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Days: 134.4
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- Total Entries314
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Anyways, I will probably start Evangelion tomorrow!! Really excited to finally delve into this legendary anime that I have yet to watch. Hope I end up liking, since I have heard pretty divisive opinions, some love it, some hate it. I wanna see for myself. I have to say tho that I dont like mecha at all, I have literally seen only 1 other mecha anime, Gurren Lagann and I have no interest in watching any others that those 2. I even liked GL, quite a lot actually, but mecha still doesnt seem appealing to me.
How about u? Anything u watched that u wanna mention?
I am doing pretty ok, actually its kinda shit since of things happening in my life. I cant really do much, thankfully easter break started and its gonna last 2 weeks but after school opens back again, I have the final exams..
I like watching anime and reading manga to put my mind off stuff that are happening and ruin my mood and its working somewhat well. I hope next school year (so like in September) stuff get a bit more relaxed. But who am I kidding, next year its gonna be even worse, since it will be my final year of highschool and I will have a lot of pressure about my studies.
Aight if you say so lol