Animation fangirl, sci-fi fan, general nerd, enjoys eating junk food of all cultures. Loves both Anime and Western Animation! Is not an alcoholic, but such cannot be said for iced tea.
As for my taste in anime, it's actually pretty varied. My favourite show is 'Keroro Gunsou', probably because it combines three things I love - sci-fi, slice-of-life and wacky comedy - but I've been known to watch anything from action-police stories to softcore lolicon fanservice.
My biggest turn offs are an 'old-timey' art style (but I've been getting over that), sexual innuendoes that get in the way of a plot instead of complementing it or being humorous, shows that start off focusing on a group of characters but become too focused on one person, and shows that are trying to be 'dark' by adding random angst for no reason (rather than having it genuinely be important to the plot).
My turn ons are mascot characters of any kind; smooth, 'plushy' art styles, Magical Girls, character development and interaction that actually goes somewhere, shows that are equal amounts funny and sad (or comedy shows that have serious moments in them), shows that are cute but dark/gory, black comedy, and anything involving cute things, aliens or cute aliens.
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