But it's not so bad to have an open-minded at an early age as long as you set yourself some limits. You can always start with the fluff ones before you go down to hardcore, hahaha! Ame to Kiss and Kikokeru have some medium you-know-what scenes, soooo yeps, HAHAHA!
OMG You added my two favorite mangas which are Ame to Kiss and Kikoeru? <3 Are you also a fan of boy love tho? 'Cause it's not shoujo, it's yaoi, hahaha.
My reaction to your message is... "ANG DAMING 'PO' WAAAAAH WAAAAH WAAAH!" XD
Y-you k-keep t-teasing m-me. XD
1. Well, i do that myself actually. As a form of fun. XD I think a portion of the otaku population, (excluding actual weebs), are like that.
3. Nya, i see nya,~ Do you like Kaito because he's husbandi material to girls? I have a fair lot of Vocaloid songs in my playlist, but most are from Japanese bands/singers and a portion are utaite covers. XD I listen to anime OST too, (if your refering to openings and endings that is.~), that's actually how i discovered most bands/singers i listen to. XD I'm actually new to Vocaloid. >~< I just started to listen to them three months ago. >< I did know about their existence before, i just haven't listen to them. Now you know thy precious information. XD
#Queechon: What bands and singers do you listen to~? And nya what genres to do you like nya nya?
4. I'll be literal *becomes literal OMG!* i don't know why people write short replies here, honestly! I actually take a day or days if my reply is really really long. XD #LongRepliesFTW!
Pag may nakilala kang fellow Filipino, introduce me.~ XD
Nya do you know Tsubasa Chronicles nya~? It's not the super cutesy shoujo type, more on the beautiful shoujo type. XD >.<
S-so d-don't a-add p-po... C-Crxtele.. B..b-baka! XD
Waaaaah! I sounded old nya. ._. B-but i-i'm c-childish n-nya. I-i e-even t-talk l-like a-a k-kid n-nya. >< XD My mature side hasn't even talk yet.~ ><
Nya thank you nya.~! It's nice to be able to know another Filipino who's a otaku nya~! It's also nice that i can speak Tagalog. ^^ But, i'm too used to English now hahahaha.~
Nya can i ask you a queechon nya? I've had multiple times where i could say "small world talaga!" and stuffy likey thaty. Mmn you could answer this with a simple yass or nyoo or you could answer it just the way you want it. XD
#Queechon: Do you go to Angelicum College nya nya?
I would laugh so much if you did hahahaha. XD
It's fine nya, i also write late most of the times. >~<
Bye po Crxtele-sama~~~! Muahahaha XD
Mhmm I've been here for a little over the year and have only seen 3 people that openly said they were Pinoy so I'd say it is pretty uncommon unless you join a country specific club. And even then there's only one active Pinoy club here :/
Eh? Hisato? I think you meant Yanagi ahaha. But yes, they are adorable indeed. Ang cute talaga ng mga moments nila ♡
Oh and welcome to the MAL btw (Even though you joined a month ago already)!
And I don't mind late replies at all. Take as much time as you want in replying.
Even irl, i don't know much otaku. @-@ XD Just a few. XD
1. Nya nya my dear apprentice in "weebisim", a lesson for you. One must talk anime terms. And (random) Japanese words and phrases in order to act like a weeb. An example would be "nico nico ni!" "Nya nya" "ohayou" "sugoi!" "kawaii"
*cough* I'm not a weeb, just an otaku. XD I just speak like a weeb for fun. XD
2. Oh, i see, that's nice.~ If you ever watch it just tell me. :3
3. *^* <------ face right now. XD For the answer of who dosen't like Vocaloid, many people have it as "it's not their cup of tea" #3Queechons: Who're your favorite Vocaloid~? And songs~? Mine are Gumi, Miku, Rin and Len. :3 Mmn, i have a lot of favorite songs right now. XD But right now my favorites are Donut Hero, Panda Hero, Gigantic OTN (.... It's catchy..), Senbonzakura and A Trillion Years And A Night. "Utaite" from the Japanese word, "utai" (if i'm correct), meaning, "tried to sing." They're people who are (super) good at singing, mixing songs and (optional) auto-tune. They're just normal talented people that post on the Japanese video sharing site, Nico Nico Douga. Most of the time, they're Vocaloid songs. Ehh, side note: if you ever hear a "Nico Nico Chorus" of a song. It's just a edited version of a lot of utaites. Someone just edited all their covers and put them on one song. :3 It's different from a collaboration which utaites actually sing together, not just the edited thingy.
4. Yay~ that's nice. I love giving and receiving long replies. XD
I see you already befriended her.^^
Thank chu~ it's not from a cutesy shoujou manga btw. Hehehehe~
Nyaaaaa! There's a "po" nya nya i'm just 15. ><
If your younger: Still, don't say "po" it sounds weird to me. XD
If your same age/older: Did i feel like i'm older~? Hehehehe~ XD
What about you, if i may ask as well~? :I And te-hee thanks for the compliment. You seem nice as well. (⌒▽⌒)
All Comments (18) Comments
My reaction to your message is... "ANG DAMING 'PO' WAAAAAH WAAAAH WAAAH!" XD
Y-you k-keep t-teasing m-me. XD
1. Well, i do that myself actually. As a form of fun. XD I think a portion of the otaku population, (excluding actual weebs), are like that.
3. Nya, i see nya,~ Do you like Kaito because he's husbandi material to girls? I have a fair lot of Vocaloid songs in my playlist, but most are from Japanese bands/singers and a portion are utaite covers. XD I listen to anime OST too, (if your refering to openings and endings that is.~), that's actually how i discovered most bands/singers i listen to. XD I'm actually new to Vocaloid. >~< I just started to listen to them three months ago. >< I did know about their existence before, i just haven't listen to them. Now you know thy precious information. XD
#Queechon: What bands and singers do you listen to~? And nya what genres to do you like nya nya?
4. I'll be literal *becomes literal OMG!* i don't know why people write short replies here, honestly! I actually take a day or days if my reply is really really long. XD #LongRepliesFTW!
Pag may nakilala kang fellow Filipino, introduce me.~ XD
Nya do you know Tsubasa Chronicles nya~? It's not the super cutesy shoujo type, more on the beautiful shoujo type. XD >.<
S-so d-don't a-add p-po... C-Crxtele.. B..b-baka! XD
Waaaaah! I sounded old nya. ._. B-but i-i'm c-childish n-nya. I-i e-even t-talk l-like a-a k-kid n-nya. >< XD My mature side hasn't even talk yet.~ ><
Nya thank you nya.~! It's nice to be able to know another Filipino who's a otaku nya~! It's also nice that i can speak Tagalog. ^^ But, i'm too used to English now hahahaha.~
Nya can i ask you a queechon nya? I've had multiple times where i could say "small world talaga!" and stuffy likey thaty. Mmn you could answer this with a simple yass or nyoo or you could answer it just the way you want it. XD
#Queechon: Do you go to Angelicum College nya nya?
I would laugh so much if you did hahahaha. XD
It's fine nya, i also write late most of the times. >~<
Bye po Crxtele-sama~~~! Muahahaha XD
Eh? Hisato? I think you meant Yanagi ahaha. But yes, they are adorable indeed. Ang cute talaga ng mga moments nila ♡
Oh and welcome to the MAL btw (Even though you joined a month ago already)!
And I don't mind late replies at all. Take as much time as you want in replying.
Oh rip xD D:
Yeah :) ^~^
O; I see your favourite anime is Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama! Same here <3 Omfg, Usui x Masaki <3 USUI IS BAE XD <3
Even irl, i don't know much otaku. @-@ XD Just a few. XD
1. Nya nya my dear apprentice in "weebisim", a lesson for you. One must talk anime terms. And (random) Japanese words and phrases in order to act like a weeb. An example would be "nico nico ni!" "Nya nya" "ohayou" "sugoi!" "kawaii"
*cough* I'm not a weeb, just an otaku. XD I just speak like a weeb for fun. XD
2. Oh, i see, that's nice.~ If you ever watch it just tell me. :3
3. *^* <------ face right now. XD For the answer of who dosen't like Vocaloid, many people have it as "it's not their cup of tea" #3Queechons: Who're your favorite Vocaloid~? And songs~? Mine are Gumi, Miku, Rin and Len. :3 Mmn, i have a lot of favorite songs right now. XD But right now my favorites are Donut Hero, Panda Hero, Gigantic OTN (.... It's catchy..), Senbonzakura and A Trillion Years And A Night. "Utaite" from the Japanese word, "utai" (if i'm correct), meaning, "tried to sing." They're people who are (super) good at singing, mixing songs and (optional) auto-tune. They're just normal talented people that post on the Japanese video sharing site, Nico Nico Douga. Most of the time, they're Vocaloid songs. Ehh, side note: if you ever hear a "Nico Nico Chorus" of a song. It's just a edited version of a lot of utaites. Someone just edited all their covers and put them on one song. :3 It's different from a collaboration which utaites actually sing together, not just the edited thingy.
4. Yay~ that's nice. I love giving and receiving long replies. XD
I see you already befriended her.^^
Thank chu~ it's not from a cutesy shoujou manga btw. Hehehehe~
Nyaaaaa! There's a "po" nya nya i'm just 15. ><
If your younger: Still, don't say "po" it sounds weird to me. XD
If your same age/older: Did i feel like i'm older~? Hehehehe~ XD
What about you, if i may ask as well~? :I And te-hee thanks for the compliment. You seem nice as well. (⌒▽⌒)
Bai baiiiii Crxtele~ v(^_^v)♪
How're you? :3