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Ookami to Koushinryou: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf
Oct 30, 2024 12:56 PM
· Scored
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Days: 838,861.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries2
- Reread0
- Chapters47
- Volumes16,777,222
All Comments (208) Comments
this pain, i dont like
not because id need to fork over dosh
but because its embarassing
i begun treating it with ice packs the day after
and i displayed a rare case of smarts (rare both for me and those among me, mind you)
by wrapping the ice pack so there is no direct contact with the skin
but, shikashi even,
during one of those cooling sessions due to my fidgeting the cloth wrapping unraveled (not the tokyo ghoul op)
and there was the dreaded contact with the skin
so, in short, succintly put, i gave myself frostbite in addition to the knee pain
for those who dont know and are about to
frostbite is for the average joe the same as a burn
skin gets bubbly and must not be further damaged
so naturally, the day after
i get a call from bossmen who are vacationing
i need to yank out these two bigass cast iron contraptions we used to use for ironing bigass tablecloths
and since they are in the backyard
the path from there to the parking spot where the trucks are located
is long and extremely treacherous and perilous thanks to narrow corridors and
stairs, my unironical mortal enemy aside from myself
so anyway i start carrying
and my strenght after a while fails me and the cast iron thing starts slipping from my grasp
and it slides across the injured and frostbitten knee in question
bursting the bubbly skin
to wrap up
the thing festered
and i spent the afternoon peeling away the goopy sticky flesh from the open wound
and to tell you the truth,
i liked the pain
barbie is a black pill
barbenheimer is a vantablackpill
with all that being said i will continue to seek amusement from mentally stunted people here
only 14 mainline more to go
im a camel and my capacity to carry straws is at its limits
i will wait patiently and warmly for the rest of the episodes and i hope you watch proudly from above the loved series you helped adapt
it was worth it
good one, brain
thats the sweetest thing i heard someone tell me in the year of our lemmy 2023