I score anime subjectively on how much I enjoyed the anime, which is why my list tends to carry scores of around 7 or higher for completed anime while dropped tend to be 6 or lower. If I were to score objectively then the vast majority of anime that I've scored in the completed category would drop down in points somewhere between 1 to 5 points.
Also I enjoy Slice of life, Comedy, and Food genre animes the most so those are more likely to be scored higher then the average person may score them.
- Anime scores under review/change (starting 26/6/2017) -
For a long time I've been wanting to change scores on some anime because I feel like I scored them too highly. But on the other hand its how I felt at the time. However, as my list gets longer and I have more time to reflect on some anime the more I feel like changing the scores as it would put them into better perspective when comparing to each other.
The 1 to 10 scoring system isn't ideal for this as you can't differentiate between different animes in a good way. What does this mean? Well basically if I rate two animes at 8, with the scoring system being out of 10 is makes it seem as though I rate both the anime equally. But that isn't really the case, as usually for one reason or another, I'll prefer one of them over the other. So even though they have the same score, I don't actually rate them to be the same.
So how will I change my list? I'm not certain yet, but a good way to start could be by changing the scoring system to be out of 100. I feel that will make it easier to compare different shows and for me to point out which I think is better (or I enjoyed more) when comparing. But not only that I should set some rules. After all, an anime can be great but is it worth a high score, if half of the episodes were fillers? Some might say yes and give it a 10, but I feel that it should be limited how high it can go. After all, no one really watches a show for the fillers. So I'll be using some rules to guide myself for not going overboard with the way I'll score the anime.
Scoring rules:
1. A long running anime (anything with 100+ episodes) that has filler arcs, can not be score over 8 (or 80/100). Fillers are often boring, although there are exceptions it isn't enough to change this.
2. Anime that finishes with no real kind of ending due to outside troubles (studio closing, budget problems etc) can not go over 8 (80/100). Shouldn't really give an incomplete anime a really high score, so limiting it will help.
3. When using the scoring system that goes up to 10, I'll be rounding my scores that are out of 100 to the nearest 10. (example 75/100 will be rounded up to an 80/100 which is 8/10 or 84/100 will be rounded down to 80/100 which is 8/10).
4. I score anime according to how much I enjoyed them, unless the score needs to be limited due to rules 1 or 2.
5. If I write a review for an anime, I won't base it off of my score but what I thought was good/bad and how much I enjoyed it. As well as scoring the anime as a Recommended (I think people should watch it) or Not Recommended (I think people should avoid it).
All Comments (2) Comments
Volume 3 had hit and miss choreography but it's hard to tell what the reason for that is. They had longer episodes with A LOT of fights so it might be time constraints, seems particularly bad in the first half of the season though actually it's still better than most anime choreography's at it's worse. You see it could also be leftover work by Monty and Shane (he left the team too and was damn good at the stuff)
Either way I would recommend continuing as I do think the series improved as it went.