/* "Dashboard"
* List design by 5cm
* Modified by Valerio Lyndon
* Original date: 2020-JUL-28
* Revision date: 2020-AUG-09
/* Changelog:
- Fixed entries after 300 not loading when layout viewed on large screens.
- Unified menu button appearance on hover.
- Fixed white pixels above MAL logo.
All Comments (13) Comments
And have a wonderful day 🙌🙌
* List design by 5cm
* Modified by Valerio Lyndon
* Original date: 2020-JUL-28
* Revision date: 2020-AUG-09
/* Changelog:
- Fixed entries after 300 not loading when layout viewed on large screens.
- Unified menu button appearance on hover.
- Fixed white pixels above MAL logo.
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