Czyli bardzo podobał ci się Cowboy Bebop. Ja właśnie jestem na 23 odcinku. Kurde, wiesz spodziewałam się czegoś lepszego. Nie zrozum mnie źle - podobało mi się, szczególnie epizody poświęcone przeszłości bohaterów, ale reszta jedno odcinkowych historyjek była... dobra. A po tylu ah i oh myślałam, że będzie świetnie. Ale to jeszcze nie konie 3 odcinki przede mną, które z czego wiem koncentrują się na Spajku. Potem wezmę się za Black Lagoon.
Co do Wolf's rain to słyszałam, że całkiem dobra pozycja i chyba się nad nią zastanowię. Myślałam jeszcze nad Battle Angel Alita.
Pytałam się, bo chcę skompletować sobie jakąś mangę, która jest już wydana w całości. Zaczęłam kupywać One Piece, ale stwierdziłam, że przestanę, bo to strata czasu i pieniędzy. Nie zrozum mnie źle - manga bardzo mi się podobała, ale z ilość rozdziałów jest przeogromna, więc pewnie skompletuje ją za jakieś 10 lat.
Widzę, że skończyłaś Black Lagoon. Ciekawe anime? Dałaś 10, więc raczej ci się podobało. Myślałam ostatnio, żeby to zacząć, ale na razie jestem po odcinku Cowboa Bebopa i chyba to skończę pierwsze.
No więc jest już po spotkaniu i szczerze mówiąc mi się nie podobało. Na spotkaniu była całkiem niezła grupka osób (około 20-25), z czego jakieś 5 było przebrane. To akurat był jeden z fajniejszych aspektów. Ogólnie ani pogoda nie dopisała, ani sposób w jaki to było zrobione nie był najlepszy. Ogólnie wolałabym się zebrać, pogadać i zapoznać, a nie przejść trasę i z nikim nie porozmawiać, nie licząc osób które znałam wcześniej.
Na i na koniec się rozpadało i się rozeszliśmy.
Ogólnie to pierwszy raz słyszę o tym matrasie, są tam może jakieś starsze tomy mang?
Odpisałam ci już na emaila. Szczerze mówiąc też nie wiedziałam, że tylu ich jest, dopóki nie zaczęłam chodzić na lekcje japońskiego. No i w sumie mangi same z empików się nie kupują :P.
Spotkanie mówisz? A to świetnie się składa! Moja grupa z japońskiego organizuje "cosplay walk". W sumie nazwa mało ma wspólnego z tym co ma być. Ogólnie pierwotna idea była taka, żeby zebrać miłośników M&A i się spotkać a wyszło, trochę inaczej. Mamy spotkać się pod węgierką i przemaszerować jakąś trasę, rozdając przy tym papierowe żurawie. To nie mój pomysł, ja wolałabym po prostu spotkać się i pogadać, ale wyszło jak jest. W sumie to takie spotkanie miłośników M&A. Jakbyś była tym zainteresowana to daj znać. Podeślę ci dokładne informacje. A, i jakby co, to jest już w tę sobotę.
A hej, hej. Sory, za późną odpowiedź, ale komentarz zauważyłam stanowczo niedawno, a potem nie wiedziałam co odpisać, więc piszę dopiero teraz. Jesteś z Białegostoku, tak? Z jakiego osiedla?
Yeah, I really liked the last episode. The way they gave it a conclusion but still left room for the viewer's interpretation was pretty good. I also liked how they managed to make a bittersweet ending while maintaining happening within the logical boundaries they set up before. (I was seriously expecting something a lot more depressing and I thought it wasn't impossible to make a satisfying and well written happy ending. While it wasn't suger-happy - not that I wanted it that way - it ended with a note of hope but didn't ruin the image about a world where hope and despair always balance out.) Sorry xD I seriously loved this show^^
LoL, I seriously hope not. Or else I'll be 75 when I finally start to watch it xD Anyway, maybe the manga will take really long to complete. But I hope they don't make the anime that long because even if I dislike anime original endings, I think it's worse when they start making half of it fillers.
O . O Those guys are seriously amazing! And Meago has some really good painting tutorials (which is always my weakest part... damn you Photoshop, I can use you so well for everything else...). Anyway, I'd love to draw like them as well...
Well, you know what a thriller is right? Then you just need to add the techno part xD Realistic top-notch technology description plus important scientific organizations involved in conspiracies = win. At least for me^^
I had never heard of those writers (which show how much literary culture I have, really) but since Google exists I know now something about them. From what I read (and I didn't found much on Jacek Piekara), I got really interested in Trudi Canavan's books. I think I'll try to find them in a nearby bookshop now. My favorite writer is Dan Brown. I just love his books. There is also a portuguese writer with a writing style similar to Dan Brown's who is pretty good as well. His name is José Rodrigues dos Santos but I'm not sure whether his books are translated into other languages. On the fantasy/adventure genre, I gotta say I love the Inheritance Cycle (by Christopher Paolini) and I'm eagerly awaiting the 4th and final book release late this year!
Well, I didn't like her that much compared to other characters. But that was probably because she died so early on and so suddenly that it had almost no impact on me besides the shock value. Anyway, have you finished MSMM?
Wow, you really like it! I guess I'll watch it one day... I'll probably marathon it once it's over, even if it takes years to complete (most likely). Unless I grow out of anime. (Though I don't think that's gonna happen. Not soon at least xD)
I love all of those things as well^^ Drawing is usually too time-consuming but it's a nice way to pass time on boring classes at school. Most stuff I end up drawing is anime or games related xD I also really like to read and my favorite genres of literature are adventure/fantasy and thriller (especially techno-thrillers). As for games, I usually play RPGs because I just love most of those stories and I like strategy-based gameplay as opposed to something that requires being a quick-clicker. What about you? What kind of books and games do you like the most?
No problem ;) I have something worst to apologize for: taking so long to reply. When I'm on vacations I usually manage to reply daily but now that school started (last term actually) I've got lots of tests and other school work (especially because this term only lasts 6 weeks, as unlike the previous one which was 3 months long...). I seriously don't get such disparity.
My name is HeavenZero, I would like to introduce you into my club i have started, I want to bring everyone in MAL to this club so we can all meet new people and share things we enjoy especially games!!!
Also so everyone who doesn't play games to be able to find games they enjoy~ Thats my goal anyways
BTW~As soon as you join please comment on fourms= List all games you play!
please comment back
Yeah, episode 3 is like the turning point of the series. I was kinda shocked because I truly wasn't expecting that from a show that just seemed all roses... But man, how I ended up loving it^^
The fact that it's so long is what's keeping me from watching it for now. I guess I'll give it a try once it's finished (unless it ends up being more than 200 episodes long - then forget it xD). I like shows that are focused on characters. And whether they're likable or not must be really important in a long-running show... Thanks for the opinion^^ It definitely raised my interest on Fairy Tail.
Glad you're not bothered by it^^ Some people just prefer short replies so I don't really know if I'm being annoying sometimes xD
All Comments (17) Comments
Co do Wolf's rain to słyszałam, że całkiem dobra pozycja i chyba się nad nią zastanowię. Myślałam jeszcze nad Battle Angel Alita.
nie lubię żyraf, są takie niezgrabne. a już najbardziej jak jest to pewne polskie doujinshi, które było po prostu killing masterem. hell yeah. oTL
dobry spam nie jest zły : DD
/random comment fuck yeah
Widzę, że skończyłaś Black Lagoon. Ciekawe anime? Dałaś 10, więc raczej ci się podobało. Myślałam ostatnio, żeby to zacząć, ale na razie jestem po odcinku Cowboa Bebopa i chyba to skończę pierwsze.
Na i na koniec się rozpadało i się rozeszliśmy.
Ogólnie to pierwszy raz słyszę o tym matrasie, są tam może jakieś starsze tomy mang?
LoL, I seriously hope not. Or else I'll be 75 when I finally start to watch it xD Anyway, maybe the manga will take really long to complete. But I hope they don't make the anime that long because even if I dislike anime original endings, I think it's worse when they start making half of it fillers.
O . O Those guys are seriously amazing! And Meago has some really good painting tutorials (which is always my weakest part... damn you Photoshop, I can use you so well for everything else...). Anyway, I'd love to draw like them as well...
Well, you know what a thriller is right? Then you just need to add the techno part xD Realistic top-notch technology description plus important scientific organizations involved in conspiracies = win. At least for me^^
I had never heard of those writers (which show how much literary culture I have, really) but since Google exists I know now something about them. From what I read (and I didn't found much on Jacek Piekara), I got really interested in Trudi Canavan's books. I think I'll try to find them in a nearby bookshop now. My favorite writer is Dan Brown. I just love his books. There is also a portuguese writer with a writing style similar to Dan Brown's who is pretty good as well. His name is José Rodrigues dos Santos but I'm not sure whether his books are translated into other languages. On the fantasy/adventure genre, I gotta say I love the Inheritance Cycle (by Christopher Paolini) and I'm eagerly awaiting the 4th and final book release late this year!
Wow, you really like it! I guess I'll watch it one day... I'll probably marathon it once it's over, even if it takes years to complete (most likely). Unless I grow out of anime. (Though I don't think that's gonna happen. Not soon at least xD)
I love all of those things as well^^ Drawing is usually too time-consuming but it's a nice way to pass time on boring classes at school. Most stuff I end up drawing is anime or games related xD I also really like to read and my favorite genres of literature are adventure/fantasy and thriller (especially techno-thrillers). As for games, I usually play RPGs because I just love most of those stories and I like strategy-based gameplay as opposed to something that requires being a quick-clicker. What about you? What kind of books and games do you like the most?
No problem ;) I have something worst to apologize for: taking so long to reply. When I'm on vacations I usually manage to reply daily but now that school started (last term actually) I've got lots of tests and other school work (especially because this term only lasts 6 weeks, as unlike the previous one which was 3 months long...). I seriously don't get such disparity.
My name is HeavenZero, I would like to introduce you into my club i have started, I want to bring everyone in MAL to this club so we can all meet new people and share things we enjoy especially games!!!
Also so everyone who doesn't play games to be able to find games they enjoy~ Thats my goal anyways
BTW~As soon as you join please comment on fourms= List all games you play!
please comment back
The fact that it's so long is what's keeping me from watching it for now. I guess I'll give it a try once it's finished (unless it ends up being more than 200 episodes long - then forget it xD). I like shows that are focused on characters. And whether they're likable or not must be really important in a long-running show... Thanks for the opinion^^ It definitely raised my interest on Fairy Tail.
Glad you're not bothered by it^^ Some people just prefer short replies so I don't really know if I'm being annoying sometimes xD
What are your main hobbies besides anime?