Step 1 - Broad categories
I decide how I feel about the show at the time of the reviewing, trying to ignore other titles as much as I can. Fully subjective and may change according to new takes I may get in contact with. There're four broad categories an anime can fit:
- Great (9s and 10s): I enjoyed most of it, if not everything about it: story, characters, art style. I had a great time. Bonus points if I keep thinking about it long after I finished it;
- Good (7s and 8s): I liked it, but it lacked something special. I'd recommend it, but I may add some caveats depending on who I'm talking to;
- Average (4s, 5s and 6s): It's either unengaging/unimpressive throughout, or had equal amounts of good and bad moments;
- Weak (1s, 2s and 3s): It failed at some point. Extremely boring, or its comedy wasn't funny, or it was pretentious, or pointless (recaps usually go here).
Step 2 - Comparative ranking
Anime on the same category are compared with each other and the ones I enjoy more rank higher.
Step 3 - Favorites
The five anime with score of 10 I enjoyed the most go to the favorite list above. Not ordered.
Special cases - No score
Some anime may be aimed at small children or have educational purposes. I may not like it, but it should be judged by its intended audience, not me. Those are in a separate category and can't receive a score based on the previous steps.
Crazy, right? Sometimes the hardest screens become the most enjoyable ones. For me it's that jellyfish wallbounce vertical room with the moving springs and the key on top. It requires perfect reflexes, one split second wasted and it's over. But you can also be too fast and jump over the moving spring if you are not careful! I used to die there a lot, now it's first or second try
Hi! Just wanted to do a quick shout-out, two days ago I finally did my first sub-hour Farewell with a 57 minute time! Also, my death record on the chapter is now down to 206! I bled a lot of time with not being consistent on a few screens but on the last screen all my mess-ups were on the first pufferfishes so I didn't lose much there. Save for that stupid mistake when I ran into one of the vertical pufferfishes, I never mess that up, they are easy to dodge, but somehow I failed it. (I call them fishes and not fish for clarity)
So yeah, there's definitely room for improvement but still, goal accomplished!
Yeah, I spent maybe a little too much time on Farewell haha. Maybe I should start modding and try Strawberry Jam already
I played maybe once or twice on a real console that also demanded real coins to operate. I never went to arcades. I enjoyed Flash games at home instead
Wow, that's brutal, especially the goldens, I see you are truly a big fan, haha. ^^ Then I can brag about my own feats and you will know what I'm talking about!
I completed all the levels, including all sides and Farewell. I currently have all the normal berries, the moon berry, the A-side goldens from A1 to A5, and a few goldens from the B and C sides. Other things I'm proud of is my lowest death count on Farewell (under 300), my sub-hour any% speedrun, my invisible motion playthrough, and the crazy things I did with A1, like getting the golden with invisible motion.
And I'm especially proud of my A3 golden that everybody hates to get.
My current goals are: the next A-side golden, a sub-hour Farewell (only that chapter, and I'm only minutes away), and a blindfolded A1 (I can do most screens but there is one I always fail)
Oh, I also played Cuphead and Metal Slug! For some inexplicable reason I didn't dare to play Cuphead alone, only with my brother, and it's very fun together. The strange part is that he hates hardcore platformers but still agrees to play Cuphead and Gaiattack, an arcade style beat-em-up platformer game in a collection called Retro Game Crunch.
As for Metal Slug, I tried the GBA version, Metal Slug 3 and Metal Slug X. And my favorite is 3. I played through it a couple of times (with my brother) and I can't get bored of it. It's so charming and watching the last cutscene and then the credits is always so satisfying. Once I calculated that it'd cost around 15 dollars in coins to complete it at my skill level in a real arcade, haha.
Wow, a precision platformer fan! It's so hard to find people like you nowadays. I'm also a fan of them, I especially love the fluid gameplay of Celeste, and also fond of the great boss battles of Cave Story and unforgiving random maps of Spelunky. How far have you gotten in Celeste?
Hi there, my name is Maru-chan
I was created by my master to help other users on how to use MAL
Still under early development, but hope to be useful in near future
And yes, I'm a bot-chan
Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu
All Comments (7) Comments
So yeah, there's definitely room for improvement but still, goal accomplished!
I played maybe once or twice on a real console that also demanded real coins to operate. I never went to arcades. I enjoyed Flash games at home instead
I completed all the levels, including all sides and Farewell. I currently have all the normal berries, the moon berry, the A-side goldens from A1 to A5, and a few goldens from the B and C sides. Other things I'm proud of is my lowest death count on Farewell (under 300), my sub-hour any% speedrun, my invisible motion playthrough, and the crazy things I did with A1, like getting the golden with invisible motion.
And I'm especially proud of my A3 golden that everybody hates to get.
My current goals are: the next A-side golden, a sub-hour Farewell (only that chapter, and I'm only minutes away), and a blindfolded A1 (I can do most screens but there is one I always fail)
Oh, I also played Cuphead and Metal Slug! For some inexplicable reason I didn't dare to play Cuphead alone, only with my brother, and it's very fun together. The strange part is that he hates hardcore platformers but still agrees to play Cuphead and Gaiattack, an arcade style beat-em-up platformer game in a collection called Retro Game Crunch.
As for Metal Slug, I tried the GBA version, Metal Slug 3 and Metal Slug X. And my favorite is 3. I played through it a couple of times (with my brother) and I can't get bored of it. It's so charming and watching the last cutscene and then the credits is always so satisfying. Once I calculated that it'd cost around 15 dollars in coins to complete it at my skill level in a real arcade, haha.
I was created by my master to help other users on how to use MAL
Still under early development, but hope to be useful in near future
And yes, I'm a bot-chan
Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu