The winner of the 4th match of the KSF Character Tournament Quarter-Finals is, Sora! Thanks for voting!
And with this, we have arrived at the next round, the Semi-Finals. You can vote in the first match here.
The winner of the 8th match of the KSF Character Tournament is, Sora! Thanks for voting!
And with this, we have arrived at the next round, the Quarter-Finals. You can vote in the first match here.
It's that time again! The 5th match of the KSF Character Tournament is over and the winner is (with a really close fight), Leon Oswald! Thanks to everyone who participated. The 6th match is now up and you can vote here.
The winner of the 4th match of the KSF Character Tournament is, Anna Heart! Thanks to everyone who participated. The 5th match is already up, feel free to vote here.
The 3rd match of the KSF Character Tournament is over and the winner is, Ken Robbins! Thanks to everyone who participated. The 4th match is now up and you can vote here.
The 2nd match of the KSF Character Tournament is done (for a long time already) and the winner is.. Rosetta Passel! Thanks to everyone who participated. Also, the 3rd match is finally up and you can vote here.
The 1st match of the KSF Character Tournament is done and the winner is.. Mia Guillem! Thanks to everyone who participated. Also, the 2nd match is already up and you can vote here.
Hi everyone!~ We have a few announcements under the spoiler tag. Please read it if you have time. :)
1. We have a new club officer and he's RazielZero. Let's all welcome him~
2. Kaleido Star Character Tournament is up! You can see it here. We decided to do this to make the club active again.
3. Still need some help in sending newsletters. Here.
That's all! Have a nice day/night people!
by Kaleido Star Fans admin/s
The club needs some help and looking for newsletter delivery members. If you are interested, please check this thread.
I also need new Admins/Officers since the admins/officers of the club are not online for quite a while already. Please contact cloudysmile for that matter.
That's all for the first ever newsletter of the club. Thanks for reading this! :)
Have a nice day/night people!
by Kaleido Star Fans admin
GOOD DAY FALC MEMBERS! This may be too late already but let us still greet you a BELATED HAPPY NEW YEAR, at least. We're having our very first newsletter to start the New Year. Hoooray~ We tried our best to shorten this as much as possible. And now, first things first:
FALC, as the name says, is a MAL club for Filipino anime lovers Epure or half Eand for everyone who're interested to know more about the Filipino culture. Visit once in a while and leave a comment here. Who knows, maybe you'll be able to meet someone in your area who're pretty much the same as you Eone who loves anime. We would really be glad to see the club alive with your comments. Don't forget to be friendly, ok? Also, in here, you could find different threads that may catch some of your attention.
Here's a quick guide! Just click the buttons above. Each number represents a topic in the FALC thread.
1 - Get To Know (Introductions) 2 - Member Arts Encore 3 - Other Social Networking Sites - FB, Twitter, etc. 4 - FALC Profile Picture 5 - Get your FALC Badge Here! 6 - How does everyone look like? 7 - Latest Conventions and Expos 8 - Unlimited Years, 12 months, 245 Days of Anime
Note: For more threads other than the ones mentioned above, kindly go to this link.
Click the picture below to visit the chat. See you there~
ATTENTION: January 21-22 (Otaku Expo 2012) Visit this site for the schedule of activities and click #7 if you want to meet other con/expo goers!
PS. There's a longer and a more explained version of this newsletter here if you ever want to see/read it that is HAHAHA Thank you for reading this one, btw. Have a nice day and take care minna~
I apologize for not being as active as much on MAL. Especially in our club since it’s been dead for so long now. =( If you haven’t visited the club lately I just recently updated the front page with a new profile and added a new id card theme which you can request by visiting the links below.
In Korea, Daiwon has been releasing a new chapter of KOH in almost every issue of their magazine called comic champ. As new chapters get released I’ll update the series status on the front of those new chapters. They’re now 36 volumes released in Korea and volume 37 is expected to be release sometime this coming month.
As for Tokyopop, they still haven't published any new volumes and it's now been over two years since the last volume was released. In hoping of having TP publish more volumes in the US I’ve tried to get more people to show their interest in the series by either emailing and/or posting in TP forums. I’ve posted a thread on their forums questioning about King of Hell future and if they continue to release any more volumes. If you guys want to post your interest about King of Hell here’s the link to the thread that I made:
Hopefully the more the fans show their interest in the series the better the chances that TP can publish more volumes.
I’ve made a new member card that’s available to view in the ID Card thread. If you haven’t requested an ID card before and would like to request one, please post your requests here:
All Comments (429) Comments
Greetings from Kaleido Star Fans!~
The winner of the 4th match of the KSF Character Tournament Quarter-Finals is, Sora! Thanks for voting!
And with this, we have arrived at the next round, the Semi-Finals. You can vote in the first match here.
-KSF Admins and newsletter team
Greetings from Kaleido Star Fans!~
The winner of the 8th match of the KSF Character Tournament is, Sora! Thanks for voting!
And with this, we have arrived at the next round, the Quarter-Finals. You can vote in the first match here.
-KSF Admins and newsletter team
Greetings from Kaleido Star Fans!~
The winner of the 6th match of the KSF Character Tournament is, Fool! Thanks to those who voted. You can vote in the next match here.
-KSF Admins and newsletter team
Greetings from Kaleido Star Fans!~
The winner of the 6th match of the KSF Character Tournament is, Fool! Thanks to those who voted. You can vote in the next match here.
-KSF Admins and newsletter team
Greetings from Kaleido Star Fans!~
It's that time again! The 5th match of the KSF Character Tournament is over and the winner is (with a really close fight), Leon Oswald! Thanks to everyone who participated. The 6th match is now up and you can vote here.
-KSF Admins and newsletter team
Greetings from Kaleido Star Fans!~
The winner of the 4th match of the KSF Character Tournament is, Anna Heart! Thanks to everyone who participated. The 5th match is already up, feel free to vote here.
-KSF Admins and newsletter team
Greetings from Kaleido Star Fans!~
The 3rd match of the KSF Character Tournament is over and the winner is, Ken Robbins! Thanks to everyone who participated. The 4th match is now up and you can vote here.
-KSF Admins and newsletter team
Greetings from Kaleido Star Fans!~
The 2nd match of the KSF Character Tournament is done (for a long time already) and the winner is.. Rosetta Passel! Thanks to everyone who participated. Also, the 3rd match is finally up and you can vote here.
Sorry it took so long!
-KSF Admins and newsletter team
Greetings from Kaleido Star Fans!~
The 1st match of the KSF Character Tournament is done and the winner is.. Mia Guillem! Thanks to everyone who participated. Also, the 2nd match is already up and you can vote here.
-KSF Admins and newsletter team
Hi everyone!~ We have a few announcements under the spoiler tag. Please read it if you have time. :)
That's all! Have a nice day/night people!
by Kaleido Star Fans admin/s
Hi everyone!~
Have a nice day/night people!
by Kaleido Star Fans admin
GOOD DAY FALC MEMBERS! This may be too late already but let us still greet you a BELATED HAPPY NEW YEAR, at least. We're having our very first newsletter to start the New Year. Hoooray~ We tried our best to shorten this as much as possible. And now, first things first:
FALC, as the name says, is a MAL club for Filipino anime lovers Epure or half Eand for everyone who're interested to know more about the Filipino culture. Visit once in a while and leave a comment here. Who knows, maybe you'll be able to meet someone in your area who're pretty much the same as you Eone who loves anime. We would really be glad to see the club alive with your comments. Don't forget to be friendly, ok? Also, in here, you could find different threads that may catch some of your attention.
Here's a quick guide! Just click the buttons above. Each number represents a topic in the FALC thread.
Click the picture below to visit the chat. See you there~
ATTENTION: January 21-22 (Otaku Expo 2012)
Visit this site for the schedule of activities and click #7 if you want to meet other con/expo goers!
PS. There's a longer and a more explained version of this newsletter here if you ever want to see/read it that is HAHAHA Thank you for reading this one, btw. Have a nice day and take care minna~
(Alternatively, if the link doesn't work, click here.)