Phaat Stakz
Elitists are Trash and Thick Thighs save lives...
Long term fan of science fiction, fantasy, and westerns. Got into anime back in 2014 thanks to some friends and a longstanding interest. I started out with AOT like a lot of people around that time, but I found favorites in Cowboy Bebop and Kill la Kill following that. I try and go through at least one 90's anime at a time. I really love the style and hand drawn appeal those series have. I finally got into DBZ, and Berserk 97 became one of my instant favorites. I love self-aware humor and that's mainly why Trigger has my respect. A 10 is a show I can't think of any way to improve, a 1 is a literal hell with no redeeming qualities - very hard to find. I might rate too high, but most shows are better than what they're given credit for. I also don't watch seasonal shows as much as others do, so the shows I check out are usually hand-picked. Hence the high average. Will put shows on hold from time to time, but I'll never drop. Too much of a completionist. Trying to catch back up on all the older anime I wanted to watch in 2024 right now. Along with that, I want to finally complete my Plan to Watch List. That about sums it up.
Keep on Keeping on.
"Life ain't nothing but bitches and money."
Oldies Needing Watched
The current and next 20+ year old anime that I'm making my way through.
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