Rating scale
- 10/10: Probably on the same level of a 9/10, but I either wanted to highlight an anime as an favourite or it actually excels in one particular aspect.
- 9/10: Great Quality show that grabbed me and are worth remembering.
- 8/10: Still great shows, that didn't appeal to me on a personal level.
- 7/10: Good shows that I enjoyed, but had minor flaws that prevent them getting a higher score or the execution could have been better.
- 6/10: The flaws in those are getting more prevalent but not as much that I regret watching it. Landing here could be because that a promising, good quality show didn't deliver and left me with an unsatisfying ending.
- 5/10: An unremarkable show that I feel indifferent about. It's where a show had just enough going for it to be watchable.
- 4/10: This marks the point where an anime becomes "unenjoyable". A 4/10 is a boring and bland show. Maybe there were some aspects of the show, like art or a certain character that I liked, that prevent it from getting even lower. Maybe it was an ok show, that I just didn't happen to be the right audience for.
- 3/10: There is no denial that this show was bad. Nevertheless I couldn't avert my eyes from it. This is a trainwreck, which only positive appeal is in watching it crash.
- 2/10: Unlike a 3/10 this trainwreck isnt even so bad that its good. Its just bad and boring. At this point Im wondering why I even finished the show.
- 1/10: A special spot in hell. On top of being bad it's offending my intelligence and annoys me every scene. I dont even know what anime would deserve such a rating because I must have been comatose while watching this.
- no score: Too much time has past between creating this list and me watching it, that I cant give a honest score. Or a bad show that I watched drunk ^.^
Reason I might have dropped a show
- I try out a lot of anime without really informing myself, reading reviews etc.
- It fails to grab my attention, resulting in an early drop
- Its ok but its probably not worth my time finishing it
- I initially liked it but then another even more exciting thing enters my life and I never turn back
- I shouldn't have started it because I wasn't in the mood, but now I will never return
- It's actually bad
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