Hello! Welcome to my profile! ^-^
~ ღ About Me ღ ~
I'm Saki. I'm a woman who likes conquering limitations that life throws at me. People say that I'm determined, ambitious, courageous, modest, and kind. At other times, I've been told that I'm cold, intimidating, and merciless.. I can connect with others and make them feel heard, but they can't connect with me on a deeper level. It's a lonely feeling. Most of the time, people misunderstand and perceive me as a threat, but I realize some people are too frightened to be vulnerable with me and rather hide behind a mask. Anyway, I have a big dream to live happily and free. Ultimately, I want to be truly accepted and to be loved in return. ♥
Nationality: Japanese & Danes
Languages : English, French, Japanese, Russian(learning), and German(learning)
Religion: Spiritual? I want people to be able to coexist with each other.
Zodiac placement: Sun sign - Virgo, Moon sign - Capricorn, & Rising - Leo
Bachelor's Degree: Criminal Justice
Myers Briggs Personality Type: INFJ
Likes: aesthetics, anime, innovative gadgets, linguistics, science, thigh-high socks, rough housing, tsunderes, vampires (not the sparkly types), sparkling sake, OTP smut, sleeping in, people being their true weird selves, and galaxies

Dislikes: the summer heat, pollen, rejection, people rude to people in the food and retail industry, catcalls, essays, heavy blood and guts in film, people not keeping promises, and waking up early
Hobbies: cooking, cosplaying, thinking about the future, exercising, sketching, sleeping, and traveling
Favorite TV/Web shows: Carmilla, Parks and Rec, Squid Game, Alice in Borderland, Bob's Burgers, Portlandia, Orphan Black, MrRobot, Doctor Who, Vincenzo, Gravity Falls, Mythbusters, Dexter, & American Horror Story(S2 & 3)
Favorite Animes: Evangelion, Kill la Kill, Ghost in Shell series, Yuru Yuri, Psycho-Pass, Gintama, FMA, Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, Mushishi, Haikyuu!!, & Devilman: Crybaby
Favorite Food: Pizza, ramen, salads, sake onigiri, pan-fried eggplant spaghetti, crepes, frozen yogurt, dark chocolate, baked potatoes, and strawberries
Favorite Color(s): Blue, Purple, Pink, and Black.
Current Feelings: ?????
Current Favorite Songs:
Tension, Who Would You Be For Me, Chico Malo, Sirens, DDD, LOVE IS A..., Your Blood, OOTD, CRÈME BRÛLÉE!, Erreur 404, and Bite Me
Goal in life: My wish is to travel the world, be happy, and show the world that weirdos/underdogs can really make it in the world.
**Update: I'll be online when I can. I'm focusing on family and work mostly. Please don't ask me about my love life.
Kaworu x Shinji
Asuka x Mari
Homura x Madoka
PB x Marcy
Ryuji x Taiga
Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy
Ymir x Christa Lenz
Sasha x Misaka
Mustang x Hawkeye
Ei X Miko
Chika x You x Riko
Riko x Yoshiko
Nozomi X Eli
Kotori x Umi
Gyerin X Juuyeon
All Comments (2115) Comments
It's been awesome ^^ we haven't gone to a huge number of places because my grandma has trouble getting around now, so we've been relaxing a lot but I enjoy that too uwu
I've never been to a con but that is common, right? must be quite scary ._.
I've been pretty gud. I'm visiting America right now to see family and it's been a lot of fun ^^ how're you doing? cx
Titans was pretty bad and I don't care much for legends of tomorrow
And what about you?
My older brother is getting married in Indonesia this year, a friend of mine is terminally ill so I've been helping her pass the time, finally graduating from school in three months. I mean, there's a lot more going on but those are the biggest highlights right now. Or, at least my biggest focuses.
No warranty on those appliances? If you bought them from Sears though, the return service is a huge pain in the ass. And the mailmen here are pretty bad, they once delivered a letter initially for Century City to my house, and I was thinking that both our addresses are 40 miles apart and the zip couldn't be more wrong. I guess that's the world of delivery for you.
I saw the news too, it was pretty sad that her mother passed away a day later. Doctors said she may have died of a broken heart and even medical experts say that's not a thing.
Yeah, everything's good. Hopefully everything's good on your end too! Distractions? Such as?
Time to celebrate, I suppose?
So I started watching Stranger Things and I love it so far. I still have to start Mr. Robot