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Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
Feb 9, 2013 2:50 AM
· Scored
All Comments (33) Comments
I'll Read It ♥
I Love Kazehaya ♥____♥
He's Cute & Handsome boy xD
ummm I have not read the manga ^^
Just The Anime =p
I know some words >__>
، Just =3
I'm Maram-Chan =3
Nice 2 meet U Too ^^
By the way, is Tsubasa Chronicle any good? I might watch that soon and I saw you gave it a 9.
Just some news from the Hinata Shintani Fanclub~
As some of you may already know, we have reached 100 members!
Mhmm. So request the limited edition cards at our thread -here-.
That's not all...Positions on the club's staff are available. You should come - a p p l y -. *wink wink*
Anyway, we simply hope you'll stay an actively participate in our club.
..perhaps in the upcoming Holiday LE ;D
see you around,
I've been looking up exotic places that would be fun to travel too; look up Jellyfish Lake, Palau. It's cool, in a kinda wierd way lol