a way to spend many hours a day to clear daily quests and farm up materials for the harder (and rage-inducing) content in the endgame areas. Someone please help me.
I also have two ways that I rate anime. List scores and review scores. Anime that I review generally have a different number attached to them on the actual anime list than when they're respective review. This is because my actual enjoyment of the show is posted on the list (as well as a what I consider to be a funny rundown of my thoughts in the tags) while the overall score of the show's merits are on the review. I do this because I want the list to be what I think of a show, because it would weird for me to make Glasslip a 4 on my list when I just want it to burn.
Review Score meaning
1 = Burn it. Burn it now!
2 = Why did fuck did I even bother?
3 = It's terrible, but it can be hilarious to watch ironically.
4 = You were a mistake.
5 = Generic or is largely uninteresting.
6 = Decent, but bears a lot of problems in various aspects.
7 = The standard. A good show with some problems but overall good execution.
8 = A good anime with memorable qualities.
9 = An outstanding piece of work that showcases a good blend of everything it offers.
10 = A masterpiece; perfection. Also known as the score that's never going to happen.
All Comments (3001) Comments
Also I see you also enjoyed imouto sae ireba
Other people on the forums complained about it, on that discussion post, you only need to scroll all the pages. xD
I only gone deeper because i was baffled with it, it really is stupid retard drama, like I rarely see, incredible most people were able to feel just fine with it.
So the question, why do that, when you could just adress it with the person, let your feelings across and still go for it, but with this, no bad feeling would be lingering, so why? Poor SHIT writting to create shock on the viewer.
To me the end result is S2 ending is so insulting and disgusting, that I ended up giving it a very rare 4/10, despite the previous episodes being a bit better than S1 (which I rated 8/10).
I dont even rate most anime below a 6, to go below a 5, to call it bad I have to feel offended by it, which I did.
Thankfully Saekano Fine does a great job at ending the series, if the anime adaptations had ended on S2, would definitly have reccomending S2 to people.
That is, you would do it, if you were pissing off about him and wanted to inflict sweet revenge, otherwise NO.
Which is why I wasnt convinced and felt insulted by the whole situation.
Is this a dream?
Also, just noticed we chatted many years ago, like when I messaged you I did not realized I had talked with you before, lol.
"What didn’t I like about this series?
Personally, I just don’t like the climax. Not for how it was presented or how it was written, but for how it hits me personally. It’s very hard to make decisions like that, and as a fan of the series; it’s an understandably bittersweet moment to witness because if I may be honest, I like the entire main cast; maybe Kato more than anyone, but I still like everyone."
I resonate with what you said, tbh I didnt read the full review, but that caught my eye, even if this is many years later, just wanted to say that, thanks.
To me, these last episodes ruined it all, the writter clearly had this idea, and he could have executed in a way that would feel way better, yet he choose the shitty way to create further drama and feels, and I just hate his choice for that.
I really hate waiting for airings and seasons, so I was off the series for a long time, and took too long to finish S2, coming back to binge it, foolish me, what a trap I had waiting.
This is definitly the right way to completely destroy the respect you had for 2 characters that up to recently, were your favorites in said anime.
It was a nice surprise, but I was not expecting that flashback to Alice's prima undine promotion with a 2021 facelift.
The final instalment, Aria the Benedizione, just aired in Japan the other week... I don't expect a BD release until months from now.. but I can't wait to finally finish this series once the BD is out.