hey my name is ozyru
hello, i've been watching anime since 2012, i had a record of watching well over a 100 shows in one year back in 2015, and i also watched over 70 shows the next year, i kindda got burnt out around 2019, and had only watched 5-10 shows, until last year where i only watched 3. so you could say i don't watch anime actively anymore, as i shifted my fixation to manga and video games, and also i started to focus on my studies and social life, and myself, so i had less time to spend on entertainment, but i still love anime and care about it a lot.
my first ever anime that i watched in japanese, was naruto, but waht made me get into anime, was code geass, which i don't really like that much anymore, but i still respect it for introducing me to the world of anime.
i can't really pick one single show to be my favorite, i think even the 10 fav that mal gives is not enough, but if i had really to choose a 3, they'll have to be, gurreen lagann, psycho-pass and k-on, i think these are not just perfect shows, but are pieces of media that will resonate with me until i die.
my ratings are simple:
10-perfect show that i feel personal attachment to
9-perfect show, that i feel less attached to, or a show that i love but i know that it lacks, something
8-great and solid show, either i enjoyed a lot, or found no fault in, but didn't affect me all that much
7-very solid show, that had some small forgivable faults
6-your average meh seasonal, that is somewhat enjoyable, or was just mindless fun
5-bad shows, that do one or two things good
4-shit shows, that i was able to finish without hating myself
3-shit shows that i hated myself after watching
2-just pure garabage
1-this is reserved for the oreimo ova only
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
- Total Entries388
- Reread0
- Chapters7,996
- Volumes685
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