Hi! I'm Panaino! I don't use MAL anymore, and this profile now only serves as a backup. You can find my updated anime/manga lists here. I'm also into osu!, so that's that. Feel free to talk to me about stuff, I'll respond most of the time.
Here's my discord if you need it lol: nopanai#6644
I started watching anime around summer 2019; I got into moe anime and then got stuck in idol hell. I got out of it eventually and started watching other anime. The genre that I like the most is slice of life, specifically Iyashikei/CGDCT shows; I also like romcoms, psychological thrillers, and sometimes generic power fantasy/harem shows. One thing that you'll notice when checking my lists is that I haven't watched the "popular shounen shows", and the main reason for this is I'm not really interested with action/shounen. I was actually exposed to anime since I was younger, but I didn't really find shows like Naruto or Bleach interesting (yep, until now, sorry) so I didn't care to explore and watch other genres of anime/manga. I'd still watch those shounen shows if I had the motivation to, but most likely I wouldn't lol (especially those with a huge episode count)
(10) - It is something that is truly outstanding and memorable for me. I enjoyed every single minute I spent watching/reading these. It is also special to me in some way.
(9) - I enjoyed it very much and is also extremely good, but it just lacks a little something, which makes it a 9.
(8) - Had a very fun time with it. It stands out from most anime/manga.
(7) - It passes as something good to me. I had somewhat of a fun time with it, and I can easily tell anyone who asks me about it that it is good, and is worth watching.
(6) - After finishing it, I think of it as something that is "just ok" or "meh". I noticed many flaws, but the positives still outweigh the negatives.
(5) - To put it simply, it exists. I don't like it, but I don't hate it either. If there is something that I don't know what to rate, I'll simply put it here.
(4) - At first glance, it is something that's just... subpar. I put generic ones here.
(3) - Just bad. Had a good time laughing at how bad these are.
(2) - It is something which I really had a hard time watching/reading. There is something that it has (either its plot/characters) that really annoyed me.
(1) - I hate everything about it. (But I think I'll never rate something this low)
Thanks for visiting, and have a good day! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
All Comments (5) Comments
will check it out.
any really good anime you've seen recently?