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Kidou Senshi Gundam 00 Movie: A Wakening of the Trailblazer
Jan 5, 2011 1:31 PM
· Scored
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 8.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries12
- Reread0
- Chapters1,486
- Volumes130
All Comments (570) Comments
I hardly own this comment wall. :(
I probably won't watch the new KnT season. I think the first one ended well, and I can't imagine how they could draw out the series any more. >_>
Well now you do know who I be. Ken-san = Norskil. XP
So what winter anime series are you planning on watching? I'm on the fence with everything, but I'll probably watch the Zombie series because its picture on this site has a girl with a chainsaw. :D
And yeah, I got out of my depression state. Shooting things in the head in Fallout helped too. :D
Anywho, I actually did pop in MW2 for old times sake a few days ago and had some fun. Chibs was on playing with these two other guys that shortly left after I arrived, I guess they didn't like me. LOL I've been kinda wanting to play a little more but he's busy playing SVR '11 I guess.
Glad to see you accepted my friend request though, I was hoping you'd remember me. XD
So anything happen gaming wise on my three day hiatus from the internet?
Level 5 revealed 4 of their new games and it seems they are giving more love to 3DS/DS again. I kinda wanted to know if they were going to handle DQX and still no new info on Ni no Kuni PS3 version either. :( JPN devs really need to stop fapping to handhelds. >.>
Have you ever played Omimusha? Seems like Capcom may reboot it, but it depends on how well DMC does. The same for Dino Crisis.
I've actually been kinda depressed recently, but I think I'm back on an upswing now.