Anime Stats
Days: 66.6
Mean Score:
- Watching97
- Completed448
- On-Hold307
- Dropped2
- Plan to Watch894
- Total Entries1,748
- Rewatched0
- Episodes3,885
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Manga Stats
Days: 10.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries615
- Reread0
- Chapters1,681
- Volumes198
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All Comments (17) Comments
No problem! I'm glad we can have conversations like this ^.^
True. What is considered mature can be relative. Just with movies is trying to sound mature but fail to do so. Not everyone is going to share that opinion, they think otherwise.
Agreed. The target demographic doesn't inherently change the quality. Similar with shounen anime. Just because it targets a younger demographic, it doesn't make it lower quality. Granted, they tend to use tropes and similar writing formulas, but there's nothing wrong with them since they can help differentiate or enhance a work. But if used carelessly, it can be cliche. A shounen/shoujo anime is only hindered by the writer and the execution towards it. I guess what I'm getting at is that there seems to be more cash grab works nowadays with animanga as it's growing.
Yea, I wish I told my younger self that.
Fair. I feel the same way. I don't watch his videos anymore for that exact reason.
It be like that.. just like with vtubers. 2019-2021 were the peak years.
Sorry, what I meant to say is that people have misconceptions about anime due to the fanservice or odd stuff the content contains. Yea, you can say that other mediums have it, but it is much more prevalent in anime. It seems now animanga values franchising more. Of course, other mediums are guilty of this but it is more prevalent in anime. You'll see a lot of isekai light novel adaptations nowadays. What you said is true with a lot of people, but I know numerous people that avoid anime like it's the plague. Personally, I have a friend who is exactly like this even though Studio Ghibli was a part of his childhood. As for the average joe, I know a lot of friends that are like that but used to despise anime. They would flame me for liking "Chinese" cartoons. Bandwagons man...
For sure! Though as I mentioned just now, I think it's much more prevalent in anime. At least with film or literature, the target demographic is more diversified and plenty of content aims at adults, which means better quality control in writing and execution.
True. Especially with gaming, there has been less passion, especially with single player games. It seems like everyone is focusing on Esports since there's merit to it. If you get good, you can make content to promote your streams and make big money. Or you can make tournament earnings as well. I've taken a break from Valorant and Apex to explore other games. I recently played Outer Wilds. One of the best puzzle (if not best) game I've played. It just evokes a lot of cathartic emotions.
There are people that acknowledge anime in the vaster film/cinematic world. With works such as Perfect Blue, Ghost in the Shell or any Ghibli and Makoto Shinkai film for example. But most normies I know either do not watch anime or absolutely loathe it for the sake of hating. What you said about gaming is true and it will probably be the same for anime soon. Depending on how it's used, any form of human expression is art.
I wish that was true. But to be fair it's only a small amount of people that feel this way.
Facts. Gonna keep it 100 and say that they were never real fans. Real ones stay!
Glad that you decided to explore anime! I know what you mean. The profound sense of melancholy in change that comes with the passage of time. Slice of Life is just a reflection of our everyday life: the day where you have a heartfelt encounter with an old friend, then spend the night telling each other stories and talking about life itself. Its essence and emphasis lies in the small and mundane moments that bear the heart of it. It makes you cherish those small moments. This is why I adore Mono no Aware, SoL, iyashikei, coming of age, CGDCT, and drama.
What I love about animanga is the fact that it's more... honest? Whether that'd be the fanservice, storytelling, etc. As it gets more popular we won't be getting these types of shows anymore. I sometimes gatekeep anime since people love to complain about fiction for some reason. (Such as Berserk. Twitter tried to cancel it)
but you would never know for sure.. cause laughing is forbidden among felines.
I do like your pfp more than mine..
since apparently I lack shame and decent manners.