Manga Stats
Days: 6.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries29
- Reread0
- Chapters1,186
- Volumes106
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All Comments (76) Comments
Nice, anime is always a pretty good time killer, it's how I get through work lol. Aw, what kind of job did you used to have?
Heh, at least you're able to occupy your free time good enough since your anime motivation is low! :D
Man, I can only dream of watching 11-12 episodes in a day :P I guess you just need a little break from anime or something so you can regain the interest or something.
Don't call me a weeb, I'm too poor for that shit. Please don't ruin my image of a thugging mafioso, my self-esteem may crash at any moment. :(
Is Onodera your nº1?
And that's a shit pasta m8, try harder while I sit atop my throne laughing at your pathetic self.
Now, Onodera??? Chitoge!! lol
How is Sakurako-san like? Is it worth the watch?
I can say the same of yours just because the fact that toradora's in it, just finished
didn't watched the rest
unless you were being sarcastic lol