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Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Jan 4, 2017 12:36 AM
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In fact,I actually have - I strongly recommend you Deadman Wonderland,Chrno Crusade,Another and Blood Plus,for starters.I have a strong feeling you will enjoy those. :]
Once you are done,and if you find them to your liking,I could recommend more - but I consider those as 'must watch'. :3
I can walk you through setup if you want. =o
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And you never told me you were good with graphic design. e.e
I just DL'd photoshop like a week ago, so you have to teach me sometime!
I'm also finally DLing Monster.
Actually that makes me a talkative person, it's a fault everyone hates in me, i have an opinion about everything, i wanna discuss everything, i don't settle with just "i watched this anime, it was nice", i don't like that...
but i start next week and finish 29/5, not so far away, but i hope u're still willing to talk then ^^
i saw Clannad i think 3 years ago, or more, but i occasionally watch scenes to remind me of it...and yeah that field scene still affects me, i cut it once and showed it to a friend of mine, who has absolutely no experience in anime, (doesn't even know the term), and to whom the japanese language must have sounded all weird, she cried so hard, eventhough she has absolutely no idea of clannad. :)
PS: i loved really talking to u, but my finals start next week .... i'll be really busy, but i'll see ur reply to this :)
actually one of the main things i loved about Clannad is how Tomoya develops into a better person because of Nagisa, do u remember there was this scene in Clannad after story, when he and nagisa's family r on the bus, nagisa is pregnant and asleep, and he looks at here and says something like "that's right, i've a lot of things to take responsibility of now", it really touched me, the whole family theme thing...and also another scene when tomoya takes ushio to kindergarten and he sees some women whispering about him and says to himself "if it was the old me..." which really shows how much he developed from the deliniquent he was to that mature person....i also loved how he realised he did the same things his father did when his mum died, and it was going through all that and realising this that made him finally able to make peace with his dad..
i actually have a theory about the ending, Clannad was always about alternate universes and timelines and kotomi herself was researching this, i believe that our timeline, the one we've followed from the first episode, is the real timeline and when tomoya collects the orbs, the anime simply takes u to another timeline where nagisa lives and ushio lives, so in the real timeline they're dead but we're simply given a different ending, this i found very heartbreaking...
yeah shion/mion's cackling was chilling, same as Rena's "liar" and let's not forget, the cicada! in makoto shinkai's movies, i always loved the sound of the cicadas and he mentioned once that he used to hear them when he was young in the countryside, but then hearing them in Higurashi changed all that! dunno if i'm supposed to freak out or be at peace when i hear one :)
in addition to that the ending was disappointing , what about your opinion ?
sorry i bored u with so much Bokura, it's just that everytime i sit with my friends who have seen it, i start going back to it again and stressing its stupidity, and they're always like "here we go again", i was never able to convince them.
it's the first time i've notice u placed Steins;Gate in favourites, now here's an anime that was truly brilliant! when i finished it i could make out some flaws but i can't remember them now fully, there was something about the IBN5100, how they could easily get it in the main timeline and then spent the rest of the anime timeleaping to get it and couldn't, i forgot its importance in the first place, they used it to hack SERN and know about the jellyman, right? and i think there was a flaw when at one of the timeleaps where they don't have the IBN5100, Daru mentions the jellyman when they couldn't have seen it, or something like that...i don't remember... and they constantly mention a time machine in the future even in the timeline where Kurisu is not with them which is weird since Kurisu is the one who made it....*sigh* wanna watch it again
haha, "girl pretend to be boy and falls for one" :D . Clannad is always an exception, people say "i don't like shoujo/harem but Clannad is different" people say "i don't like the weak female character, but Clannad is different" it's nice that it affected us all that way, eventhough Jun Maeda and Key are known for their "let's make the audience cry" conspiracy, Maeda himself majored in psychology, but i think they made Clannad very well, it's never forced to me like Angel Beats where they don't even care to make u attached to the characters before they kill them. i actually rooted for Kotomi though she never had an arc, but by the second season i loved nagisa so much.
plz don't let ur hopes up for kimi ni todoke, cuz going through the plot in my head now, i can't see what's attractive, i can't c whats unique but i did enjoy it a lot.
one scene in higurashi?! isn't higurashi like bucket filled with these scenes, i think i stopped at the group of episodes that show shion/mion laughing at rika killing herself by placing the knife on the wall and baam...baammm...bammm....i shudder at the mere memory of it. but i still plan to watch it this summer :)
i think action and gore r better animated than read in manga cuz the scene is moving and any second u know it'll be over and ur mind is busy understanding the scenes after that by the end u don't really remember the gory scene in vivid detail even if the whole movie's like that, but in manga the scene is right there, a disgusting still picture of gore (black and white, yes, but still disgusting) that it sticks...
no actually, the Lord of The Rings movies r wow, they're unbelievable, the first bit is maybe boring a bit but the movies r awesome, their awesomeness is undescribable, how come u've never seen them?...i actually don't get bored easily, atonement was boring for a lot of people, classic books r boring to many, but i don't mind, which is why the LotR books were an unprecendented disaster...