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Naruto: Shippuuden
Naruto: Shippuuden
Jan 25, 2015 3:49 PM
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Jan 25, 2015 11:09 AM
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Ninja Hattori-kun
Ninja Hattori-kun
Jan 25, 2015 12:26 AM
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Mashounen B.T.
Mashounen B.T.
Jan 25, 2015 12:27 AM
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Eh? Heibon desu yo??
Eh? Heibon desu yo??
Jan 23, 2015 4:44 PM
Plan to Read · Scored -
Eh? Heibon desu yo??
Eh? Heibon desu yo??
Jan 23, 2015 4:44 PM
Plan to Read · Scored -

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Deft192 Aug 18, 2022 11:39 AM
I can’t tell if your numbers are bullshit or just really impressive
AvidLion May 23, 2015 11:52 AM

Yo, Purple. Happy birthday... ^^b
May All Your wish come true on this special day. (^_-)

and here some birthday cake from me. (≧◡≦)

boa555 Feb 10, 2015 1:54 PM
hi want to be friends
elkensteyin Feb 8, 2015 10:31 AM

Ankins Jan 29, 2015 5:43 AM
Well, harem are of course aimed for the male audience. Being a female, harem don't appeal to me. I used to be a bit bothered by them because I wasn't used to seeing things such as a guy surrounded by so many girls. I later got used to them. Do they bother you?

Hyouka is a good anime, and I recommend that you watch it until the end. Unless you've dropped it of course. You don't come across a lot of planned out mystery anime. I was impressed with how the author was able to use tiny details to figure something out.

So smiles are going around? Haha, here's one as well, but it's not a gif.
Sanity_Insanity Jan 27, 2015 8:05 PM
Hope you get better. :D Since I know how much you love Riku...
Purple_Wings Jan 27, 2015 7:26 PM
Hey guys, I'm sorry to inform you that I'm not going to be on for some time. It's really personal, and I don't want to talk about it. :_(
Sanity_Insanity Jan 26, 2015 3:15 PM
Yes, I do.

You killed me.
Sanity_Insanity Jan 25, 2015 5:09 PM
Revenge is sweet, my friend. xD

We all know how much you LOVE Vexen.

And Demonic Justice. xD Now you know not to spam me with GIFs anymore.
Neotono Jan 25, 2015 2:59 PM
Holly is still around although she hasn't been for the past couple of days, or at least I haven't seen her to torment her.
I learnt ages ago I just don't use it much at all since I don' see the point other than to use on your profile or to tack on to the END of your messages.
I'm not worried you'll get bored of your new toy soon enough.
Ise just tried to get between Yuji and Yoshida but ended up failing completely. He's the worst type of friend though since he pretended to help Yoshida and Yuji get together only to turn around and try to lay claim to her himself. I didn't like those siblings (they weren't twins) but I understand why they were in it. The engulfed in love siblings were there for the love reason and it was also a good way to introduce Sydonay which in turn introduced the Trinity. Yuji never turned evil though. He was never controlled by the Snake of the Festival. They had a mutual understanding and make Xanadu to accomplish both of their goals. That war would have never happened if he had told Shana his whole plan and the Flame Hazes weren't hell bent in killing every denizen. If he had told Shana she would have joined him. Like I said Shakugan No Shana is to me what KH is to you since I know just about all there is to know about it. I can't see how that's a spoiler to be honest. At first I thought it was Yuno from Mirai Nikki because she's as psycho as that.
I don't misspell that often when I'm tired but right now I'm annoyed because I can't nap because my body isn't letting me. I've at least watched one anime from every genre so I can compare. I don't really understand art in that fashion which is why anime is the best art form to me. It was either copyright or its suddenly impossible to find. It was Iron and a Bleach AMV. I'm sure you'll like them. My favourite song is Fading. Most of the first Batman movies sucked really. The only two that don't get criticised to hell are the Tim Burton ones. I used to like Batman and Robin but I wasn't even in double digits so a Batman movie was just Batman then. I get that reasoning but both Penguin and the Riddler are more iconic than Bane. They also completely skipped out on that chemical that made him inhuman. I can't remember my solution I think it was messing around with my friends that were sat near me. I got sent out of class before it even began once. She'd probably love it here then since we have a load of birds in the back garden including a parrot who talks to himself. Birds to me are just there and I pay them no mind. The first Hangover was ok it was a decent comedy but the plot literally didn't change for the next two at all so you may as well watch the first one three times. All spiders scare my mum so it would make no difference I just don't like meaninglessly taking a life unless its a fly's. The same person didn't write it but the same company adapted iut into anime form. In fact there are a few Shana cameos throughout the first season and Index appears in one of the Shakugan no Shana-tan specials.
Even if that day comes (which it won't) there'll become kind of super virus. We'll never be free from disease. Yeah I know but either way its bad that we haven't found a cure for every type yet, but scientists find time for experiments that benefit no one. If Black Death was around now it'd be a joke since you'd just need to grab some antibiotics and you'd be fine. I knew she was going to die it was pretty obvious but her death was more heart-breaking than any of the others including Sachi. Oh we could go I just wasn't going to because I thought he'd be fine and be out and about shortly. I was going to stay home and talk to her but she convinced me to go see him. Never heard of that before. I'm happy to be childless for a while longer since I don't want to ruin my life. I've always been big for my age and I got my growth spurt to become even bigger. Never actually seen that movie and I don't need to since the ending is common knowledge now.
There was no need for that GIF at all was there?
I bet it ends up unfulfilling just like the anime and nothing actually gets cleared up at all. Just stick him with Ayase or get him back with Kuroneko and be done with it. If not make him get closer to Kirino's idol friend or reconcile with his childhood friend. Anything but stick him with his sister again. School Days is legalised torture. I don't know if they knew they were related or not but the characters are so shallow I doubt they'd have cared. At no point was it even a deconstruction. People just use that word to try to justify it. I think Matoko is one of the most hated characters ever. I didn't see far enough into it to actually care one way or another. I think Funimation should, they'd make a lot of money out of it I think since To Love-Ru is actually fairly popular. I'll watch it but I'm really patient with things when it comes to censors. I actually started watching an anime and it was censored within the first couple minutes so I instantly turned it off.
I was always good at it. My problem is I was lazy. I could have been a really good student had I actually studied but I never did so I ended up with average grades. But now that I have a chance for voice acting there's no more slacking off for me. It may be explained bit they could have made King Arthur a man since that actually makes sense. I don't even know what Aqua is off so no comment. My problem would be having to choose between Asa or Cal, its the impossible choice. I hope they do and don't just leave it as an unfinished project. I think they have more than enough material for at least another 2 seasons and its still ongoing. The light novels have a bit of their life in Xanadu in it so I want that OVA using that material. It is a harem until season 2 since everyone disappears making season 1 pointless in my opinion. Censors shouldn't exist. I want to watch anime how its meant to be watched not with conveniently placed items or random white or black voids. That's why I wait until they are uncensored before watching.
Yeah I didn't know that and don't actually care. I think its n my plan to watch but if I ever get round to watching it is a complete mystery. I don't care about politics since all politicians are full of lies and really corrupt anyway. I don't know anything about your presidents or even our own Prime Ministers. I've never really watched Frosty the Snowman but I have nothing against kid films seeing as most of them are better than any of the others that come out.
I didn't care for it the first time so I'm not interested in trying it a second time. If I want to get sexually aroused I'll watch hentai. Its not exactly a great leap from that anyway. Its not ecchi its too hard-core for that. It is literally soft-core porn. Eh I'd rather have Maou. Imay have liked that Shrine Maiden but only because she was the most likable character in that anime. I can't remember anything about her though.
Arrogance is the reason for most the world hating America and one day you might try to start a fight you can't win. I wouldn't be surprised if World War 3 started because of America so you ought to be careful about your president selection. Only good thing about Battleship was Liam Neeson. Its funny how a Brit played an American General. Not too sure what old stories you are talking about. I'm not a war movie kind of guy. What was written by a middle schooler? I don't care about the Vietnam war because we had nothing to do about it but the amount of movies that have a "veteran" from Vietnam is pathetic (Rambo being one of them). America didn't even get involved in WW1 except for giving a few supplies until the Germans sunk a ship of yours carrying celebrities. Other than that you may as well have not bothered. I think since we were on the front lines the whole time we get what really happened in the wars and England has enough history to not need to fabricate it. The French are the most hated country in the world even beating America. I can't stand them either and when people ask why I just say because they're French.
My sister and brother have always lived close but the same age difference is between my sister and me as my sister and mother. We've never been especially close and when my brother didn't live at home we didn't speak to him for about a year or so if not more and he only lived 50 doors away. I'm like my dad when it comes to family. The only 2 I care about are my parents. Who piloted the plane of Isara died? I would assume Welkin since him and Isara were the only two that knew how anything worked. Isara shouldn't have died from nameless dead man. Near the end Faldio only cared about himself. Even his sacrifice at the end didn't redeem him any in my eyes. It may be different in the game but since I haven't played it it doesn't count. I know nothing of war tactics because I suck at chess and the only strategy games I have are Yu-Gi-Oh and Fire Emblem. He's just a sub par singer now but he used to be a pretty high ranking officer. That's what more games should do instead of find this collectable to get more information of the game you're playing. Its not a hard name to memorize. When are you planning to come here?
the main problem with the first Spiderman Trilogy was the writing but I did enjoy them (even the third one) but I HATED what they did to Venom. You know you've gone wrong when Venom is scrawnier than Spiderman and he never roared at people like he did in that movie. Avatar and its sequel's popularity died down over the years when it reached its end. Its natural really. People have preconceptions of anime before they try it just because its animated so they think its for kids. Some are but a majority aren't. I gave it a 6 and I think that is very generous of me to do since it isn't worth that. Its not so much teenagers as preteens and young teenagers. Most of them grow out of it eventually but the damage they do before is irreversible. It gets really cold here too we even had to go out if it was frosty the night before. Our teacher was a dick too and he didn't like me because I made sure to never put effort into anything. Our teacher used to try to make us do something similar but I walked anyway and there was nothing he could do about it. I never have to do it at 6 in the morning. The earliest is 11am which is still fucking early to do something pointless. Tomorrow I need to return a manga after as well.

I have no chance then since my face is normal and not deformed.

That's a GIF I was going to use but I wanted one that showed her and Yuji's relationship.
Neotono Jan 25, 2015 10:55 AM
Yeah you do although I've noticed you barely talk to Holly anymore. Not too sure why since she's always lurking somewhere.
I already regret it since you've already gone overboard in this one message. I thought you already knew how to do it. I'm never assuming anything like that again.
Ise just got annoying when he was trying to basically force himself onto Yoshida when it was clear she didn't like him like that. I don't really like the theme park episode because he comes off as creepy and obsessive. Those twins were just there to teach Shana about love and make her realise that the type of love they had was the wrong kind. Yuji is a Flame Haze, Crimson Lord Mystes Human combo with the Midnight Lost Child acting as his source of Power and his contractor. He actually has the potential to become stringer than Shana eventually and he is in good terms with two Crimson Gods (having had one use him as a vessel). I think Shakugan No Shana is to me what KH is to you. I don't care about spoilers for KH since I doubt I'll ever get into it to be fair. Its actually pretty dated now until whatever it is your excited for comes out.
Broadening your horizons not bordering :P. Its a good I know what you're trying to say huh? Anime is something you need to watch a lot of to gain necessary experience in order to make comparisons. To me it is the greatest art form though. I wouldn't really know its very rare I find a copyrighted video although my favourite Within Temptation AMV has disappeared. I need to convert some AMVs into MP3 form so I can start filling my new MP3 player up. I found quite a few good bands because of AMVs although one of the best is definitely Decypher Down. If you haven't heard of them, look them up. I don't really read batman or anything so my knowledge and experience with The Riddler is limited to some of the cartoons and that really bad movie with Jim Carrey. I'm not sure why they chose Bane to be the main villain of The Dark Knight Rises. I'm running on not enough sleep right now to be honest. I don't want to judge your sister but that's just weird. You see birds all the time by just walking around town and stuff, how are they any different at a zoo? Bradley Cooper is a good actor and his talent is wasted in The Hangover (which is a trilogy of the exact same film). I can't remember if she was scared of them or not. I'm not fond of them but if I see one on the house I save it instead of killing it. I won't spoil it but I do love it (same producers as Shakugan No Shana).
There may be a cure one day, but it doesn't get as much attention as other diseases because its not as widespread. I don't go into figures but it stands to reason since ever woman has breasts of some kind and it is more gender specific. Its good that people survive from it though. Yeah I know but there are so many more ways to handle it now than say ten years ago. You still have t be careful though. I liked Yuuki and cried when she passed away. its not like he had a choice as to which hospital he went to though so there's not much you can do. I actually have eternal gratitude from my ex for making me go see him in hospital. The terrible twos? Does that mean you want two or you think you'll have twins? I've never been a pushover but nobody has ever really tried to make me do something stupid because I was bigger than them and broader as well. Oh I'll be honest, I'm not sure I've ever watched one if his movies from beginning to end. I don't pay much attention to the directors.
I know the anime doesn't end at the same point as the novel does because you can't really call that an ending as such. Hopefully he does get with another girl in those pages but its unlikely. School Days should be used as a torture device and as a guide as a what not to do when creating an anime. Everything about it was shoddy. Yep all related which makes things worse. None of the characters were likable. Its not a deconstruction at all since its story is pitiful and you can't really call it a harem. Also Makoto is scum and no girl in their right mind would give him time of day. I've heard of it but know next to nothing about it so I can't really give a response. I won't be watching it now though. I've never written a review because I feel I'd be too biased to do so. I think the original series has been uncensored and ii can see it being dubbed one day they just need to acquire the licences for it. That's the problem with some anime they leave on a cliffhanger then sometimes don't get a second season so you have no idea what's going on. I can remember Tokyo Ghoul sounding interesting but I can't remember its premise anymore so I'll have to find out when I watch it.
We never learnt that in Maths class we just learnt pointless things like Trigonometry and algebra (which was really easy). I liked Stay Night I'm not sure what all the fuss was about with it and the girls were cute. The only thing I didn't like was King Arthur being female just so they could put romance on (especially since there were a few other girls that would have been fine anyway. I doubt anything would happen to be fair. Asa and Cal (the younger version is the one I adore) are both really sweet anyway and I know nothing about Aqua as I have never seen her before on my life. High School DxD is in every way amazing and I hope it keeps going in anime form until the novel ends. It would be nice for it to end like Shakugan No Shana did (still want an OVA or movie of Xanadu though). I donlt really consider Clannad to be one since he gets with Nagisa and they all disappear after and High School DxD beats Clannad for me anyway. I treat Ecchi like any other anime IF its not censored.
Already said I already do. Can you try to control yourself in the future?
Its just what I read and I may be completely wring in some details so don't take what I said for fact. It'd be better if you didn't actually. I do know those lights don't exist though. I just don't see the point she's just a old woman who is actually German so how she's queen of England I don't know. I'll never worship the royals and I'll never care about them in the slightest. I never think about it and never want to think about it which is why I'm unsure what to believe in. Well that and its an animated kids film and kids films always play over Xmas anyway. They actually had some decent Disney films playing this year.
I watched it around two years ago if not longer and have held no desire to rewatch it. Some of the scenes would have been hentai if it'd been a little bit kinkier (the bj scene comes to mind). There may be things closer but I don't know why they don't just make it a hentai and be done with it. I can't remember why I liked the Shrine Maiden but I remember her being sweet. I love that anime and its OST is amazing (You'll know which one) and you'll love Maou. Just remember if you don't like it you have no soul.
Sadly there's a lot of Americans who think differently to you. I actually saw a comment on Youtube once saying "We all know America basically rules the world" if that's so why do you need our help in every little conflict you start (most of which for no reason). The trailer for Battleship looked good but it was really bad really. It may have been decent of not for the ego boost. Vietnam was the only war you didn't get us to help in and look what happened to you in that. You got decimated yet the history books would say different. Just like how they make out you were the reason we won WW2. The French hate us anyway and they always have done but we hate the French too. We tend to call them Surrender Monkeys since that's what they do.
I don't care about my siblings but it may be because of the age gap. We aren't really that close and I'm not a family person either. I don't want to love near them for the rest of my life. Yeah but if we worked on it all the characters we like would be invincible. If we did kill off Isara it wouldn't be from some nameless sniper who was half dead. Welkin wasn't too happy that Faldio not only shot Alicia but also forced her to be a mass murderer when she didn't want to be. Of course generals were still like that. They think because they've been In a few battles or wars they know everything. A good example would be when James Blunt was a soldier (read his Wikipedia page if you want to know what I'm talking about). I like games that have extras on characters so you can read about them it adds so much. I don't like it when they are collectables though because you normally need a guide to find them all. Our game stores are literally just called GAME. It used to be Gamestation but they got bought out by GAME. I will once my pile gets smaller.
I didn't really know about their actors until I looked it up. Gwen and Peter in the movies were much better than Mary-Jane and Peter. The writing for them was just so much better. I've never even watched an episode but I know it used to be popular, although it isn't so much now. We're anime fans I only regret I didn't start earlier but my routine has been fine tuned and it works for me now. I'd say it depends on the anime for the number so it varies greatly. People who give Dragonball Z a ten need to be educated in what a good anime is since there is no story in that anime at all. Yeah but not just horror I'd say most movies in general. I became much more emotionless and uncaring over the past couple of years so not much phases me anymore. There are very few people I open up to. Well that's the age we live in and even if we got into the right industries to improve things, one person can't do much on their own. I never cared about PE especially when they made you go out in shorts and a really thin top in the winter whilst the teacher is all wrapped up warm. That's borderline Child Abuse. I "forgot" my PE kit a lot at school and even exaggerated injury to get out of it. It does suck. I love getting up early to go to something that is completely pointless and a waste of time .

So you like guys with deformed faces? Interesting.
Sanity_Insanity Jan 25, 2015 12:15 AM
What have I done? You're going to abuse me with GIFs now, aren't you?
When they finally show it, I'm going to be like you. It'll crazy good time!

This is what you're going to do now, right?
Ankins Jan 24, 2015 7:45 PM
I've seen so many harems, I think almost 1/3 of my list is consisted of them. Just the typical harem anime with a twist here and there. Is it a popular genre? It seems as if they are aimed towards male audiences, thinking of all of the one's I've seen. However I have seen about 1-2 reverse-harem that were decent, and just a few others that were boring since it had not plot to it. Thinking more about it now, a lot, lot, lot of anime are harem. Clannad, Monogatari Series, and others. Some of the more well-known ones.

Besides harem, if I find an anime that has an equal amount of boys and girls, I don't seem to mind them because it's not centered on the one character whom all the other characters admire. Just like Hyouka, which I finished earlier today, was decent because if the story and other factors to it. :o

Hyouka turned out to be pretty good because the mysteries that the Classics Club tried to solve never got tiring. There was one arc where they were trying to find out who killed this character in a movie, and I got a little scared. I had to pause it and look up what happened next. -_-
Neotono Jan 24, 2015 5:14 PM
Yep and unlike you stalking my friends she talked to me first :P.
Better her and Yuji than her and Ise whose obsession with her was borderline dangerous (Ise was my least favourite character after Sorath, he's tied with Tiriel for second). Yuji is much more than a Mystes since he regained his existence So he's a human with all the powers of a Flame Haze and his own treasure tool which had been modified to hold unlimited power. I don't really know what he is in the end other than a complete badass. I'm assuming they are KH characters but my knowledge of KH is very limited. I know that the keyblade guy is Sora and Disney characters are in it and that's it. Other than that I have no idea. It just took a while it seems. My GIF spoils the ending for Shakugan No Shana but as long as I don't say what it is it should be fine.
It wasn't my taste that changed I just broadened my anime horizons over time. Now I have close to 400 under my belt you could say I have more experience with them. Its an automated system so unless they update it it'll stay the same. They keep changing Youtube to get worse so its only a matter of tie before they mess up again. Other than random AMVs I don't really watch anything other than my subscription's videos (Terraria with TB and Jesse Cox being an exception). The Riddler from Batman is somewhat different though since his riddles are twisted. I know I'm not getting enough sleep but I'm used to it. My ex did as well did I word it wrong in my last message? Limitless was a good movie about using 100% of our brains. She even took pictures of the butterflies in the insect house but missed the tarantulas for some reason. My ex just hadn't been to a zoo in years so she was excited. We just got discount coupons from somewhere (I forget where). I know that's Touma's main weakness but he packs a punch because he was a delinquent or something in the past. I really need to buy that anime but its hard to find for my region.
Still 1 or 2 too many really but how can you cure a disease that seems that random? Men can get breast cancer too or at least it has been known so you aren't alone. AIDs isn't as bad as it used to be but I still never want to get it since it is still deadly *looks at Yuuki frim SAO 2*. Your wasting your time trying to sue the hospital since they can afford big shot lawyers so you won't see a penny. Its cute but at the same time I don't want kids yet because they are all demon spawn. I don't want them for the next 8-10 years. Yeah but it was still mostly Kirino's fault and the brothers for being such a pushover. What does he have to do with anything we talked about?
Isn't the light novel for OreImo still ongoing so the writer may actually redeem himself by making him get with another girl but I doubt it. School Days just shouldn't exist. I don't despise the main character because I only watched 2 episodes then ditched it though. By the way both the main girls are related to him they are his nieces. Its not a deconstruction its just taking a genre and shitting all over it and pretending its in some way related. Never watched Corpse Party and I wouldn't like something because its gory. Pointless gore would actually get a vote down from me. I can't remember it and I don't want to. I will rewatch all of To Love-Ru again if I can find it without the censors since it'd be much better. I am surprised it hasn't been dubbed yet though since it is a pretty big anime. I may as well wait for season 2 to finish now before I touch Tokyo Ghoul but I will get round to it eventually.
I don't know how different currency differs from each other which is why I only gave you what I spent. I wouldn't pay that much. The only anime I've spent over £100 is Shakugan No Shana and that was special circumstances. Is Fate/Zero better than Stay Night, I've been meaning to watch it for over a year but I forget it exists. Good I love Cal and Asa. I have no idea what you are talking about or who Aqua is so you're welcome to them. What is Jojo I feel I've heard of it but I can't think. Eden No Ori would be good but again they need to make it right and no half arse it. I've fell in love so I know how it works. You get to know them and really connect and you find them gorgeous anyway. High School DxD os my favourite harem series. I suppose Tenchi: War on Geminar is as well but I can't really call that a harem. Sekirei is special to me since it was that that started my anime collection off two years ago. Not many people watch Ecchi for the story but a lot of the time the story is really good.
All I know is not many people had a big role and Nagisa stays dead. I also seem to think that Tomoya has to get somewhere in a certain amount of time or something happens to Ushio but I may be making things up again. There are people who love the queen then people like me who couldn't care less. I've even seen her and she's as insignificant as anyone else. I don't know what I believe in so I won't really be able to say anything about it. My sister is the most religious of the three of us but I have no idea why. I think it was on over Christmas but I paid it no mind. I think I know the gist of the movie though.
I didn't really pay her any mind. I can't even remember how I felt about the anime at the time to be fair. I think it was just there. I think the Shrine Maiden was the only girl that I actually liked in the anime and all the others may have been extras. The anime would have gone no different if Sora wasn't even in it and he got with the other girl instead. They might as well have made it a hentai it was close enough. The Devil is A Part Timer is an AMAZING anime. I've watched it twice (I now own the DVD and no pressure but if you don't like it you have no soul. You already know my views on Amagami SS.
My dad is very anti American anyway. Not 100% sure why but things like that do annoy me too. I hated Battleship for it. Your country is young though so that arrogance will last a lot longer. Our country has been around much longer so we have experience. I like your Vietnam "veterans" aren't they basically the people who got ordered to run away after you got your asses handed to you by a less sophisticated country? Also what was that war even about does anyone know?
Their chemistry was easy to see and they both adored each other and (even though she did) would put their lives on the line for each other. When she got shot I had hope she'd survived then next episode was her funeral and I cried. I understand that they have to remove stuff from the anime because of time restraints but by getting rid of the love triangle that was completely pointless they could have spent that time adding stuff in. I think Welkin did punch Faldio for making Alicia into a weapon. He knew it would end up hurting her. Both wars caused chaos but I think the first one would have been much shorter had the generals actually did something useful instead of making wild guesses. Even if the OVA only focused on Alicia and Welkin then I'd have been happy. We know that they return to their hometown and live happily ever after at the end. But what about before the war started? We don't have Gamestop. I'd rather play it than watch an LP. I suppose Amazon or Ebay may have it.
Marvel has their share of attractive actresses but that's just it most people praise the GwenxPeter romance in The Amazing Spiderman, I suppose it helps they were dating in real life too. I don't know anything about Avatar except he was bald and had an arrow on his forehead. I know Nostalgia is a powerful thing but my nostalgia comes from different things than you since I'm older. We can say we're anime fans. There is a certain number you need to watch to become a fan but I don't know what that number is. Horror went into the lets recycle plots for more money place where everything else is. Music isn't even that anymore. I only listen to rock really and I don't care what people think of me, I never have. It is the age of money since that's all people care about. I just never cared in PE so I never tried. I don't know how running classed as a sport though I hated doing that. I like my keyboard as it is no replacement thanks. Yeah done until Monday..... the joy.
Sanity_Insanity Jan 24, 2015 3:57 PM
I guess I don't come on here that often.
With KH3, I really want to see that trailer that they promised us with. It seems awesome, and they did say that they will show it to the rest of the world. :D
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