Bruised, battered and weary, you have found it. Stumbling up the last stone steps you look hopefully into the stone basin. You thought there would be water? Nonsense, you're delusional if you think you need water now. What you really need – and more importantly want, is an about me section on MrSparklePants. What was that? You couldn't care less about my profile and really just want water? Well, ok, here's a bottle. I'm happy to throw in an about me section too, but I won't force you to stay for it.
So hey there! I'm a journalism student. I also intern on the side. I also quite like anime, but I guess you already could of guessed that. I love to write, and enjoy writing reviews on this site when I get free time. Yes, they're a bit out there, and whilst I do write them to be helpful I also write them to be a little bit fun and entertaining too. I hope you like them. If not then that's ok, I still like you!
I admittedly don't have many friends who are anime fans and I would love some people to discuss and seek advice from in terms of what to watch. So please feel free to drop me a comment :). I don't bite. I do give hugs though.
I've recently started a blog for my anime reviews ( - just as a kind of personal project for my free time. I don't really know where it's going to go. It's more that writing is a passion of mine and I wanted to personalise things a little (with colourful stars).
All Comments (69) Comments
Merry Christmas MrSparklePants! /(^o^)/
Happy New Year, MrSparklePants! \(^o^)/
Merry Christmas, MrSparklePants! (/^_^)/
We have our seasonal discussion and our review discussion that coincidence with your blog.
But we also hold competitions like Anime and Character of the Season, Opening and Ending Tournaments, then of course our Power Ranking Committee which is just sending in what you feel is the top shows of the season per segment.
At the Anime Guild our main specialization is the currently airing season while also trying to create a reviewers community headed by a reviewer known as HaXX.
I proceeded to giving you an invite if your interested ^.^.
Nice Blog
I came here from your Magi review..completed it..awesome feel
Happy New Year buddy! May it be a happy and prosperous one! Wishing you all the best!