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My all time favorite characters These characters are so good that the favorites below are not good enough for them. Honorable mentions Kuradeel - Sword Art Online Loggins and Messina - Battle Tendency Andrew "Andref" Miller - Death Note Pannacotta Fugo-sama - Vento Aureo My all time favorite character in all of anime, movies, series, video games and books. He is one of the most influental characters in all of Vento Aureo, along with his stand Purple Haze. The only man shown to die to Fugo-sama was Illuso, who had to witness the power of his stand himself. There isn't much to talk about him becasuse he escaped right after bucciaratti betrays Diavolo. His five second scene after Narancias's death was as impactful as Speedwagon himself. But! There is something most of the people don't know... The secret 6 episode OVA that was made by Araki can be watched. It was intended not to be released but some russian hackers managed to steal it and upload the guide on how to get it on 4chan. I've seen it and there is a lot of content about Fugo-sama. The first and most notable thing about him is that he is an ultimate being, just like Kars. He gained this power in the Ancient Rome. There he learned how to change his age and travel through time. As time went on, he became more and more powerful and the world became to boring for him so he switched to Beta world line and joined Passione for fun. The story went on just like you've seen in the original part 5, but keep in mind that he was just pretending not to be the ultimate being. But when he escaped, is when everything connects. The one who murdered Narancia was him, he framed Diavolo for that. He wanted revenge because that kid was really annoying. The next thing that was revealed was that during part 2 Fugo has possessed Joseph's body in order to kill Kars, the second ultimate being. It would have been a problem for him if he had become stronger than he was. But the ending of this OVA is what really left an impact on my soul. He traveled to egypt and told Vanilla Ice to eat him, leaving him trapped in the mysterious dimension that is inside of Cream's mouth. This has just shown us that he is still just a human and that his powers were nothing but physical strength. Going insane from his powers, single handedly killing the strongest villains of the series is what brings him to the number one spot and gives him the crown of the best character in all of fiction. Shinohara Seiko-sama - Corpse Party Seiko-sama is definitely at least my second most favorite character, she is maybe even as good as Fugo Pannacotta himself. She is the most important characters in the series (including the video games). She and Naomi, her best friend, were separated from other. Then, Seiko-sama, using her amazingly sharp eyes noticed that Naomi was hurt and decided to give her first air. But that was not enough for her, she wanted to do more for her friend. She actually went to the bathroom to take more medical supplies but she was then confronted by a mysyerious force. It was something scary, something powerful. As Naomi notices that something is wrong, Seiko-sama is already fighting for her life. When Naomi barges in, she sees a horrific sight. Her best friend is hanged. In the sheer horror she is witnessing, she says a line that is still stuck with me."Seiko, why did you do that?" In the next moments, Namoi shows only sheer inexperience with these kinds of situations, and tried to actually pull her DOWN while she was hanged. When she realised she fucked up and tried to put a bucket below her legs it was already too late. Seiko was already died. Died trying to help her friend. Soul of Cinder - Dark Souls III When you think about sad moments in video games, the first thing that comes to mind to all the people that played Dark Souls is the fight against the Soul of Cinder. This fight is such an emotional roller coaster. At first you realise that your journey is finally reaching it's ending and you are dead set on killing this warrior. As the epic fight continues you start to realise how strong of a foe this man is, and you get defeated. But, you are the undead that cannot truly die, so you come back stronger each time to face him once again. And then, you finally manage to do it, you defeat this proud warrior, only to come to the realisation, that the power of Gwyn, rages inside him and he comes back, much stronger. But now, you realise something shocking. You realise that you are fighting yourself. You are fighting the chosen undead. The sheer amount of confusion after this plot twist is insane. Soul of Cinder, in direct translation from japanese means "Incarnation of Kings." This man, ONLY ONE MAN, is the incarnation of ALL the people that ever linked the flame. At this point, about 90% of the players have burst to tears already, but this is not all. The Soul of Cinder knew that you cannot truly die, that as long as there is fire, you will also be there. HE KNEW that he had no chance against you, but he kept fighting and fighting until his last dying breath. He was just a poor proud warrior, fighting a pointless battle that he knew he was going to lose in, but he kept fighting, cementing him as the best video game character ever, and for me, Dark Souls III as the best video game. Lancer - Fate/Zero I don't even know where to begin explaining why this man is one of my all time favorite anime character. Such an honorable man, died such a tragic death. He was undoubtedly the strongest character in the fourth holy grail war, not even Gilgamesh himself could compare to this man. In his first battle of the war, he faced Saber and Irisviel, of course, easily getting the upper hand and giving permanent damage to Saber. When his master ordered him to fight in a two on two battle, he refused which forced his master to use a command spell. In this moment we can already see the sheer power of this man, being so confident that he doesn't want a fair battle, he wants in unfair for himself to get a greater challenge. Unfortunately we do not see the end of this battle as it is cut short, but we see the second duel against Saber, in which he HEALS the damage he did to her in the last battle and BREAKS on of his spears to get a greater challenge. Alas, not everyone is as noble as this man. Moments after the battle has started, Lancer stabs himself in the torso. It is then revealed that Kiritsugu saved Saber by threatening Kayneth, who then forced Lancer to commit suicide. Until his last dying breath, still in disbelief at the sheer level of indecency of his enemies, he cursed them all because he always just wanted and exciting and fair battle for his enemy. Even after that, Saber and Kiritsugu shamelessly kill Lancer's Master and his wife in cold blood. I cried for hours after that episode has aired, and I still have nightmares about being Lancer and killing myself. Truly and amazing and tragic tale of a proud warrior. Rest in peace. Takeda Masao - Seizon Life Coming soon Y462 - Death Note Y462 is one of deepest characters in all of anime. With his past failures he was scared for his life, but when he got a chance to be forgiven for them al,l he charges into action and completes his task perfectly. In joys of success, Y462 drops his guard, and unfortunately doesn't notice the suspicious movement of his comrades. Being a witness to horrible crimes, his Boss, Rod Ross had no other choice than to get rid of him. In a split second, with only one press of a button he was gone, but never to be forgotten. "It's over, my summer, my dreams... Finished" - Y462's final words Corporate Mundo - League of Legends Coming soon Knight Oscar - Dark Souls I can't even begin to describe to importance of Oscar in the story. He is the man that breaks the Chosen Undead out of the undead asylum, but why did he do that? My theory is that he was releasing every undead he could find in hope that they will ring the bells of awakeneing, which the choses undead does, fulfilling his wish. He was also a high ranking knight, and he voluntarily went to his journey to help the undead, which he himself eventually became. He was brave and nobel enough to, after giving the cell key to the Chosen Nndead, try to defeat the Asylum Demon, even though he was wouned from fighting lesser foes before this one. Unfortunately, he gets hit by the demon, that then proceeds to push him intro the ground, through the roof, and into the main building of the asylum, mortally wounding him. In his last moments he tells all his regrets to the Chosen Undead, gives him his remaning estus and the keys to exit, and entrusts him to kill the demon, and ring the two bells. He bleeds slowly and painfully, alone in the dark,and at least knowing that he found someone that can finally fulfill his wish, finally finds peace and lets his soul leave his body and goes hollow. Nobody will ever recognize this hero, like he was nobody, that died for no reason... ![]() Daichi Kitaumekawa - Pupa Coming soon Godfrey - Sword Art Online He is the only good character from this awful, terrible, despicale and horrible show (and Kuradeel). He was in that guild with those crusader guys and he went with that fag Kirito and Kuradeel, he sadly killed him by stabbing him in the back 10+ times. Then that guy wanted to kill Kirito too but then Asuna saved him and they killed that guy. If Kirito was a better character he would have saved Godfree but his was gay so too bad. If only Kirito wasn't there he would have survived, because in a fair 1v1 against Kuradeel (he was attacked by surprise) he could have won. He had some of the most powerful attacks in the entire show, but decided to not use them because 99.8% of the players would think that he is cheating, and he was such a proud warrior too, so he wanted a fair fight against everyone. He could have killed the last boss without using hacks, if he had survived. RIP Blitz - Rainbow Six Siege By far my favorite character from a police anime. Elias, nicknamed Blitz, is a german police officer and a member of GSG-9 who has swore to protect the lives of his loved ones and restore the glory to the SAT organization which has been corrupted ever since Masaru Enatsu, the new SAT director, realised the immense power he has gotten. Blitz being a good and fair man, tried to intervene and stop his schemes of getting bribes and working for the criminals only to get his entire family killed as a warning by Yumiko Imagawa. Now set on getting revenge, Elias forms a team of the most elite trusted operators that he will lead through horrors of mafia and corruption. Battling stress using humor, and putting his own life on the life of the team, will he survive to see his revenge or will his team have to do it without him. Or even worse, will the entire team get wiped out and will Masaru win? Those are only a portion of reasons and questions that make Rainbow Six Siege one of the best anime to this date, and Blitz my favorite police officer in any anime. Ando Mamoru - Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor Ando is a character with so much development, he was so carefully created that i still wonder to this day if i missed something about him. He first starts of as a complete pussy, but then he teams up with Kaiji and the ultimately betrays him, he bace so evil that he even convinced Furuhata to betray him. But then when Kaiji got out of that place for drug testing Ando got what he deserved. He was not a nice character but definitely a well made character. Nagatsuka "Rook" Tomohiro - Koe no Katachi Coming soon ![]() Jiro Tomitake - Higurashi no naku koro ni He was one of the most influental character in the series with him dying again and again. He suffered so much along with that Takano girl (except she killed him) who was investigating when he got the virus thingy (except he was killed by her) and she got burned in a barrel (except she didnt). In each and every arc he appears for on or two episodes at most and then gets killed. Even the ultimate detective coudn't figure out the reason for his death. But the thing that proves his bravery is when Keichi remembers that he killed Rena and Mion in another arc, that means Tomitake also remembers all of his painful deaths and still tries to uncover the mysteries in this wicked little town. But after the ultimate plot twist that revealed that Takano was a cultist, he refused to join her even after he was threatened to die by clawing his own throat. He died. But he actually survived in the next arc and lived a happy life. His contribution to solving the murders was immeasurable. Cultist Leader - Btooom! Coming soon The guy that died from a heart attack - Another This man, whose name is a mystery, was the only person to try to help the protagonist, while everybody else was against it. When he tried to explain everything to the main character suddenly he got a heart attack that was caused by a mysterious force or a curse or whatever it was. He was unable to say anything before he died a painful death. He died a hero and he will always be remembered as one. The worst characters of all time Zenitsu Agatsuma - Kimetsu no Yaiba He is undoubtedly the worst character in all of anime. He is annoying as fuck, his jokes are not funny, and how the fuck can he fight only if he gets knocked out??? As of the time i am typing this he didnt do anything important, he only killed a random fucking demon and sliced up a spider while being a total pussy all other times. Im not going to talk about him a lot but ill just say i fucking hate him. Emiya Shirou - Fate Coming soon Suzaku Kururugi - Code Geass Oh boy, where do i start? First of all he is a well made character just like Ando Mamoru but i still fucking hate him. The things i liked about him are that he has his own sense of justice and he fight for a "good reason." Thats it. Now for the bad things. He is annoying as fuck, he fucks everyone over, thinks he is smart and in season 2 becomes a total asshole. Whem he and Lelouch team up he fucking kills him in the end. I know that Lelouch wanted that but still it was really disappointing. He even killed his own father to stop the war with Britannia (and failed of course). He is so gay that I still want him to die. Umaru - Umaru Chan Well first of all she is a total bitch. She is annoying, lazy as fuck, and makes her brother do all sorts of things just because she is too lazy to fucking do anything. What i hate the most is that when she is outside she looks like a normal girl but when she enters her house she becomes an ugly, despicable, fat and scary creature. I had to rate this seres a 1/10 just because it had a main character like this. The entire cast - Masamune-kun no revenge Fuck this show and all of the characters Asta - Black Clover Asta is an annoying, loud, retarded and handicapped fag. I do not now much about him because i actually watched zero episodes of Black clover (not even one second) but i can tell that all of the above stated is in fact true. Yukiteru Amano - Mirai Nikki If you are reading this, chances are that you already watched this show and if i had 20+ hours of spare time i could write a bible about this guy, but since 99% of this community knows him i will save myself some time and just post this link instead... https://www.crunchyroll.com/forumtopic-997527/i-hate-yukki-amano |
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 16.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries64
- Reread0
- Chapters1,838
- Volumes335
All Favorites Favorites
Anime (10)
Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!
91 Days
Death Parade
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
Death Note
Yakusoku no Neverland
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
Manga (10)
Character (10)
Lamperouge, Lelouch
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
Fate/stay night
Akiyama, Shinichi
Liar Game
Okabe, Rintarou
Ishigami, Yuu
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Sonozaki, Shion
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
Mumen Rider
One Punch Man
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!
Kakyouin, Noriaki
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Adventure
Shinohara, Seiko
Corpse Party: Missing Footage
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