shure thank you ^_^ you are verry kind!!!!
oh what did you get?
i got... not much... but im happy anyways!!!
thank you for the present!!! im glad i did not open it infront of my brother though DX (he barely left)
hey!!! sorry but theres been shootings where i live and kids dieing and all kinds of stuff... so i have been buisy... sorry
merry christmas!!!!
are you looking forward to it?
I shouldnt have to change for anybody... and I trusted that person but obviously I was wrong but that still doesnt give u a right to cuz it isnt ur life =.= so stay out of it... and whose the stupid bitch here? u are... ur ruining ur life chasing after men and all u think and care about is sex... ull die by the time ur 25 due to sum skanky disease u picked up off one of ur late night romps...
Typical American racism. You really need to just disappear off the face of the earth. No one wants you here. Not your parents nor your boyfriend. Just put a gun to your thick head and pull the trigger. It's that simple.
if we were friends u wudnt insult me and treat me like shit all the time... Im only reacting to ur treatment... and if its insensitive then so be it.. btw stop blabbing about my home life to other people... u have no right to...
Now, I'm gonna think of the people on MAL since they don't wanna see anymore. Unlike your miserable self, I can think about other people. So I will end this by saying that you are miserable and will regret using people like that or any other stuff you have done in your wretched life. People like that come and go and it usually isn't very pretty. Who knows, maybe you will turn out good or maybe just cease to exist. That's the better option. Anyway, it will all happen soon enough as you are not worth existing. Annyeonghi gyeseyo
All Comments (65) Comments
oh what did you get?
i got... not much... but im happy anyways!!!
thank you for the present!!! im glad i did not open it infront of my brother though DX (he barely left)
merry christmas!!!!
are you looking forward to it?
I love your profile pic!
hows things been going?