Neon Lights dragged me here. They were so pretty..... ^_^ I just couldn't resist.
Yeah, I'm a little bit insane, can you tell? Anywayz, hello. I'm Sophie. Nice to meet you. If you really give a damn about my personality, you'll talk to me and find out for yourself instead of trying to get a sneak peek through my Bio, because simply put, that won't work.
If you have at least one Manga/Anime in common with me, then yeah, we can fangirl/fanboy over that. We can introduce each other to mangas/animes we've not heard of yet, or just generally get along like people generally do.
Like most if not all people on here I won't tolerate abuse of any kind. I don't care if you're homophobic, racist, sexist, whatever. If you're any of those, SMEG OFF.
I, PsnowConeLawliet, forwardly declare that I love L-sama with all my heart. I will remain devoted to him and never side with Light Yagami. I will help him anyway I can and (try) not to bother him with my fangirly antics. I will not love another the way I love him and will love him even if he does not return my feelings, even if I see one hundred or more other hot bishies, even if Near succeeds him, and even if someone else is his waifu. I will not be (getting caught) trying to stalk him and I will let him enjoy his time here.
Signed, PsnowConeLawliet <3