Big thanks to
sarroush for helping me set up my MAL profile. <3
Spoiler is has boobies. NSFW.
About Me
- Generally speaking, I’m a young man with an infatuation for anime and video games (shocking I know :P)
- I’m an Atheist. No, that does not mean I worship the devil, it just means I prefer truth over comfort.
- I’m a fanfiction writer. Have been since 2011, and I’ve gathered a small, though loyal following.
- My passion for writing, though however has dwindled with the recent passing of my father. Not sure when I’ll get back in the swing of things and feel up to doing it again. Time heals all wounds I suppose… :’( RIP
- I’m currently single, well, have been my entire life. Sad story, I know. : ( That might change soon, however…
- I’m straight, but am all for gay marriage. Discrimination against homosexuals is something I find disgusting. They have every right to be happy with whoever they chose to be with, so leave your bigotry back in ancient times. It’s 2014 for fucks sake.
- My favorite soda is Mello Yello.
- I used to be straight edge until recently. I still don’t smoke, but I do drink now on occasion.
- My favorite malt beverage is Mike’s Hard Lemonade.
- When I’m alone (which is quite often unfortunately) I tend to be reclusive. Get me in with the right crowd, however and I can be quite sociable and fun to be around.
- I was bullied a lot in school and never really had a childhood growing up. But honestly, it’s all in the past now. All I want to do now is move forward.
- My parents (who are unfortunately no longer with us) were very elderly. As such they raised me as they would a kid back in the early 60s, so I never really grew up knowing much about technology. Hell, even now I’m not sure how to work most electronics. Sure I could put all the wires in the right places and press the power button on a game console, that’s a given, but what I mean is knowing them from the inside out. I try to learn, but I’m always left scratching my head.
- That won’t stop me though, since I plan to build my very first gaming PC soon! ^^
- I’m an avid fan of pro wrestling. I know WWE is scripted, but I find that what the performers do in that ring is highly entertaining. Really wish they’d stop shoving Cena down our throats already, though. >.>
- I’m a huge metal head. Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, love ‘em all.

Anime & Manga
First anime I watched growing up as a kid was DBZ. I loved the hell out of that show and would always watch it every day after I got home from school. That, however was before I really got into anime. Funny story, that.
I first really started getting into it back in 2008 when I came across a youtube channel called “LensCapProductions”. I subscribed to it mainly because of the anime reviews the user made under the alias “Mr. Anime”. I found his reviews highly entertaining, and through him discovered many other reviewers of the genre, which would later inspire me to watch the series they were reviewing, whether it be good or bad. However, a few years later, Mr. Anime got arrested. What for, you may ask? Well, for murdering his entire family of course. So yes, a person who eventually would amount to a serial killer is the reason I got into anime. Bet not many people can say that, now can they? Needless to say I’m not a fan of his anymore.
But as I said, through that waste of human space, I found many other reviewers who I look up to. Hardy from “Who’s Your Anime?” being one of the most prevalent. In 2010, he introduced me to an anime called “Ah My Goddess”, and the moment I first watched it, I fell in love with it immediately. I even started reading the manga, which was even better. I’d make it a habit to read at least 10 chapters every night before I go to went to bed. Yes, life was grand then.
At this time, I was watching just about every anime a reviewer brought to my attention. “Karen”, “Midori Days”, “Death Note”, “Hell Girl”, and plenty of other great animes. However, the anime which I believe shaped my life the most was one called “Sekirei”. This series, while not a masterpiece by any stretch of the word, helped me out of a deep depression I wasn’t sure I’d be able to come back from. I think it’s mainly due to the fact that I related to the MC Minato so much. To have him surrounded by a bunch of women who loved him and brought out the best in him was something that touched me deeply. It made me realize that deep down I’m worth something and am more than capable of making myself special and giving myself unto someone special to share the special with. It inspired me, and I eventually became a writer because of that series alone. I loved it that much. Season 3 nao plz.
First game I ever played was Mortal Kombat on the SNES. I know a lot of people hate on it because of the bugs and lack of blood, but I still love it. Plus I had a phobia of blood at the time. As a kid I’d pass out at the sight of it, so it was best to have a version without it.
- Favorite game series? Mortal Kombat. And yes, that includes the 3D 6th generation titles such as Deception. That game was fucking badass yo, don’t hate!
- Favorite RPG? Mass Effect 2. ME3 Was a great shooter tho…up till the shitty ending that is. >.> RIP Marauder Shields. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten.
- Favorite PC Game? The Sims. The entire franchise up to 2. TS3’s era kinda sucked in all honesty. Games were too glitchy! 1 & 2 were at least polished and stable! Here’s hoping The Sims 4 will rectify my seething hatred 3 left me with.
- Favorite FPS? Halo 3, mainly due to nostalgia. I honestly don’t care much for first person shooters nowadays.
- Favorite Adventure game? Uncharted 2. One of the best games ever in my opinion. All dat snow <3
- How many consoles do you own? 4. I have a PS3, XBOX360, PS2, and original XBOX
- Out of all of them, which is your favorite? PS3.
- PC or Console? PC, hence why I intend to build my own in the coming months.
- Do you own any handhelds? Yes, a Nintendo 3DS. It’s the limited edition gold Zelda edition too! Got it for a steal!
Top ten anime girls
[*] Tsukiumi is my waifu. What can I say, I always adored strong women who can kick ass. Plus that Shakespearean dialect…HHHHHYYYYNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!! *dies*
[*] Urd was a fun character, always fun loving and laid back. She was a joy to watch whenever she was on screen.
[*] Liliana the pirate girl lives in a sea of untapped potential. She has a flying pirate ship and an undead crew at her disposal, yet hardly has any screen time in the Queen’s Blade series. Blasphemy I say! Her role should be nothing short of protagonist. Fuck Annelotte, Liliana should have been the star of the show from the moment her star fish tits bounced on screen.
[*] Saeko’s my favorite character from HotD and that should come as no surprise. A sadistic samurai chick who gets off by cutting through hordes of zombies? C’mon, what isn’t there to love about her?
[*] Charlotte’s an interesting case, as not even I’m sure why I like her so much. I just find something about her to be irresistibly adorable. Perhaps it’s her accent in the English dub? Not sure, but I like her enough to put her at number 5.
[*] Now I know what you’re thinking, a centaur chick? Damn Phen0m, you’re into some weird shit, holmes! All joking aside, I’m not into the horse part of her. Really I’m not! I just like Centorea’s top half enough to not mind the bottom so much. Plus she reminds me a lot of Tsukiumi in the sense of her honorable nature. Love her personality.
[*] Akeno, the queen of all sadism. Ara Ara~
[*] Sena seems to have everything going for her, but her gullibility really makes me feel sorry for her. I mean, most of the shit Yozora puts her through on a daily basis in the neighbors club is just cruel and uncalled for. Like the time Yozora made her read a pornographic scene of a dating simulator out loud in front of everyone. Granted she shouldn’t have had porn with her in school in the first place, but still! Fucked up! I like her because she’s a cutie who kicks major ass at video games. Plus she has big tits, and that’s always a nice bonus. :P
[*] I haven’t completed Black Lagoon yet, so I can’t place Revi any higher than #9 at the moment, but from what I’ve seen of her, wow. Revy two hands is one insane gun-toting psychopath! She’s badass and manages to stay sexy despite all the bloodshed.
[*] As with Black Lagoon, I still haven’t finished off Kill La Kill either. From what I’ve seen of Ryuuko though, I would be hard pressed to not include her here. The lengths she’s willing to go through to avenge her father’s death is something I can relate to. The love she has for the man who raised her is really what drew me into her plight and made me like her right from the word go. By the time the series is over, expect her to be placed higher.
Thanks for stopping by. :)
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Episode 3 will be posted either tomorrow or Friday.
I've just been mainly working. Bills and all that. But, since leaving Manga Fox, I've found my way to a Toonami forum since Toonami came back. Been there for over a year now. Made friends with a few guys, and we started our own podcast. I only came up with the idea only a month ago, but we already have 2 episodes up and a third coming later this week.
We've been advertising it anywhere we can and we're really hoping for it to get off the ground. It's starting to take up a large portion of my time.