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Haikyuu!! Movie: Gomisuteba no Kessen
Haikyuu!! Movie: Gomisuteba no Kessen
Feb 8, 9:49 AM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 8
Rising Impact Season 2
Rising Impact Season 2
Dec 25, 2024 5:43 AM
Completed 14/14 · Scored 9
Rising Impact
Rising Impact
Dec 25, 2024 5:43 AM
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Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest
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Thumbelina28 Apr 20, 2022 6:00 AM
Happy Birthday!
Thumbelina28 Apr 20, 2020 5:21 AM
Happy birthday!
AceDvazz Feb 29, 2020 2:58 PM
Legacy is dead.


But it will live on through Discord!
AceDvazz Feb 29, 2020 12:11 AM
Completely understandable. I get agitated sometimes by cliffhangers, but just don't care that much anymore once I give it a few minutes after finishing the episode, lol.

Let me know what you think about the demo! Just a week away, so I'm mega hyped!
And lmao, that London Pikachu is great! I'd consider buying one if I cared more about Pikachu.

Was mid-late 2013. That's literally when I started college. That's so crazy as hell!

I'm very certain I haven't even reached an hour for Mario Kart on the Switch. Regardless, it seems like we'll both suck, lmao. And request sent! Should be from "AceDvazz." I intend to change my MAL username to that soon-ish, but haven't bothered to yet. This current username just sounds cool-ish, but it doesn't really have much to do with me anymore, so just want something more suiting for me.

And perhaps this concludes our MAL conversation thread as we progress to something more modern and practical (assuming I friended the right person).
AceDvazz Feb 27, 2020 1:41 PM
That makes sense. I have a friend who operates the same way. He also says he tries to watch one show at a time, so my list would probably give him an aneurysm, lol.

There's a demo out for Mystery Dungeon if you want to try that! Since it's a remaster of the first game, I'm already going to give it a fantastic review since the story was great in tandem with the quality of life changes made in the demo. And yes, the stories touched me that much! It's so incredibly rare to make me tear up, so I just want to emphasize that. :P Granted, I did play the game ~15 years ago, so not sure if it'd have the same impact now. Regardless, still highly recommend it!
Wow, sounds like you brought home quite the stash! Quite the dedication too to be willing to go multiple rounds. I'm hella intrigued in what a London City Pikachu plush looks like, lmao.

Yeah, getting length of experience is pretty much what I'm waiting out too. Hopefully, we both find something we like more in the not-so-distant future.

That sounds right. Crazy how long ago that was; even crazier is how we're still talking after all this time!

500+ hours is a little nutty, lol. Helps that I usually hang with my friends each weekend and we tend to get in some time of Smash during then. Eeh, idk, I got Mario Kart after Christmas, so you actually might have played more than me. xD I literally only played it once and did a couple races and that was it. I think in order to coordinate a time for us to play Mario Kart, we probably will need to communicate through I.M. via something like Discord or something like that.
AceDvazz Feb 24, 2020 12:32 PM
High school was definitely the peak in terms of the amount of anime I've watched. Since last fall though, I've started to take on a consistent load of 3-5 airing shows and have stuck with them similar to high school. In college, I tried and that ended up with me starting a bunch of shows and not finishing them. :| Think I'm going to try to knock a bunch of them out now.

Mystery Dungeon does come out two weeks before Animal Crossing, so there is that window. :P I do highly recommend the series though! They're a nice spin from the main line games and the first two games actually had stories that touched me a lot. Both (especially the second game) made me tear up a little, which is an incredibly difficult feat to do with me.
And whoa, just looked up the details about the pop-up store and that's waaaay nutty; props to you for being willing to wait out the queue! What exclusive goods were you able to get?

I'm a data manager for a non-profit organization called First Step House. Just thinking about it, I think it's actually a pretty big deal if you can find someone to connect to at your job. The one student job I did do that ended up making that experience the most memorably fun one. Does a lot for individual morale. Eh, but whatever, I'll probably plan to start looking for another job once I reach the two year mark for my job. Meanwhile, weekends definitely ftw!

Haha, hope Chihayafuru appeals better the second time through for you! And yeah, Kuroko was actually what got me into the sports genre too. Iirc, I'm fairly certain Kuroko is the reason why we ended up becoming friends on MAL, lmao.

And dope! I go by Davie, but Dvee is the name I use when setting a name for an avatar character and similar things like that, lol. As you've probably noticed, I've poured A LOT of time into Smash Ultimate. I've actually barely played Mario Kart, but I'm down to play it; gotta start playing to get better and there's no better time to try than that!
AceDvazz Feb 20, 2020 1:16 PM
Oh, you should add me on your Switch! The realization that we both have a Switch just clicked, lol.

AceDvazz Feb 20, 2020 12:05 PM
True, we've had longer gaps. xD

Sometimes, it just looks like that backlog never gets smaller... I'm pretty sad that I didn't do more gaming while I was in college. I didn't watch much anime during then either, so I feel like I didn't do jack in college now that I'm looking back at it, lol.
How's Pokémon Sword? That's one that I've been keeping on my radar, but I haven't felt like getting it yet. And speaking about Pokémon, I'm sooo hyped for the remaster of Mystery Dungeon!

Yeah, I 100% understand the feel. While I'm fine with my current job, I don't love it and no one there shares any similar interests to me (honestly the biggest bummer since there's no one I'm looking forward to seeing). Hence, I really do love my weekends and days off to do things I truly love, especially with people I can talk to about said interests.

Ah, that's fair. I did get a friend of mine into Chihayafuru and he didn't particularly enjoy the first season. Despite that, the second and ongoing third seasons have him really hooked now. I definitely think they're better than season 1 in case you're willing to give it another look. :P
I can't believe I used to avoid sports series when I started watching anime. Think I had the mindset of "why watch sports as anime when I can watch sports in real life." Glad I was enlightened and didn't stick to that lame mindset.
AceDvazz Feb 19, 2020 11:22 AM
Hey, welcome back! It's been a good solid half a year since the last message, lol. ;) Work certainly can be quite the time consumer. D:

I've been very good! I've remained pretty consistent with the same interests I've mentioned before. Still making headway into my gaming backlog (working on Fire Emblem Awakening and Shantae Pirate Curse atm and still am grinding away at Smash). NBA season is well underway and the Jazz are really good, so lots of time devoted there. And most notably, my top 5 anime favorites received the most shakeup in a very good while from what I can recall. Vanguard has been the resulting casualty though in terms of time I dedicate to it now.

How've you been?

But yeah, as you noted, I did watch Run with the Wind and absolutely loved it to death! Funny thing is it was right after I found Chihayafuru and that also vaulted itself into my top favorites. I'm pretty sure SoL-like sports is my favorite anime genre now (never was really certain prior to finding those two gems).
AceDvazz Jul 31, 2019 3:54 PM
My sleep schedule has always been in shambles since high school. College only made it worse since I had a lot of late night classes. :|
That's awesome that it's getting better! I work with Excel spreadsheets predominantly as well for my current job.

I haven't needed to move out, which is pretty convenient. My work is only 15-20 minutes way from my house by car. To be perfectly honest though, I don't actually like being around my parents very much. I would gladly move out, but I'm saving quite some money right now by not needing to, so I'm just capitalizing on this situation, lol. Also, it helps that sister is at home too, who I actually like being around. :D
AceDvazz Jul 11, 2019 1:35 PM
I'm finally back to working again, lol. I feel pretty drained from time to time, but a lot of it is self-inflicted with my bad sleeping habits.
That's quite unfortunate that you're not enjoying your current work. Is it a data analyst position that you have?

Nah, I didn't win, lol. The Vanguard meta is a bit stale right now where there's only 2 really good decks for the format we played in. I picked a deck that wasn't one of those 2 and did alright, but not good enough to make the top cut. :| The overall trip was pretty awesome though, so I don't really care about my tournament result!

Ah, that's pretty solid! I'm still living at my parents' place. I'm more than willing to move out and easily have the funds for it, but my parents aren't charging me rent or anything so I figure why not take advantage of the situation and save some money for the time being, lol.
AceDvazz Jun 25, 2019 3:05 PM
No worries! It took a while for me to get used to working ~8 hours a day as well. Honestly, I'm still not fully used to it, lol. It depends on the day, but I'm still keeping plenty of time open for my hobbies! Hopefully, you'll start to find some time to do more things once you're off work each day.
On that subject, I'm actually going out of town in two days for ~1.5 weeks for a Vanguard Nationals tourney and just some sightseeing in New York. Excited to take an extended period off!

Just 2-3 more months until the announcement of further details of HQ! :D Gonna binge the Seijoh and Shiratorizawa match with a bunch of friends once we near the announcement, lol.
Did you move out from your family's house or were you already separate from them and simply moved yourself?
AceDvazz Jun 10, 2019 12:50 PM
No problem! I know all about that nervousness too well from starting a new job, lol. Had that feeling for my first major internship and then this current job. It feels simply surreal to be there. As for tips, not a whole lot besides just being a willing listener. It then depends from there depending on the type of people you're working with. Sorry, not the most helpful. :P

Yes, I certainly am super big on HQ! Can't wait for that fourth season! :D I'm just bouncing around between all by hobbies now. My attention has been extra focused on the NBA Finals and Smash though. #PhoenixWright4SmashPlz
AceDvazz May 29, 2019 10:27 AM
That's great -- congratulations! \(^-^)/ It always helps to have some things fall into place. In addition, it's reassuring that they seemed quite welcoming too! Knock that job out of the park!

Funny thing is my anime and gaming activity most ramped up a bit after your comment, lol. I'm back to playing Smash Ultimate and looking to fundamentally improve in the game now. Also, struck a deal with a friend to watch Domestic Girlfriend if he'd watch Haikyuu! If anyone gives me the chance to get them into Haikyuu, I'm gonna try pretty damn hard to get them into it.
On another note, I still haven't started the Legend of Heroes. Perhaps soon, lol.
AceDvazz May 20, 2019 1:44 PM
Hopefully, they went well! How'd your Friday presentation go?
I completely get you with the nervousness and fumbling your answers, lol. Ironically, the place I felt I did my best interview by a long shot was not the place I ended up getting hired by.

I actually haven't played my Switch for like a week now. I haven't gotten bored of Smash whatsoever, but there's soooo many things I want to do that I can't tackle at once. I'm looking to get into a series called Legend of Heroes that I can buy on Steam.
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