I feel something for creations that have a specific vibe about themselves, a sort of something that makes them stand out for their own intent, without being pressured to conform into another one's style. But liberating themselves as much as possible.
I really like feeling that I am immersed in a world, this criteria is more important to me than almost any other one; such as story line, logic parting, satisfying an idea/philosophical outline, etc. I focus on the sensational experience.
I absolutely despise reading any resume of story, any synopsis. It completely ruins the experience through numbing down senses by removing risk taking, discovering something as you experience it. It reduces my enjoyment by more than 85%.
Overall I enjoy Art that is euphoric and positive, that has spiritual investment and that transcends your expectations or your state. I like almost any type of Art, as long as it has its own vibration. For example judging from the rating, people do not seem to enjoy ''Diabolik Lovers'', for reasons that may be straightforward for some; unidirectional perhaps too. But my main criteria is the vibration, the transportation, and in those criteria they get a 10 scoring from me. There are many aspects that clearly can be better, but the show satisfies my main ''vision''.
I am invested in the entire aspect of a creation; I consider the visual art and sounds. I respect and witness the effort that is put into details and orchestrating the different strengths of Art, together as an ''entire piece''. Enabling me to have a more complete sensual experience.
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