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Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly
Oct 3, 2020 3:14 PM
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Days: 17.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries12
- Reread0
- Chapters3,177
- Volumes189
All Comments (99) Comments
I think.. Melbourne because it's a lot more spacious that in Singapore. In Singapore, I lived in a very small apartment block where the distance between your eyes and your tv is about the same as you facing this very monitor. I think Singapore's a bit more industrial too in a way, so I like how Melbourne's a bit more natural and you get more fresh air. Then there's also less bothersome plane noises you can hear whereas in Singapore, 24/7. One thing that they don't have hear that they have there is the food though- and that I absolutely love.
Ah, I think I actually did watch it on Youtube via a tablet. When you search "Steins;Gate movie" it's the first video from a Youtube link. Watching on a tablet on 360pp is probably better than watching it on a computer.. I find it to be most annoying when your crisp graphics card gets abused by a 240pp only video.
And Aha, will do! LOVED Ocarina of Time 3d.. The nostalgia just killed (Especially in the forest temple) and Fire Emblem is pretty awesome.. I just hate how I want to play on Classic mode, but also don't wanna lose any comrades though x'D. When Smash Bros on the 3DS/Wii U comes out, I hope it has multiplayer functionality since we could possibly connect if you get it as well :P And then I can "Smash" you :P
Fate/Zero looks EPIC so I wouldn't doubt it has an epic soundtrack just like Kara no Kyoukai :).. However, if it has a soundtrack like this then i'm for sure down. And I loved that opening intro them! It was also pretty prevalent in the series, and is just an easy listen to whenever ^.^. I think I might just take your idea aha, since it just feels so happy x)
Yeah, I heard how crazy some of the concept and ending is from my friend. I don't wanna spoil much for myself, but I heard that Homura becomes the bad guy and creates Madoka in her head o.O.. Sounds pretty outrageous to me! But the Anohana movie is coming to theaters and I CAN'T miss this one! I already missed all Madokas, Evangelion 3.33 and now third time has to be the charm!! O.O
Yeah, that's also true. I guess Pre-med is all about concepts and theories though and learning the procedure while Media arts is mainly hands on though, so thats where it kinda differs.. Well, I guess I still have some years of High School to go, so I try my best not to worry as much LOL.
That's what i'm kinda scared of aha.. Well if you want to meet with people badly, you can always try having a skype convo with them so that it's not an awkward meet up if they don't turn out as you seem x). well, it's definitely more exciting meeting new people, plus she can always see the people she normally talks to easily.. I guess in the end, it all depends on balance, since I know people that would spend their entire day in chat rooms or forums.. And same here. Tbh, I don't really try to socialize as much with people IRL since i'm so focused on work.. But I wouldn't mind talking to new people once in a while. Otherwise, I just stick with my usual friends. :)
5th movie? Isn't that where it's like, part 1 of a 2 part thing where the 7th movie is the final part? Hint me about what's good about it lol
There's another movie after this 3rd movieee?? Really :O Do you know when's the release date? :/
In Australia I live in the suburbs around Melbourne. Ooh, sweet Singapore (that's actually where I was born xD) What you do there? I think we do say 'mate' quite a bit- 'What ya doin maate?', 'Ehh heehhh how's it goin mate?', ' Hahah!, maaate'
But yeah, a lot of that xD Actually, I actually say "aye" quite a bit myself hahah.
Not too sure about "u w0t m8", though I think it does sound quite aussie (australian).
Nah, dw bout it not offended at all- good luck finding that Steins;Gate movie on the web, tell me bout it once you're done
edit. omg you watched school days also! huge mistake, I wish you had asked me, the anime name deceived me!!
Oh and you have to check out:
- Durarara
- Darker than black
- Gin no saji
- Bakuman
- Gosick
- One Outs
- xxxholic
- Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
and a lot more!
Ahh that would have SUCKED! If you killed the battery.. Especially the Zelda edition :S Please tell me you had warranty on that if that had happened x). And I think that happens as well, when you overcharge an iphone using a Ipad charger. And as for games, I don't play to much 3DS games anymore, since i'm mainly either on the Computer or watching anime of the sorts. But right not, I am actually playing regular DS games to satisfy my needs for Rhythm based games. I'm playing: Elite Beats Agents and Ryhthm Heaven LOL! I will eventually get back to Pokemon at some point at fnish hero mode for ALBW. I also might pick up Bravely Default, but Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc for the Vita is an absolute PRIORITY for me aha x). How about you?
And nope.. I really wanted to see them though, since i've heard quite a bit of good things about it. I just need to find the time, where i'm ready to marathon 7 movies ;'D. And alrighty! Thanks for the headsup!
Nice! another OST I really like was the disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya. The Gymnopediés are probably my favourite classical music tracks EVER.
And good luck! I'm too conscious when it comes to these limited items, so it rarely ever leaves the house from me! xP And some games actually have a good depth to them (I.e Super Mario Land 3d land, Ocarina of time 3d, ALBW) so it's really a hit of miss sometimes.. And yeah, I think you have LOTS of time til the release of Square's games so no rush lmao.
Ughh, I think I saw the launch event of Aniplex's youtube channel. I really wish I could attend a premiere like that. (Despite seeing the countless fans that brought their Homura body pillows with them :P) And the blu ray movies sold out, so unless they have a re-shipment, I guess it's a stream for me -.-'
And aha, if only I had that stress free attitude now.. Since I want into Media Arts, it's pretty competitive so I try to stay on top, desipite the stress sometimes XP. And aha, but don't get me started with the Hashtag trends that always accompanies it. You can only take some much #FlashBackFridays before you wanna deactivate your Twitter :P. Yeah, i'm not that comfortable as well giving away hat much info and scheduling to meet IRL. Tbh, i'm pretty satisfied just chatting about whatever :)I agree that people in real life can be pretty, meh most of the time, but I guess the novelty of having these online discussion is not knowing exactly what the other person is like so it's strictly just opinions without any physical judgements or such.. I dunno I guess xD
Well, nothing's really up at the moment. We still have our holidays from school over here. I've only watched the first movie of Kara no Kyoukai and it was actually pretty cool- how were the rest? I might go over and finish the rest soon while I still have time on my hands.
3rd Madoka movieeeeeee :C sad they don't have it in any cinemas in Australia... Might have to search around the net to watch that.
And yes, I do - though, because of my slight Asian background I don't really have that accent xD