All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 48.1
Mean Score:
- Watching2
- Completed223
- On-Hold159
- Dropped16
- Plan to Watch383
- Total Entries783
- Rewatched0
- Episodes3,066
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 105.0
Mean Score:
- Reading57
- Completed212
- On-Hold163
- Dropped4
- Plan to Read336
- Total Entries772
- Reread0
- Chapters16,862
- Volumes1,054
All Comments (29) Comments
Her books are worth it. They're so nicely written too, she has a certain style to writing that makes me feel like I'm cozy in my own universe or something.
Yeah, a total minimalism might not be a worthy goal, it's too much (and at the same time not enough). Better just to keep things that spark joy and discard the rest.
Digital minimalism is really cool but I haven't used the knowledge in the book yet. I thought I could use a break from social media (so I deleted most of it), but I keep reinstalling TikTok once in a while. I also have an active IG account and a Discord.
Speaking of minimalism, although it's more like a discarding technique, have you heard of the KonMari method? It's really cool! I re-read Marie Kondo's books on the matter again this year and finally sorted my possessions. It was truly freeing to get rid of the things that no longer serve me. Now everything I own sparks joy. ^^
JP manga:
Yatamomo, Conbini-kun, Megumi and Tsugumi, MADK, Wild Rock, Mother's Spirit, Madness, Katekyo, and anything by Yoneda Kou
Korean webcomics:
On or Off, Incidentally Living together, Blood Bank, Sign
Anyway, this is just my opinion, I'm not convincing you to also dislike it the same way as I do.