Meine Mangasammlung:
(Last update: 22.01.2011) (old)
Doubt Bd. 1
Fairy Tail Bd. 1-6
Neon Genesis Evangelion Bd. 1-8
One Piece Bd. 1-32
Soul Eater Bd. 1-4
Welcome To The N.H.K Bd. 1-8
A Lollypop or A Bullet Bd. 1-2
Can you hear me?
Chobits Bd. 1-8
Code:Breaker Bd. 1-3
Detektiv Conan Bd. 1-30
Love Hina Bd. 1-14
Magister Negi Magi Bd. 1-12
Midoris Days Bd. 1-8
Princess Resurrection Bd. 1-4
Planet Manga:
Min Min Mint
100% Strawberry Bd. 1-11
Dance in the Vampire Bund Bd. 1
DearS Bd. 1-7
DearS Fanbook
Death Note Bd. 1-12
Elfen Lied Bd. 1-6
Erdbeeren & Marshmallows Bd. 2
Kure-nai Bd. 1-2]
Letter Bee Bd. 1-2
Love Trouble Bd. 1-13
Lynn Okamoto Short Story Collection
Peace Maker Kurogane Bd. 2-5
Reborn! Bd. 1-7
Samurai Champloo Bd. 1-2
School Rumble Bd. 1-18
Tokyo Inferno Bd. 1-2
Gesamt: 232 Bände
All Comments (80) Comments
1. Well, the CWS Wallscroll feels slightly thicker/heavier and grainy on the front side, whereas the GEAnimation Wallscroll feels smooth. *wonders if I'm any good at describing these things* -_- Did you have any specific questions about quality?
2. Yes, the dimensions are the same for CWS and GEAnimation scrolls. Just as you would expect given the measurements, the Madoka scroll (48" x 32) is slightly bigger than Last Exile (43" x 31) by 5 inches and 1 inch. I measured them just in case.
Oooh, gotcha. :3 Well, I'm glad you were able to find me here then, since I'm hardly active anywhere else. xD!
1. Unfortunately, I don't own any Wallscrolls from GEAnimation.
2. Well, this might not be answering the question since I can't compare these companies, but once you send a picture to CWS, they'll tell you if your requested dimensions work for it. I actually requested something a little smaller, and they said that the proportion of the picture required a larger scroll, which wasn't on their list of sizes to choose from. At least they could make it for me, so I'm not complaining!
3. No, I haven't ordered anything else from them. But once I need a new scroll, I'd definitely go back there.
Sorry, I don't believe I was much help at all. xD At any rate, I didn't realize my mal account was associated with my deviant username. Interesting. Maybe I linked to my profile and totally forgot (lol).
Ah~ Diese Serie ist sowas von genial! Hoffe es läuft bei dir grade alles glatt.
Ob es genauso wird, weiß ich noch nicht, aber hier schonmal der Link wenn du daran interessiert bist.
Ich dachte mir 'Anime Heaven's Door' wäre passend. ^^'''
Sag mir, wenn du eine bessere Titel-Idee hast. :3
Ich werde die Tage anfangen. Ob ich morgen dazu Zeit habe weiß ich noch nicht.
Aber spätestens Übermorgen kommt dann das erste Review.
Dabei habe ich die doch noch garnicht gelesen. ^^'
Von 'unknow' auf 'Medium-Low'. +D
Wenn nicht musst du das unbedingt nachholen. *3*
Nur ich rate wirklich von mehr als einer Folge am Tag ab. xD
in der Schule bin, wird es mir wohl nicht anders gehen.
Aber ich muss schon zugeben, daß ich 'etwas' eifersüchtig bin...
Versprich mir, daß du auf dich aufpasst, ja?
Du machst mich echt fertig... *seit Tagen nicht richtig schlafen konnte*