I'm a proud Otaku
I will finished watching/reading any kind of anime/manga, no matter how bad it's.
My #1 girl is have to be Megumi Kato AKA. Megumin from Saekano.
I love anime that have very complicated story, like Yahari and Hyouka.
I tends to not give any F when watching so I tend to have good review.
My favorite genre is Comedy, Slice of Life, Magic(most of the time), time traveling stuff.
I tends to love older anime, because newer anime tends to have overused, shallow, lots of fan service story.
If you want some good Isekai Rec, I got list here.
All Comments (5) Comments
Season 2, I don't know if it's coming but heard that it will so yeah those who liked it, lucky for them but I wasn't a fan of how they handeled it.