Ranting on Nasuverse (2021)
Ranting on Nasuverse This is a very controversial opinion but there is no watch order. You MUST experience everything in release order to get the most out of the series. What I mean is none of the anime are a replacement for their source material so you need to play all the source material in release order, of course very few people are actually committed enough to do it but it is still the best way. The Nasu verse builds off of itself so to fully understand and enjoy the newer works you need to understand their predecessors. https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Fate_series The Nasuerse is my favorite universe but what are my favorite works inside said universe? 1. Fate/stay night ^fate route (this route seems to get the reputation as the worst route but this is not the case at all. It is wrong to compare the routes as if they are different stories. The routes all work together to tell the story of Shirou Emiya. This route focuses on saber who happens to be one of the most complex characters in the series. I also hear that this route is not dark enough but that is stupid. Some of my favorite parts of fate are the fun or funny moments in the fate route. Now Let’s talk about the Deen anime adaptation of this route. First the positives. The soundtrack is fantastic, one the best I’ve ever heard. The character designs are true to the visual novel. The animation is great for 2006. The negatives are that it shoots for the stars but end up falling short. It ends up partially spoiling the other routes but in a useless way. It adds in like 30% of the other routes which is a terrible idea and it turns out about as well as you would expect. This is a huge issue and makes watching the other routes less enjoyable. It also seems to expect you to have already played the visual novel and fails to explain the basic world mechanics which is a huge issue considering it is the Adaptation of the route that you are supposed to play first. It’s also feels cut short and just feels like it misses the point of the visual novel. Another option you have is the manga but I’m not going to waste too much time on that. It is very bad and incorporates more than 70% of the other routes. The art is also terrible. So the only option you have left is to just sit down and play the visual novel. The visual novel is the source and the best way to experience fate. It will give you all the details, character interactions, character development, background information, and Shirou's internal monologue. The only issues are that it’s about 30 hours for this route alone (If you could call that an issue, I would call it a bonus) and you need to get it off an illegal website. However, you can’t truly experience fate without the visual novel. Also, I love Yuki Kajuhara but if ufotable makes an anime of the fate route they can't let her compose the music for it. Fate route ost needs to be pure. It needs to be Kawai Kenji or the composers for the visual novel. Yuki Kajuhara's music will never work for the fate route, it is too dark, and as much as I love it, it all kinda has the same vibe which doesn’t fit this part of the story. VN 11/10, Deen anime 6/10, Manga 1/10 ^unlimited blade works (unlimited blade works focuses on Tohsaka and archer. The visual novel has so much very dense dialogue between Shirou and archer and Shirou has long monologues that contribute to the world-building so it would seem like it would be impossible to fit it into an anime. Studio deen was the first to attempt an anime. They decided on a single movie. What the hell were they smoking? No matter how they directed it, it would be impossible to fit 30 hours of content into 100 minutes. So let’s just ignore that adaptation. We can come back and watch it later once we already know the plot and events that happened in unlimited blade works. I kinda enjoyed the deen movie but only after playing the visual novel. It will make no sense to watch it first. So the next people to adapt were studio ufotable. Instead of a movie they made the correct choice and created a 25 episode series. Ufotable is known for its flashy effects and beautiful animation. This adaptation is miles above studio deens. The fights are awesome and they leave more time for the dialogue and it shows, although I still have some issues with the dialogue between Shirou Emiya and Archer. The director Miura Takahiro is the reason that this anime doesn’t quite reach the visual novel. I for one love fanservice but it doesn’t belong in unlimited blade works. Yes, the visual novel was an eroge but those scenes are often very separate from the story and I’m sure most of us just skip them. One piece of fanservice that bothered me in the ufotable anime was when saber was captured by caster, she was in some weird bondage thing for no reason at all. The director of ufotable’s anime also made the climax the last scene of the last episode making the series a story ramp instead of a story arc. It just felt boring in some scenes and very rushed in others. They also toned down sabers role and exaggerated Tohsakas's character because ‘it is her route’ which is kinda stupid and disrespectful to saber. They also forgot to mention how Shirou's tracing works, what the nine lives are, and how they work, why the way Shirou does magic and his magic training is so insane and dangerous. They also fail to mention how Tohsaka's gems work. They even miss how destroying the grail caused the fire and how Kiritsugu died. They also don't mention how much Shirou's projections cost and how slowly he regenerates mana. They even changed ep15 where we learn about illyas backstory and try to make it deeper or something but end up kinda missing the point of her character. Unlimited blade works still received a high rating from me just because I love the original story so much and the animation was great but Miura Takahiro gets a 6/10 from me. Still, this is one of my favorite anime ever and is super enjoyable. Even with less than ideal directing the anime turned out amazing. Really, im nitpicking, of course when you re adapt a source that is so huge you are forced to leave things out and they did the best they could. I can’t imagine a real perfect adaptation without it being twice as long which is not possible, unless? Also, the Blu-ray is worth it for this anime because the amazing animation is one of the main reasons this anime is so good. So in the end if you are anime-only unlimited blade works by ufotable is still the best place to start And I really enjoyed it on my first watch but I still recommend the visual novel if you want the true experience that actually makes sense and doesn’t cut anything important or add anything unnecessarily. If the anime with poor directing is still amazing then imagine how good the masterfully written visual novel is. VN 11/10, Deen anime 6/10, Ufotable anime 8/10 ^ Heavens feel (heavens feel is the final route and by far the darkest. It is the first time we learn about makiri’s grail and how the grail has been corrupted. We learn about the history of the holy grail war and learn more about Sakura. Luckily deen never attempted Heaven's feel so the only adaptations we have are the ufotable anime and the manga. I will talk about the Heaven's feel anime first because I have a lot to say. It seems a lot of western fans that have only watch the ufotable anime think heavens feel is “too dramatic” and the “characters are weak” and “Sakura is annoying” or the funniest one “heavens feel is a bad copy of fate/zero” I think most of the fault here lies with ufotable. First off they released fate/zero before heavens feel even though fate/zero should be watched only after watching and reading and playing a whole bunch of other shit. I think the anime did an awful job of explaining Kotomine Kirei's motivations. They skip his orphan basement and he just appears at the end and it seems random. That final fight as a whole was not done justice at all. Illyasviel von Einsbern is one of the best characters in the whole fate universe and I simply can NEVER forgive ufotable for how they almost Totally cut out her role in heavens feel. Shirou could never have done what he did without Illya. Life as an Illya fan is just full of pain. Illya is never done justice. I am really happy with how the final scene which her came out but that doesn’t really make up for the other two movies and the first half of the third. They also never explained what the dress of heaven even was. They also never explained Zouken's plan at all. They also never explained the nature of Illya vs Sakuras grails. They also never explained why Shirou has swords popping out of him. They also don't fully explain the arm and how it is destroying him. I have so many complaints about the movies I couldn’t possibly list them all. So after all of that ranting how could I possibly give the movies such a high score? There are a few factors. One is I have already played the visual novel so I already understand the character motivations and all the lore. I can treat the anime as a fun extra thing that brings the story to life instead of trying to make sense of it. Like there should have been at least 5 movies but none of the content in the movies is actually bad, most of it is amazing. The real thing that leads to me giving the movies a near-perfect score was the fights. The Kirei vs assassin and most of all the Saber alter vs rider. That was the best fight in all of anime ever period. I have watched that fight so many times now. The fights and animation as a whole were just spectacular. Another aspect of the ufotable adaptation that I can praise is the characters. Heavens feel character development and just the characters, in general, are very good despite it sadly cutting out many important parts. Unlimited blade works struggled a lot with the characters, specifically Shirou, mostly due to cutting out important internal monologues. Heavens feel had an advantage over unlimited blade works because it assumes you have already watched unlimited blade works so it can build off of your understanding of the characters instead of having to re-introduce the characters. In heavens feel Shirou feels less 2 dimensional and more like the Shirou in the visual novel. Another is the beautiful soundtrack by Yuki Kajiura. It just fits so well with heavens feel. So in the end, if you don’t like heavens feel you probably either skipped the other routes and are watching this first or are a big fan of the visual novel and are upset with all the content that was cut out. I really feel mixed about heavens feel but I think I’m just salty about Illya. Overall this movie turned out better than I could have ever hoped for and I will definitely purchase the limited edition blu-rays for all the movies. I would also rate the manga similarly to the anime. But it only releases monthly and it is not done yet so idk how it will end. So yet again here I am telling you to play the visual novel. If the anime is one of the best anime ever but I’m still recommending the visual novel, you know it must be good. VN 11/10, Ufotable anime 9.7/10, Manga 9/10. 2. Mahoutsukai no Yoru (Awesome visual novel prequel to kara no kyoukai and the other type moon works! The first Type moon visual novel to not be an Eroge!! This feels like Nasu can finally create what he wants to. It is so beautifully written and the art is fantastic. MAL says that there is a light novel but that’s wrong, it was always supposed to be a visual novel, and what they call a light novel was just Nasu writing out the plan/script for the visual novel. It is the first visual novel where Nasu truly got to make what he envisioned and the first Type-Moon visual novel that is not an eroge. Visual novel 11/10 3. Kara no Kyoukai ^ Kara no Kyoukai (four novels or seven ufotable movies) the novels are earlier world of Nasu and the anime is done by ufotable. The anime misses some of the story but makes up for it with animation, soundtrack, and directing. Anime and novels 11/10 ^ recalled out summer (novel and ufotable movie) 10/10 Fate/extra 4. Tsukihime ^tsukihime (visual novel)(has anime but it’s very bad) I could talk about the anime but it’s not worth the trouble. It’s not something you ever want to watch. There is also a very good manga. It only follows one path but incorporates the other paths very well, even adding parts of kagetsu tohya. However, Tsukihime can only be truly enjoyed through the visual novel. The art is honestly not very detailed, but all the details, especially in the character designs, feel very purposeful. It is what, 20 years old now? This is an earlier work of Nasu so it is not as refined as his newer works. It’s also a fair amount shorter than fate/stay night so that could be considered a plus to new players. The characters are great and all have huge personalities. It feels like the story can barely hold in the huge characters because it is so small but it works. Anime 2/10, Manga 9/10, visual novel 10.5/10 ^melty blood (game and manga) game 9/10, manga 8/10 ^Kagetsu Tohya (visual novel) sequel to tsukihime, play after plus disk and before melty blood. VN 10/10 ^Tsukihime Re, It's like Tsukihime but new? 10.5/10 5. Fate/strange fake (light novels and manga) is very well written, even better than fate/zero. It is written by the same author as Baccano so you can imagine how great it is. Don’t want to spoil it but I expect we will get an anime at some point in the future. 11/10 6. Fate/hollow ataraxia (so far we only have a visual novel for hollow ataraxia. It is a sequel to Fate/stay night and the visual novel is fantastic. It is a weird premise but it's great. It’s a little easier to find than stay night. I don’t want to spoil so please go play it! There is also a manga but it adds a bunch of new stuff and removes a lot of stuff and it is not fully translated. VN 9.5/10, Manga 4/10. 7. Fate garden of Avalon (This novel is so crucial to understanding saber as a character. It is extremely well written and is so cool to see the story told from different perspectives. It is my favorite work that Nasu has created and it is so amazingly beautiful. Novel 11/10, CD Drama 10/10 8. Fate/zero (originally a light novel by Gen Urobuchi Fate/Zero is a blessing to dedicated fate fans, while also being a slap in the face to them. I find it laughable when people say that they like fate/zero but not fate/stay night or any other type-moon works. This is because fate/zero was made specifically for fans of type moon. Fate zero ties in many fate stories and universes. Fate/Zero has many issues. My main critique is that I don't like how Fate/Zero portrays saber. It makes her seem naive when she is not. This is especially evident at the three kings' meeting. It is easy to see that the saber at the end of Fate/Zero is different than the saber at the beginning of fate/stay night. Once you read Garden of Avalon it is even more apparent that saber is not in the least bit naive or mentally weak. I would even go as far as to say the Fate/Zero is not a prequel to fate/stay night. There are a few details that simply make it impossible for these two wars to play out exactly the way they do in the same timeline. However, I will still give Ubobuchi credit for how fate/zero it ties in Lancelot to further expand on sabers' past. One thing to note is that the anime is not a full adaptation of the novels and there are still little monologues and things like that left out. So just because you watched Fate/Zero does not mean you don't need to also read the novels. However I rate the anime higher than the novels, the anime leaves out parts of the novel but in a good way. The novel is just a bit much. Many parts of Urobuchi’s writing feel as though he is trying to make his writing dark or edgy for no real reason. Also, Emiya kintsugi is a very different character in the novel so make sure you read them before deciding your opinion on him. In my opinion, along with k-on, fate/zero is one of the best anime adaptations ever. Even if I like the fate/stay night VN's better than the fate/zero novels I will confidently say that the fate/zero anime is better than the fate/stay night unlimited blade works anime. The only fate anime that passes fate/zero is Heaven's feel. I just literally cannot imagine a better adaptation, I will the same team worked on UBWs. There is also a great manga, the art isn't spectacular but it's very good and it manages to keep a lot of the great things about fate/zero. There is also some loli gore stuff that was not in the anime, so a bonus I guess? Let me emphasize this as much as a possibly can. DO NOT WATCH FATE/ZERO FIRST!!! Fate/Zero will spoil everything because it assumes you already know it. I have seen also every fucking website and fucking random dumbass on the internet say "fAtE ZErO iS a GrEAT StArTInG Point" and "iT Is A GOOd ProloUGe tHat ExPLAins CharacTER MoTiVAtioNs WeLL." So what is explains character motivations well?? It is irrelevant how well it explains the character motivations when talking about fate/zero because the whole point is that YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO FUCKING KNOW THE CHARACTER MOTIVATIONS!! Fate/Stay night is supposed to be mysterious and fate/zero will ruin that mystery. Let me list what you need to watch/play first to have a good spoiler-free experience. 1. The fate route of the visual novel or if you have no other option than the deen fate anime but not recommended. 2. The unlimited blade works route of the visual novel or the ufotable unlimited blade works anime will also work I guess but not really but it's better than nothing. 3. The heavens feel route of the visual novel. The ufotable anime is great but you need to play the visual novel to avoid spoilers and to understand fate/zero 4. Fate/hollow ataraxia visual novels are also great and will help you understand fate/zero. The manga cannot under any circumstances replace the visual novel. Overall, the more type moon works you have experienced, the more you will understand and enjoy fate/zero. Anime 9.5/10, Novels 9/10, Manga 8/10 9. Fate/Illya ^Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya( manga and anime are good, very fanservicey (which I certainly don't mind), and fun. 7.9/10 ^Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei hertz ( manga and anime are good, very fanservicey (which I certainly don't mind), and fun. 8/10 ^Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei ( manga and anime are good, very fanservicey (which I certainly don't mind), and fun. 8/10 ^Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 3 Rei (This is where the story picks up especially in the manga. It is much darker than the other seasons but I like it. 9/10 ^ Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya movie sekka no chikai (anime adapts part of the 3rei manga and this is a lot like heavens feel which is surprising coming from what started as a magical girl parody anime) 10/10 ^ Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya Movie: Licht - Namae no Nai Shoujo. Adapts part of 3rei manga. 10.5/10 10. Fate/extra ^fate extra (game) simple rock paper scissors like gameplay, some people like it others don't (I find it annoying) but there are lots of cool npc’s and an interesting story. I suggest watching a video of someone else playing it though instead of playing yourself to avoid suffering. There is also a mediocre manga. game 8/10 Manga 4/10 ^fate extra CCC (game) a sequel to fate extra, extra ccc is a huge improvement. It is much more interesting and the gameplay is more tolerable. The visual novel storytelling is more emphasized and the characters are much more fleshed out. It is really amazing, the only translation rn is on youtube, no patch yet! There is also a bad manga. Game 10/10 Manga 4/10. ^fate extra CCC Fox Tail (manga) Amazing manga. 10/10 ^fate extra last encore (There is only an anime and you should only Watch it if you have played the ‘extra’ games because it doesn’t explain anything. It exploits red saber as fan service. I also don't like the animation style, though it grows on you a bit. I enjoyed it but probably only because I had already played the games. It is no masterpiece, but I can see what the director was going for even though it didn't pan out. The themes and ideas are cool. I also love the OP and ED. So most people shouldn't watch it but if you are into fate I think there is no reason to skip it. Anime 6.5/10 ^fate extella (game) many playable characters and the gameplay is an improvement, though still simplistic. The gameplay is not great but the story is awesome. It won’t be fun without playing the other games first though. 9.25/10 ^fate extella link (game) It's got a larger selection of characters, more missions, more unlockable skills, and even a full bonding system that lets you interact with every character. The gameplay is a huge improvement. On the other hand the story is much worse and not that enjoyable. If they just take the gameplay from link and the storytelling from extella it will be a true masterpiece. 8.5/10 11. Fate/carnival phantasm(anime original parody) 10/10 12. Fate/tiger coliseum ^Fate/tiger coliseum (game) 10/10 ^fate/tiger coliseum upper (game) 10/10 13. Fate/type Redline (manga) story is pretty good but the art is phenomenal. 9/10 14. Fate/unlimited codes (game) 15. Canaan(anime) 9/10 An ending for 428 Shibuya Scramble 16. Decoration Disorder Disconnection (novel) Presumably takes place in the Nasuverse because it is written by Nasu but it is unknown where exactly it diverged from the other works. It covers the subject of demonic possession which is very mysterious and is not talked about in other works for some reason. 9/10 17. Fate/today’s menu for the Emiya family ( anime and manga both great, has some similarities to Hollow Arataxia. It is a wholesome Slice of life and I read it whenever I am feeling down. It has no plot, it’s just fun. It’s also animated by ufotable for some reason so it’s also beautiful. Manga 10/10, anime 10/10 18. Tsuki no Sango (Light novel and manga) one of Nasu's early works, takes place in a post-apocalyptic world thousands of years later. So somewhat similar to ‘notes.’ The narrator is a girl and the story is very dramatic. Luckily for us, the sorry is not quite as being as notes. Manga and light novel 9.25/10 19. Fate/grand order ^fate grand order mobile game (To understand Fate/Grand Order you're gonna have to play the mobile game. Luckily there is an official English version so no need to worry. However there are some anime and manga adaptations of certain singularities from the game and they are great, however, they are intended mainly for those who have played the game so play the game first. (mobile game 9/10 especially the later singularities ^fate/grand order first order (anime intro to the series) ^fate/grand order zettai majuu sensen Babylonia (anime) Such an amazing anime. Clover works is doing so well and really showed what they can accomplish. As long as you have played the games you will definitely enjoy this. 10/10 anime ^fate/grand order Shinsei Entaku( 2 anime movies covers a singularity from the game) not as good as Babylonia:( 7/10 ^fate/moonlight lostroom (anime ova) ^fate/grand carnival (parody anime) ^ Fate/Grand Order -Mortalis: Stella- (manga adaptation of beginning of the game) ^ Fate/Grand Order -turas réalta-(manga adaptation of first part of the game) ^Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant - Pseudo-Singularity I: Shinjuku (manga) ^Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant - Pseudo-Singularity II: Agartha (manga) ^Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant - Pseudo-Singularity III: Shimousa (manga) ^Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant - Pseudo-Singularity IV: Salem (manga) ^Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant - Pseudo-Singularity EX: SE.RA.PH (manga) ^fate grand order arcade (arcade game) 20. lord el melario 2 case files(novel and anime and manga. So important because all the other anime were hinting at the clock tower and keeping it mysterious but in this novel, we get to understand it. As a detective story, it is pretty terrible actually but that isn't really what it is. Honestly just read this to learn about the world that all type moon works take place in. The anime is alright ish but it skips the first few volumes. The novels are great though! Anime 6/10 Manga 7/10 Light novel 7.77/10 ^ The Adventures of Lord El-Melloi II (novel) ^ lord el melario 2 case files 21. Fate/Apocrypha (Focuses on a different holy grail war in a different timeline. The light novels are pretty bad and the anime is not an improvement at all. I didn't have high expectations and I just tried to have fun watching and reading Apocrypha. It introduces a large cast of characters who seem interesting and likable but do essentially nothing with most/all of those characters before killing them while simultaneously failing to develop the main character in a meaningful and interesting way. The writing is poor and so is the plot. There is also a manga that improves upon the others a little. It is still very important the watch and a lot of the characters it fails to develop are all really cool and well Fleshed out in fate/grand order so watch this before you play that game. If it wasn’t important to the universe I would give it an even lower score. The writing is pretty bad but the world is super interesting. Anime 6/10, Light novel 6/10, manga 6.5/10 22. Fate/prototype ^fate/prototype (anime short adapted Nasu's original works. only 12 minutes but is a fun watch. 9/10 ^ Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver (light novels) poorly written, random monologues that feel out of place, but still make more sense than Apocrypha. Novels 6/10 ^Fate/labyrinth (light novel. It acts as a side story to Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver.) 6/10 23. Notes (novel) is super important and interesting. Incredibly short but super dense. Only like 8 pages. It tells of a post-apocalyptic world and is in the same universe as the other Nasu works which is very interesting. There are angels and modified humans and it’s all super cool and strange and it takes place in the distant future. The writing is 6/10 by itself but its value to the rest of the universe is easy 10/10 24. Fate/requiem / not translated yet so IDK Here is a timeline for the whole Nasuverse, it’s a few years out of date but still very useful to know where certain story’s take place in the universe Favorite Anime Characters Female- With anime characters, I'm like the opposite of that bullshit sexuality demisexual. Like the more I get to like a character the less I am attracted to them. So I guess I don't really have a waifu idk.. 1. Oshino Shinobu/Kiss Shot Aceloria-Orion Heart-Under-Blade San - (monogatari series) Obligatory 'She is 598 years old so it's okay.' Now with that out of the way why is she my number one character? I think it is important to note that I watched a lot of the anime before reading the novels or Watching the Kizumonogatari Movies (because they weren't out yet) so there was a lot of mystery surrounding her character. Also, she is the most powerful character in the anime which is always fun. Whenever anyone is arguing over Goku vs Saitama I always bring her up just to fuck with everyone. She is also just super likable and loyal to Arararagi. 2. . Saber - Artoria Pendragon - (Fate series) I love her (personality) and respect her resolve and beliefs. She gave up her entire life and, discarded all selfish ambitions, love, and personal happiness to give all of those things to her people. If she could be a good King and provide every happiness for them by bearing the burden of all the difficult decisions she had to make by herself, then she was fine with having no personal happiness. Even in failure and defeat, she refuses to abandon the vows she made to her people. She suffered so much and in the end lost everything, however, after her death, her only regret was that she wished she could have been a better king. Her selflessness and ideals, while considered childish, stubborn, and even naive at times by some (I blame Urobuchi for people thinking this) are just one of the reasons I adore her character. She's honorable to a fault. She has layers to her character that you have to peel back to see and get the whole picture. She's strong, independent, loyal, intelligent, caring, and has unrivaled courage. Her relationship with Shirou has a rocky start but I love them together. I just love how their ideals are similar, and they learn to support and respect each other as equals. They feel like a truly united team while other Masters and Servant combos feel significantly less so. I also love their romance because it is so tragic. As Shirou learns more about her from seeing her memories in his dreams, he understands her more and more and she him. Shirou sees all the hardships she went through in life, all the things she chose to sacrifice for her people, and decides that she deserves to be happy for all her difficult trials. That's all he wants for her in the end, to be happy. But Saber's stubbornness to her oath and ideals clash with his desire to see her smile for her own sake thus leading to some great emotional moments between the two where you can catch a glimpse of who saber was before she was King. You get to see brief glimpses at the real Saber. Which makes things all the more tragic, because Saber loves him and wants to be with him but her oath as a King will always come first. Their tragic romance is also great because there's no way she can stay in this time frame and they know it. Luckily the tragedy doesn't last forever and "The Last Episode" of the VN brings a heartwarming and satisfying conclusion to their story. Also there is a great explanation here https://www.reddit.com/r/fatestaynight/comments/psk70a/the_virgin_banquet_of_the_kings_vs_the_chad/hdqh571/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 but basically fate/zero saber is really bad and weak and not at all like the F/SN VN saber. F/SN saber would never act the way she does in Fate/zero and we don’t have a proper saber route adaptation so anime only (Idk why anyone is anime only fate the fate series) is going to really misunderstand her character. 3. Illyasviel Von Einzbern (fate series) -I like F/SN illya, kaleid miyu is more similar to f/sn illya than kaleid illya ironically. I don’t dislike kaleid illya at all but she isn’t one of my very favorite characters. The beauty of f/sn illya is best described by the youtuber sleepy crest (https://youtube.com/channel/UCipmOcE3E2u0CDmgzBzFl9w) I just love her character so much and will eternally be heartbroken over the cancelation of the illya route. Hollow ataraxia is also a great source of illya content that everyone should check out. It’s hard to put into words why she is so great but You’ll Probabaly understand what I’m talking about if you finish the VN. Just the way she turns from a selfish person with nothing, even loosing berserker, to finding herself and realizing her feelings for Shirou are not unrequited. Her realizing her purpose in him is probably the best part of the VN. (Just to be clear she is not a waifu or anything I just really love her character) 4. Shiki Ryougi (Kara no kyoukai) - Shiki is so fucking cool and beautiful 5. Tohsaka Rin (fate series)- I don’t think Tohsaka is a very good tsundere but she is a more likable character because of it. In real life, a tsundere would most likely be very annoying but Tohsaka would not. I am glad Fate/Stay night has multiple routes because even though Saber is my favorite character I still love Tohsaka. She also had a very difficult childhood and partially raised herself so the fact that she achieved such high-level magic is extraordinarily impressive. In addition, I think she has the best character design out of any fictional character and is very attractive, especially her thighs. 6. Megumin (konosuba) 7. Hachikuji Mayoi - (monogatari series) 8. C.C. (Code geass) 9. Albedo (overlord) I like Albedo in the Light novel art way better than Albedo in the anime. I love how loyal she is to Momanga and how amazingly powerful she is. It is funny how she looks down on humans as mere nuisances. The way So-Bin draws her is spectacularly beautiful. One of my main problems with the anime is how they make her sort of ugly. When in the light novel she is like the most beautiful being in existence. 10. Kuroba Ayako (mahouka) Male- 1. Lamperouge Lelouch (code geass) 2. Johan Liebert 3. Kotomine Kirei (fate series) 4. Illumi Zoldyck (hxh) 5. Shogo Makishima (psycho pass) 6. Tōshirō Hitsugaya 7. Gilgamesh (fate series) 8. Light Yagami (death note) 9. Deishuu Kaiki (monogatari series) in nadeko Medusa he doesn’t become a good person, this isn’t a redemption arc for him, everyone seems to misunderstand this. he only does it because he likes hitagi. He is still a scammer who only cares for himself. 10. Kaworu Nagisa (evangelion) 11. Tatsuya Shiba (mahouka) 12. Ararararagi Koyomi (monogatari series) 13. Ken Kaneki (Tokyo ghoul) favorite anime composers 1. Joe Hisaishi - Tonari no Totoro, Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa, Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi, mononoke hime, Majo no Takkyuubin, Kaze Tachinu, Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä, Kaguya-hime no Monogatari, Howl no Ugoku Shiro, Gake no Ue no Ponyo. 2. Shiro Sagisu - Berserk, bleach, Evangelion. 3. Satoru Kousaki - Bakemonogatari, Kizumonogatari, Monogatari second season, nekomonogatari, nisemonogatari, Suzumiya Haruhi, Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai, high school of the dead, fate/extra last encore, Beastars, lucky star, Vivy. 4. Kenji Kawai - devilman, Fate/stay night DEEN, Fate/stay night UBW DEEN, Koukaku Kidoutai 1995, Mob psycho, no guns life, world trigger. 5. Yuki Kajiura - fate/stay night UBW Ufotable, fate/stay night heavens feel trilogy, Fate/Zero, Kara no kyoukai 1-8, kimetsu no yaiba, Kuroshitsuji, Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica, Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica Movie 3. 6. Hiroyuki Sawano - shingeki no kyojin. 7. Iwasaki Taku - mahouka |
All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 73.2
Mean Score:
- Watching74
- Completed235
- On-Hold21
- Dropped7
- Plan to Watch809
- Total Entries1,146
- Rewatched31
- Episodes4,275
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 42.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries453
- Reread0
- Chapters2,506
- Volumes286
All Favorites Favorites
Anime (10)
Monogatari Series: Second Season
Shinseiki Evangelion Movie: Air/Magokoro wo, Kimi ni
Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly
Kara no Kyoukai Movie 5: Mujun Rasen
Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song
Kara no Kyoukai Movie 2: Satsujin Kousatsu (Zen)
Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu Part 2
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2
Hunter x Hunter
Manga (10)
Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu
Light Novel·2014
Fate/strange Fake
Light Novel·2015
Monogatari Series: Second Season
Light Novel·2010
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 3rei!!
Shingetsutan Tsukihime
Kara no Kyoukai: The Garden of Sinners
Light Novel·1998
Hunter x Hunter
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Light Novel·2014
Shinseiki Evangelion
20th Century Boys
Character (10)
Oshino, Shinobu
Fate/stay night
Lamperouge, Lelouch
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
von Einzbern, Illyasviel
Fate/stay night
Ryougi, Shiki
Kara no Kyoukai Movie 1: Fukan Fuukei
Hachikuji, Mayoi
Toosaka, Rin
Fate/stay night
Zoldyck, Illumi
Hunter x Hunter
Hitsugaya, Toushirou
Greyrat, Eris Boreas
Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu
All Comments (64) Comments
Wishing you a fantastic day filled with joy, laughter, and wonderful memories. May all your dreams and wishes come true on this special occasion. Have a blast!
The reason owari isn't my fav is simply because the first season has both bake and kizu and were my first experiences with the lns and ultimately led me to buy the rest, also because I don't own the second season box set for owari either (but then again it's kinda tied too, I rated each of them a 10/10 lol)
I was going to recommend shinsekai yori being another show set in a dystopian world sharing similar philosophical themes, but I see you've already seen that so I would recommend zankyou no terror, texhnolyze, paprika, and ergo proxy (based on your list)
Shinobuuuu profile pic ♥♥♥
Damn you got good taste mate our taste match alot! You got monogatari stein's gate fate code geass HxH Re;zero and shingetsutan tsukihime in your favourites all of em are in my top 20 too