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And this is the rose which blooms at the End of the World.

And this is the rose which blooms at the End of the World.

Avid viewer of psychological drama and genre deconstructions, with a soft spot for tragedies.

Anime OST is my daily food.


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Beastars Final Season Part 2
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BanG Dream! Ave Mujica
Jan 15, 3:05 AM
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BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!!
BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!!
Jan 2, 7:05 AM
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Jul 16, 2024 11:17 AM
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Narutaru: Mukuro Naru Hoshi Tama Taru Ko
Feb 25, 2024 4:28 AM
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Petshop of Horrors
Petshop of Horrors
Feb 12, 2024 2:20 AM
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Enivlens Jan 19, 6:05 AM
Yes! The clash of our armies will shake the Earth! I did play Neopets for a bit, but I was never fully invested in the world and community, mostly there to adopt my own digital pet and play with it. I had simple goals back then. Ahh Digimon! I never owned the electronic toys, but collected the figurines and toys! Because of that, I never knew the evolutions and lore until I binged the Digimon games last year :'U Very fun to see the little guys have some additional life!

I found Breaking Bad hard to start as well at first! Maybe its a phenomenon? :U Ah man it sucks to know spoilers! Luckily most of the enjoyment I got from the series was the buildup to events happening, subtle character development, and the aftermath of events rather than the events themselves, so I have faith that you knowing the plot won't ruin your enjoyment too much! If you so decide to pick it up again, be sure to tell me what you think! I'm infinitely interested in your reactions since a lot of the developments are surprising and sudden :D

You got me at butterfly effect- I love love love it when a series takes a realistic and believable approach on supernatural occurrences! Signal? To my list it goes! I can't wait to start that sometime! Actually, I can't wait to start all of them sometime. All the recommendations you gave me look so interesting, you sure know how to pick 'em! Factually awesome taste xD Thanks so much for taking the careful time to prepare me for my journey into a new type of media! :D
That's kinda crazy you mentioned that, I rewatched the Big O while I was working on an art assignment recently. I can tell you there are definitely new things to appreciate on a rewatch! I especially liked Dastun's subtleties, poor sad little guy. But genuinely, I love seeing Dorothy and Roger again :'U Being one of my first anime, I feel like they're my old friends or something x'D I really enjoyed that.

Truly it is a blessing to hop straight into any FF game you want without worrying about missing content! I've run into the exact same issues trying to start series that 'get better over time'... I burn out too fast for my own good. Sometimes I watch summaries of games' storylines so that I can start playing the sequel immediately, but I always try to find the longest and most detailed summaries possible so that I feel like I'm not cheating my way through the experience. Still dirty I know, but it really does work for me! Ooooooooohooooo, Disco Elysium is so good!! I think you'd really enjoy it considering the games you've looked into so far! It's got really mature and subtle humor, occasionally surreal sequences, and is infinitely contemplative of simple lessons and aspects of life, just a really unique experience. And of course the characters are great! I haven't heard of Torment or Black Geyser, but looking into them they are real intriguing. Think I might keep those in mind for myself to play sometime if you don't mind x') And thank you kindly, I'll definitely consult your counsel first for Baldur's Gate! I do not doubt that you hold vaster knowledge than the entire web combined xD

Woah, it is such an achievement to overcome the abandonment demon! I'm proud of you for being able to finish something like that, your tale of success is truly inspiring!! :O Gosh, such wisdom indeed. Thanks for the enlightenment! A lot of people need to hear that. I've learned the hard way trying to write my own comics and visual novels, haha. I have to remind myself that the act of making anything at all as best you can is valuable and worth something; Can't just devalue my projects if they're realistic in scope and not as grand as my vision! It's certainly better than having nothing at all too. Anyway, I set a goal this summer to just lock in on and publish a game, not sure yet if it'll be a short RPG or a VN, but I do have plans for either! Hopefully I can actually accomplish that without hindering myself in some stupid way :'U
Enivlens Jan 4, 6:52 AM
Man, that's so cool!! I love it so much that you have a tradition like that. I bet your army of black furred warriors looks amazingly impressive! I collect plushies too, but I try to grab the most colorful ones I can find. Often Pokémon, Neopets, and anime ends up in the mix! Ooh and I like your idea of favorite anime villains! It's a wonderful idea- I'd be immensely interested in seeing that!

The only filmed TV series I've seen is Breaking Bad. I really loved it, but gosh, it is exhausting when I'm used to animated media x') I saw a lot of time travel related series when I was checking out MyDramaList! I didn't realize the niche was so large, but it looks really interesting! If you have any series you'd recommend, I'm entirely willing to watch 'em! Ooh, I didn't realize there was a live-action adaptation of Imawa no Kuni no Alice! I'm definitely writing that down, it looks so good! Looks well worth a binge as you said xD Oh, and you have a good policy- the OAV lets down the manga and I regret how it spoiled some aspects of the story. Definitely wouldn't recommend it at all until after seeing a good adaptation or the manga!

Yeah, FF was a surprise for me! None of the stories are linked, so you can play them out of order too without fear of missing significant content or references. I'm an absolute completionist and believer in playing by release order and would never do that myself if I read that online, but even by my uptight standards I can say that you're safe to play any of them out of order (at least up to IX!). Each one has its own unique setting, so it doesn't feel stagnant either :] Oh, I've always wanted to play Baldur's Gate! You made your own mod?? That is so cool! I've never looked into modding before, but my extremely inexperienced self is mega impressed xD Maybe someday I'll play BG and try out your mod! I have a hard time starting new games too because of my yearly ritual of playing either Paper Mario, PM:TTYD, or SPM to completion ;_; But I would definitely love to try out some older series too! Which series in particular are looking to start?
Enivlens Dec 30, 2024 2:23 PM
No problem at all! This is one of the few times I actually managed to try break out of my reclusive shell, so I find that entirely understandable ahahaha! Pretty unnatural for me though, I should definitely try to talk more as well .3. Ahh, chocolate Santas are awesome! I got a Penguindrum plushy (Shouma's penguin, my favorite! ) from my sister, so it was a good Christmas for me!

Heck yeah, baby! New year, new series to start! I got a HUGE list of things I wanna see. It's probably too much but I'll try x'D Definitely need to finish Re:Zero as well, I like it that we can both agree that watching stuff as they air sucks. Binging all the way! xD Ooh Casshern?? That's such a great show! Yeah, the quote really sticks with ya! I thought the presentation was kinda Ikuhara-esque with how profound yet mysterious it is, so I'm glad to hear you thought the same! I'm gonna have to check out Switched though- I've never seen a j-drama, but one of my goals this years was to get into some non-animated TV shows, so it'll be a perfect thing to look into! Thanks for that! :^D As for me, I've been playing a lot of games, mostly going through the Final Fantasy series and all its sub-series and spinoff games in release order. I've been lovin' that! Especially Vagrant Story, FFVII, and FFIX. I can't wait to start X and X-2 next. For anime, I really enjoyed Cyberpunk: Edgerunners! Makes me want to play the game since I'm already on a game kick :U
Enivlens Dec 29, 2024 6:39 AM
Heyyy, it's been a while, but I just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas!! I hope you had a lot of fun! I'm sorry I'm a bit late since I've been visiting family, but I just wanted to send you something anyway! :D Get any cool stuff?? Watch anything notable lately??
Slay_rylle Aug 21, 2024 10:25 AM
Oh I will try this domain then cuz I really think I hopped on a fake page lol. Wouldn’t be surprising knowing how those streaming sites work!Besides, you mentionned watching flower evil ? Hope you’ll like it more than I did ^~^!

(About the anime from which is the clip you showed me) If that is, I know I will give it a try one day because I like when authors add their « thing » to what they do. I have set my hopes higher now though.

Honestly try to learn the language with whatever you have available, just yk to give it a try and build your own opinion on Japanese. You’ll see and maybe you’ll master it (delulu is the solulu) 🙃!

Oh and little update, I don’t think I will do the stack challenge, the list of series to watch/read is not really appealing to me except a few ones
Slay_rylle Aug 21, 2024 3:39 AM
Oh thanks for the informations on the anime ! Besides where did you watch limit cuz I can’t find it anywhere (bilibili, dramacool, kissasian, kisskh etc…)😭

See how difficult it was and why I didn’t go that far into the learning to know that even the ´you ´ are so different and diverse lmao ? And you are right I also feel like most Asian languages are hard and those who master languages like Japanese, Chinese are really brave wow. I could never 😭.
For Japanese grammar, yeah I figured out it was full of variations depending of certains settings but I didn’t really go further in it so I’m not really sure of that. Plus you could find it easier than me so…

Okay I just watched the part of the episode you mentionned and I’m in love with the animation. Feels fresh and the sentences in that specific part were so good ong! Quote materials
Slay_rylle Aug 15, 2024 6:24 PM
Yeah, it’s exactly because I need some time to forget abt the plot of something and be able to rewatch it that I usually set the rewatch metric low. It’s just automatic yk. Animes have more to offer than the just the plot I agree. The animation usually and the characters also ! [i]
Oh and about FMAB!! Everything you mentionned here would be a really good reason for to rewatch especially Scar’s backstory omg. And Hughes’ death I HATED that part with all my guts! He didn’t deserve that but it was for the plot. I would also rewatch that series for all its good quotes because I’ve never watched a show that has so many inspiring and like actual good quotes !
Also, envy, lust and wrath were my personal favorites vilains of the series. Envy’s backstory was the best imo!

Okay so I just watched that extract you linked and wow this sent me back to when I was watching the series lol ! It gave me chills especially the moment the door was opened up!

Oh for jigoku shoujo I searched it up on here and ended up with a long list of suggestions and decided, to add to my PTW, one randomly. What is the name of the first season precisely plz ? I would like not to start it that far in the series. For the stack challenges I totally get your point. It makes sense! Actually idk if I will be able to start because summer break is over soon here and I’ll have to go back to the stressful period but I’ve added it for later. Maybe I will able to achieve it cuz it sounds pretty funny ! If I ever get to try it out I wil tell you abt it .

Hold on that’s so cool ! Your mom went to Tokyo ? And now she is even binging Asian series ? Yeah let’s get her to see more of these cultures and these masterpieces she hasn’t seen yet !

I just checked out to see which series has its Japanese name ´mitaraike, enjou suru ´ and it’s ´burn the house down ´ ! I watched this series when it aired on Netflix and I love it ! She started off with a good one for sure. Hope she’ll like it as well cuz I’ve seen many negatives comments abt it…

So as for why I dropped Japanese to start with Korean, I would say that after the alphabet, it’s more because of the verbs and how every situation has a specific word to use. For example, for to address to a female you will use specific words, suffixes and even use (if I remember well for this) a different way to form the verbs. Also another example you won’t say watashi every time, it depends. Watashi is used by both genders in formal speaking, but in informal speaking it is used by females. Ore is used by males, but it is often considered brash and/or rude. Etc… Add at that, the different degrees of formality and it becomes quite nerve-wracking.

I wanted to learn all those specs and tried to find stuffs abt it to get it but found nothing explained well enough, no app that was beginner-friendly etc… and at that time I wasn’t willing to put money into an app or a teacher for to learn that language.
Then. For Korean. I found it easier because of the alphabet being easier to learn and because it might be hard at the beginning to get the sentences construction (which is normal knowing it’s completely new compared to English or French etc…) but when you get that down, many things are easier. You only have a few level of formality and it’s easy to add/detect them to a sentence since it’s just like a suffix sometimes to a name or a verb. Talking abt verbs these (so far in my learning process) are not super hard, because it has specific suffix to add when it’s in the past, present, future or just like the ´Da ´ to take off of an infinitive verb to have the base etc…

Hope I explained it clearly though ! And I’m not saying Korean is easy or something 😔.

Here's an >> example << of that in one of his works. The voting part we see in almost every episode of Yuri Kuma Arashi and I personally never get bored of it!. Btw just realised, Pyramid Game vibes!

Noooo 😭😭 I can’t watch it. It’s written that KADOKAWA have blocked it in my country..

Hope you’ll get to WT soon ! For strangers from hell, I wanted to watch it while it was still on Netflix but they took it away and since then I’m thinking abt watching it on a streaming site but I never actually did lol

Slay_rylle Aug 6, 2024 3:44 PM
And as for me not liking BL content, well the specific reason is that I'm a straight guy :D Romantic scenes between males just put us off to be blunt! Girls I believe don't feel that way but we do, and whoever says otherwise isn't honest haha :D

Oh I see ! I will say that to that one male « straight » friend that has read more BLs than I have lol ! (/jk)

but i.e pure romance kdramas would bore me to death :D

Trueeee. Everytime I’ve started a romance Kdrama that was trending, except twinkling watermelon the others were not to my liking tho they had potential 😔

Btw, watching this atm: Golden Spoon ! I dunno what it is with webtoon adaptations but I seem to be unconsciously attracted to them, yet another show that pulled me in soooo fast, turns out to be one! Since you said you read them (a lot?), got any WT based kdrama recs in the psychological genre, or just any that you believe I would like? :D

Golden spoon ? I think I know it but the plot never really appealed me if I remember well but the idea of it was quite interesting ! Tell me about your experience after you’ve watched it ! As for psychological webtoons I would recommend ones that are available on the English server of WEBTOON for an easier access.

The typical ´hell is other people ´ that inspired the Kdrama ‘strangers from hell ´. The killer’s shopping list (also « inspired » the eponym Kdrama btw but not really imo). Then chasing tails, epilogue, forest of humans, grasp, fake humans. Garden club detective squad is also good but it’s more like a mystery webtoon with a mood a bit lighter than others but it’s still really good. Besides all those webtoons (I’ve recommended a lot so you have a bigger list to choose from) are all completed ^_^ !
Slay_rylle Aug 6, 2024 2:55 PM
Anyway - if they did anything right in later seasons, it's >> this << opening xD Must be the only OP I rewatched multiple times lol. The touch of surrealism and the music are so my thing :D Did you like it too?

Omg finally someone who likes this op too ! Many would pull up with Shinzou wo sasageyo or guren no yumiya (which I do like a lot) but it’s good to also see underrated ost being mentionned ! Ashes on fire was so good from the final season as well ! 😭

I didn’t like it at first but it quickly grew on me !

By the way, you ever rewatch your favourites? That's another crisis-solver that I tried and worked fine! Not my preferred solution because prior to 2020 I was stuck in a loop of seeing FMAB, Code Geass and a few others over and over every few years, hardly ever trying out new things xD ("nothing can ever be as great as your favourites, just watch it again my guy!!!"). But I still rewatch occasionally when I get into that "ffs everything is mid at best" mood! This year I rewatched Jigoku Shoujo - and in fact it was the direct trigger that sent me back to kdramas because I knew there are some similar shows out there and I had an urge for another episodic series about human flaws (but tbh Jigoku Shoujo is much darker than any "kdrama equivalent" of it that I so far saw).

No I never (really rarely) rewatch my favorites because Idk I feel like I’m losing my time since I’ve already went through the special emotions you can only feel when it’s your first time watching (same goes for books btw). Also I’m usually like « I have an idea of what will happen so what is it for ? ». But that doesn’t mean I’ve never tried tho. I’ve did it for like a few animes and even Kdramas (sweet revenge, sky castle, the devil judge) but ended up dropping them because it didn’t have the same taste as I was rewatching them 😭. So I just quickly dropped them and ignored these experiences to keep them in my favorites lol😭.
FMA(B) is sooo good I totally get you though ! Never watched code geass/vampire knight nor D.Gray man but I will some day!

Hum dude now I’m pretty interested in jigoku shojo! Just read the synopsis and it gives off a similar vibe as Another and I crave these!
Omg btw will you be doing the anime/manga stack challenge ?

Limit has an appealing synopsis ! I hope it will be good tho when I start it someday. It’s either I like things from the beginning and usually ends up giving a really good mark or I just drop it as soon as it’s not interesting from the beginning. Go big or go home !

Oh wait you are right it’s on Netflix but on MDL it’s registered as jimenshitachi (it’s Japanese name) that’s why it’s hard to find it. Sorry I didn’t mention that earlier 😪.
Hope your learning of Japanese will go well. I think you might master this ever since you have the will to and already know a few sentences etc… the alphabets made me drop it and I decided to turn to Korean because the alphabet at least was easier to learn and it was only a unique one. But I did learnt a little bit of hiragana !

I don't like when they just keep showing the same scene over and over every two episodes as if they thought I have amnesia xD especially if the scene isn't even that much important or great in any aspect. But the ones I'm talking about are used for character exploration and they're always new content, those I very much fancy x)

Litteraly !!! And the flashbacks I especially love in the good ones are those that help construct the identity of the villains. I ADORE seeing their backgrounds, stories and motives.

Regarding arc fillers, 30 ep+ is a crazy for only one of them. Compared to bleach Naruto had a lot of fillers but only when it’s like added all together that it might exceeds 30 eps so that’s crazy work of bleach lol
The change of setting might be really unsettling for me when I start though. And I’m surprised you watched sailor moon. That’s so cool ! I don’t really watch magical shojo series but this one always has intrigued me in a way!
Slay_rylle Aug 2, 2024 5:34 PM
OMG IKR ! The end of AoT really disappointed me and will always have a memorable place in my ´got a shitty ending´ list. It was soooo confusing and I really felt like I wasted my time on…nothing smh. I regretted staying awake that late (I always do that tho) for the last chapters to be released and be served anything but tasteless chapters😭. The only thing that kinda (improved) would be the chara-design. Although it was really good before, the author ´upgraded’ the visuals of his characters and some even got their glow up (mikasa and Armin etc…). It was also fan service if I had to be honest but not in a disturbing way so I won’t complain ig !

Now about the plot, the time travel thing felt so out of the way for AoT cuz it got nothing to do with the series and I felt like author took us for dumb especially with the ´it was all eren’s plan from the beginning’. The prime of the series was indeed getting to learn more and more about the titans, how it works, how it looks like outside of the walls and the whole concept of the squads and the walls was so innovative but after that tbh the anime never was in my favorites. I used to watch it and all and did appreciated it but appart of that, I may admit I never really understood the hype around it ^^’. It was good, interesting (for the beginning)but it seriously could have been better !

I actually totally relate to your mini-crisis but personally it’s for Viki. It’s been months that I haven’t got good series that kept me hooked till the end or that I at least enjoyed watching 😭. I’ve even started series I had on my watchlist but never had the will to start out of boredom lol, but even that didn’t work.
I thought I was the only one who when I finish an episode of a series and feel like I won’t learn anything in the next or that I’m not excited to watch the following ep I just drop it UNLESS I have watched like 70% or more of the series, I consider I should endure the pain till the end 😔.

Oh ! At least you tried ´The 8 show ‘ ! It’s totally fine cuz you even watched like more than an episode. I might have been a bit biased by the fact I already knew the series because I’ve read the webtoon before idk 😭. What is ´limit ´ about tho ? Is it in the same range as ´life ´ since it’s the same author ?

I guess ´mr higarii’s homeroom ´ is a Japanese thriller/mystery ? The name is clicking but I don’t know if I’ve already seen it. I’ll check the synopsis out ! And omg you know about ´class of lies ´. I watched it (class of lies) once because of the mystery plot that includes bullying etc… and honestly it was good but a bit boring in the second half of it, like it felt soooo long to finish so I might not recommend unless you have time and have nothing to do! 😭
But since you like ´mr hiiragi ´s homeroom ´ for its anime coded writting MAYBE you will like Tokyo scoundrels (?). But the fact is it’s not an old series, it’s really recent (one or two weeks).

As for flashbacks, I fancy them especially because it gives the lore, the background of characters so unless they are like repetitive and super long in addition of being not needed, it’s all good for me. Have you ever came across a film/series that had so much (useless) flashbacks that it became annoying and (almost ?) made you quit a series ?
(Yeah the question is super precise lol). And bro where did you watch your series for it to be tagged romance instead of action, thriller, mystery lmao🤣

Oh speaking of bleach ! If you say it’s interesting it must be then because as you said it’s in the big three and honestly I’ve wanted to watch it for some time now and if I remember well I wanted to wait for the manga (or the series? Anyway one of the two) to be completed because I didn’t want to throw myself into watching this looong series if it wasn’t completed. The length is not the problem at all since I’ve already watched pretty long series like Naruto, fairy tail, fma and fmab etc… but those were already completed when I started them.
EDIT : So I just checked out for informations and the anime is completed and now I remember one of my boy-friends once told me since the manga was not completed at that time, after the middle of the series (more or less), the story deviates from the og but nevermind speaking of it have motivated me into watching this ! I will try completing a few of the animes and series I’m watching to concentrate on this ! 🧚🏽‍♀️

Filler arcs are usually ´good but…’ and yeah it makes sense why it made you lose your interest for the series since not everyone enjoy them. But idk I can’t go without watching them no matter what the series is because I’ll be too curious tho tbh it’s often time waste ^^’.

You should definetely watch Naruto one day. It’s such a mood. Really ! And the OSTs are just pure chef kiss. You can skip the filler arcs/episodes those are quite long sometimes except for those that could be a little help to understand the plot (I remember a site who referenced which episode could be skipped or not).

Oohhh 😯 you watched GLs tagged anime. And enjoyed it. That’s so cool ! But why don’t you like BLs is there a specific reason or it’s just not your thing ?
I would say I prefer watching queer romances than straight sometimes because the plot is a little more original if I may say (unless when it has normalized sa and abuse tho) and I’m used to watching them more with like actual humans than animes idk why but I’m just starting to expand my anime culture to this !
Slay_rylle Jul 30, 2024 4:55 PM
I swear it’s super annoying to lose everything you’ve written so easily on here. And it always happens when I’ve written a looong paragraph 😭💀.You are right tho, they should definitely add a draft feature that works the same as in Gmail smh and that keeps track of where you left even if you close the tab accidentally!

BAHAHAHA we can say AoT was your awakening to the ´wait for the series to be completed ´ method lol. That’s totally valid tbh especially when it takes sooooo long for a season of an anime to be released. I really admire the fact you were able to get back to it even 4-5 years after istarting it eventhough you were stopped in the middle of it because personally once I pause/stop watching a series I rarely go back to it because sometimes I quickly lose interest 😭. Btw did you like the end of it or not ? I remember personally binge-reading the last chapters and that the really last one left me unsatisfied. I had great expectations for the series and it unfortunately wasn’t it. It was good BUT…

And the way you sneaked in the ´titanovember ´ pun ? 🤣

Oh I will definetely be watching Tokyo revengers if it all ends up being animated because I didn’t know the last volumes would be but that sounds plausible !
I don’t remember Erased that well eventually. It’s been too much time since the time I watched it but yeah maybe it was the confrontation between MC and the antagonist 🤷🏽‍♀️. I agree with you, the end of a series matters as much the series in its entirety !

Yeah !! Chinese series are mostly romances and tend to have fantasy/political aspects 😭. You seem to have some culture in Chinese drama after all . I know some c-dramas name but the ones you quoted here (except ashes of love obv) don’t ring a bell to me but yeah maybe one day, you’ll try one out. Regarding me,I’m still lowkey stuck at ep1 😭.

And the shifts in your moods are so real ! And it can go quickly sometimes 😭. I don’t know why it happens lol but the cinema catalogue in general is so vast sometimes it makes me lowkey panick lmao.

NGE for the win ! And the OSTs will always be iconic ! As for Shoujo Kakumei Utena, lemme check out the synopsis then ! I’ll trust for that if I decide to watch it huh ! ^_^. Japanese songs in general usually slaps tbh so I think you are right to assume I might like this series’ OSTs ! I hope it will be interesting.

Btw what are you watching recently ?(animes or not) Personally yesterday I was kinda bored so I was like maybe I should watch a BL and the one that I came across I ended up dropping cuz it was going way too fast lol 😭
Slay_rylle Jul 28, 2024 5:09 PM
Hahahaha I totally understand why you are waiting for Tokyo revengers! I almost did the same for AoT and quickly decided to finish it in manga cuz I didn’t feel like waiting so many years for only one season to come out ! But Tokyo revenges is already completed in manga so you can still check it out ifw. Never watched Re:Zero but it’s on my watchlist so now that you’ve mentionned it maybe I will give it a try after ! Abt Erased, I didn’t read it nor watched the live animation(I hate live animations that’s why 😭) but I did watched the animes. I remember liking it sm especially the ending (if I remember well). But is it that it left you unsatisfied?

Oh Chinese series also puts you off I see ! I’m glad I’m not the only one lol 😭. Personally it’s not especially because of the langage but I totally get what you mean. Something about it might makes it sound harsh smh to our ears 😔.I think I’m more used to this cuz a few years ago I used to watch old Chinese films. But why don’t I watch Chinese or Thai series would you ask ?

Bcuz for Chinese, the series are SOOOOO long for it to get to the point eventho it’s a plot that could be done in a regular length series. 💀 For Thai it’s because idk the story and the acting are usually quite meh imo (same for Japanese). But on the opposite to C-dramas, I have watched a few T and jdramas that I’ve liked! I never actually watched a Chinese series. But now I think you should definetely try out Reset because after MANY years ignoring a few appealing C-dramas, I’ve just started one (after I completed PB btw!) because one of my moots recommended it to me. I’ll tell you if I like it but so far the CGI is sooo good omg! I think I will be dropping this soon tbh because it’s a long romance series (60 eps approx.) and I’m not a fan a long romance series but stay tuned lmao! 😔✌🏾
Slay_rylle Jul 27, 2024 10:03 AM
Oh given what you’ve mentionned for the series you prefer in this specific genre, you should totally check out erased and Tokyo revengers (if you haven’t already :] ).

As for twinkling watermelon, I would describe it as what you explained was your type in series : getting the chance to get back in time and change things. The beginning of it is : It is basically about a CODA (= the ML, and he was born in a deaf family hence why he is called a Coda) and he wants to pursue a music career but he at first hides it from his family afraid it would make them feel bad for him but one day while he is practicing with his group, his father accidentally discovers his secret and they end up having an argument. He goes back in time and finds himself in the body of someone and meets a guy that looks like (and is) his father who surprise. Used to hear so he wasn’t deaf from birth. And from then on the plot is about him working on getting closer to his father to avoid him having the accident that caused his future self to lose hearing and also to make sure he ends up with his mother unless what he and his brother will not exist when he gets back to the future. Honestly it was one of the best 2024 Kdramas I’ve watched and except the romance between the ML and another female character (not the one between his parents) that felt unnecessary and just pissed me off most of the time, it’s really good. I don’t remember finding it some flaws.
And the OSTs are just so good. It’s an intelligent mix of original series and covers of actual old songs !

Oh I see what you mean for LoL, it just becomes boring at some point 😔.

Oh thanks for the explanation on that scene from PB. I love the cinematography so far🤭
Slay_rylle Jul 26, 2024 11:51 AM
I wrote something but it got deleted 💀. But I was saying if I remember well that I was introduced to Kdramas through parasites.
Also why did you quit playing LoL ? Because personally it was because of too much technical aspects idk it just became exhausting to okay to it. And the rule that you can’t leave during a game is smh logical but also annoying.
I know abt WoW but never played. The goal of it seems amusing tho ! And you should totally play genshin it’s so fun. If you decide to try it out, tell me I will get back to it and level up to a decent level !
Perfect blue is good so far and especially in the psychological genre. I will tell you when I finish it ! But is the r@pe of the FL an actual r@pe because I’m confused abt the fact that it was supposed to be fake and only an act for the movie
Slay_rylle Jul 26, 2024 10:27 AM
Oh the organization makes the competition looks more « professional » than what I thought ! I’m glad to hear that these have sponsors so at least participants can live off their passions. 🥹

If the videos are on ytb, I will watch a video one day to see. I’m way too curious about what it looks like lol !
Nah fr people watching K-dramas are hard to find tho…But I’m surprised none of your friends, even in the girls, none is used to watch these. Because although it’s almost the same for me, I’m glad I have a few friends I can talk with abt it eventhough most just watch casually 😔. If I need someone to watch it, I still have online friends including you for that so that’s not a big deal.Also once a year when I go to con I get to meet new ppl and befriend them so that’s even better to find ppl to chill with. I even watch some with my family sometimes.

You are right tho ! People only think about squid game when it comes to Kdramas. I’m surprised tho, I really thought you were an ancient in the genre but that’s still impressive because you seem like you’ve already built some culture in this! So you like time travel dramas as well? I assume you’ve already watched twinkling watermelon additionally to what you’ve already watched ! Have you liked ? (Yeah that’s one of the few in time travel dramas that I’ve watched tho.
Wait let me watch the Olympic Games entrance ceremony and I’ll brb !
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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