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Candy Boy: Nonchalant Talk of the Certain Twin Sisters in Daily Life
Dec 23, 2010 5:08 AM
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and you know what they say~
thats good ^^
no problem lol. thats good and hopefully ^^
so,what are you up to?
You are very welcome :)
If you have any questions about the site feel free to ask me by PM or leave a comment in my profile.
No worries about the language theres lots of ppl who can't speak english properly...even if they are English!#@ lol
Have fun :]
thats good and i'm fine..humid as hell here so hot and bleh but other then that fine lol. ah cool ^^,can't wait to see the complete product ^^ and ah ><..don't hesitate to comment back when you wake up even if i'm offline cause i will respond back ^^
no problem ^^,why i figured i should address it since it seemed important ^^ and no need to feel to bad..your english so far is better then some that actually live in english speaking isn't that sad?..some native speakers are really bad for some reason lol..i'd guess lack of education if i had to take a guess as to why that is lol