All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 88.5
Mean Score:
- Watching14
- Completed250
- On-Hold27
- Dropped10
- Plan to Watch70
- Total Entries371
- Rewatched59
- Episodes5,643
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 14.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries46
- Reread2
- Chapters2,416
- Volumes274
All Comments (5) Comments
Man, the s4 trailer got me so hyped, i'll definitely read the manga soon. hey i noticed you finished Vinland Saga btw, what are thoughts on it??
i like how the tone changed, and the world building is so niceee, there are always enough conflicts to keep the plot interesting. The characters are good as well, they have each a distinctive personality, Historia's development was great btw, and i'm kind of sad about s3 Eren but it was a great transition. hbu, do you have a favorite character? and what do you think about it in general?
I'm glad you asked. Beans is really important to me, he's green, just like Shrek. Shrek has caused me some childhood trauma that I unfortunately not can't tell you about as it would reveal government secrets. However, despite being green and triggering me at first, I later realized how perfect he is. He is truly an underappreciated character. I love how he's always there to support Netero and the zodiacs, it warms my heart and makes me cry because no one will ever be there for me like that. I just wish Beans was real, unlike Shrek. sigh
Beans is so kindhearted and beautiful but some people just can't understand that and it truly saddens me. I'm tired of thots that just care about appearance, they'll never understand that the real husbandos and waifus need more qualities than just good looks, and Beans has both good looks and brains. He's really hardworking, which has inspired me to study hard to achieve my dreams, hence my inactivity for the past almost 2 years. I'm sorry for my late reply and I hope you have a good day.