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Ranma ½ (2024)
Ranma ½ (2024)
Feb 17, 11:05 AM
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Ore dake Level Up na Ken
Ore dake Level Up na Ken
Feb 17, 11:04 AM
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Blue Lock vs. U-20 Japan
Blue Lock vs. U-20 Japan
Jan 13, 3:13 AM
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Blue Lock
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Nexu Aug 22, 2017 9:07 PM
Happy Birthday
PrimeStormer Jan 2, 2017 5:20 AM
Okay, also sound like something I would do, though I don't have any portable devices except my MacBook Air.

Okay that sucks, though like I said before bullying is taken quite seriously here, which is partly why it stopped fairly quickly.
Also I don't know if I'd call you a coward back then because of that.

Not that exciting, I was just at home not really doing anything, Though I did play a card game with my younger sister and Stepmom and her daughter (my stepsister) it was a card game where one person read a question and the other people have to give an answer though most of the questions are just random facts that most people have no need knowing like, how many people commit suicide in a year, I think I answered 1 million and it was correct. So it's just weird and random questions like that, though in the end I had the most points even though I joined after they had started.
Also don't remember if I told you but I live with my younger sister and dad, and my dads girlfriend (my stepmom) and her daughter (my stepsister) live here from time to time as well.
My real mom is alive though she lives somewhere else and I've not seen her in over a year, I think nor talked to her, though I did get a Christmas card from her with some money.

Oh cool, the last chapter is quite good and shows a lot with the Maou. I wonder what you're gonna think when you find out who the Maou is though you probably have your suspicions already.
I hope you have fun with the rest of it. ^_^
PrimeStormer Jan 1, 2017 5:29 AM
No Problem, didn't really think that people are as free as me during the holidays, so I kind of assumed you were busy with real life stuff like a lot of other people.
When you say vacation do you mean one where you left the country or just a trip somewhere?

From what I remember about when I was bullied, I just got a bit emotional about it (by that I mean I was a little bitch lol and got a bit teary eyed) and a friend took me to the teachers and after that it kind of stopped, since I'm pretty sure the bullies just wanted to have some fun at my expense. (which I guess is how most bullies are)
They weren't really petty enough to continue or try something outside of school, since they probably thought it would just be easier to find someone else instead.

Okay well at least you had fun too.

I'm still thinking of how I'm gonna do it all, but it will probably work out.

And yes Happy New Year!! \ ^_^ /
PrimeStormer Dec 29, 2016 6:57 AM
Hello / Hi / Hey whatever introduction I or you think fits.

How has your holiday been going if you've had one so far and you going to be doing something fun for new years.
Personally it's been okay so far kind of similar to how it was last year, spent it with some family and did not really get much, though I was not really expecting anything anyway, other than that things have been pretty chill.
I don't have anything planed for new years so I'll probably be at home watching and hearing them go off, I don't think i'll be setting of any personally, but who knows.
Other than that Happy Holidays and soon Happy New Years, unless you see this after that in which case Happy after New Years I guess.

For anyone wondering why the message isn't more personalized, sorry it's cause I wrote one to most people on my friends list, which is only about 40 people but still didn't really want to sit here writing each person a different one when I'm fairly sure some might not even respond.
Cause it would be nice to say some words to some of them since I've not really talked much to everyone yet.
If you don't want to respond to the comment feel free to send me a message instead, if you think that's easier or you're more comfortable with that.
Last thing that I'll ask is I'm thinking of maybe starting/opening a AMA (ask me anything) or etc. Now my life hasn't been the most interesting one, so I don't know if I'll be able to give interesting and good answers. Feel free to say I shouldn't if you think it's stupid, since it's just and idea I had/am having and thinking of.
Bye for now I guess until or if you respond, which you don't have to but it would be nice.

Also found out you can only post a comment every 20 sec so this will still take a bit, oh well. lol
PrimeStormer Dec 25, 2016 4:21 AM
I see, My parents are not as strict at all, as long as I don't fail it's all fine.
I've gotten a bit bullied when I was younger but it was nothing that major that made me not be able to go to school.
That and bullying in Sweden and/or at least the school I've gone to has had some fairly strict rules about it, making it a bit harder to happen.
Yeah your family is just a bit concerned about you like most families are about their kids, Mine wanted me to be out and socialize at the beginning but learnt to accept that it probably won't happen that often.
No I have a sister who is 3 and a half years younger then me and also the opposite of me, as in socializes a lot and has a lot of friends and so on.
Well we weren't really a poor family and I only really asked for things like that so I did not really have much else.

It's good that you did send the message since otherwise we would not be having this conversation.
And with me you don't have to worry about being ignored since I always respond if someone says something, though sometimes it can take a bit depending on what I'm doing.

I don't know for sure if that's how I would be, but that is at least what I would hope I would do if that happened.
But like you, it has not happened so I can not know for sure how it would go.
I can understand love at first sight in the sense that you like the person a bit the first time you see them and then the more you see them the more you like them, but seeing them once and instantly be deeply in love seems a bit far fetched, but what do I know don't have any experience so can't say for certain.
When it happens or comes to that yeah.
PrimeStormer Dec 24, 2016 11:57 AM
My parents obviously also want me to do good in school, but as long as I pass everything and stay in school enough, they have not really cared for how I spend my time outside of school.
Back when I started staying inside more then outside they where a bit against it but now that it's been like this for years they are just kind of used to me being on my computer and inside all the time.
I've also not really had trouble with school at all, for me studying and things like that has always been easy and even something I don't always need to do to pass.
I guess I was a bit pampered by my parents since the oldest consoles I've had were the original Xbox and also the Gamecube which both came out in 2002 in Europe.
Where as the Famicon and NES is from is from 1983-1986 depending on where you live.
When a new console came out I usually got it.
I've had every Xbox as well, two of the original Xbox (one black and one see-through grey/silver), two Xbox 360's (one white and one Slim black) and one Xbox one.
I've also played around with several computers and laptops both by assembling and actually using them, which I have done cause when I was younger my dad was into computers a lot so I helped him and did similar stuff as he did.
Nowadays though my dad is not as tech focused as he used to be.
I've had two computers that were my own, my last one that I had from 2011-2012 around there until Christmas last year where I got my current computer which I ordered the parts and built myself, while my last one was custom built.
I also have or in a way had two Macbook Air's my dad got my old one and I have one currently, though the Macbook's I got from school for school-use but during break's in school I play around with it, while I use my computer at home.
My current Mac actually also has both windows and Mac's OS (operating system) on it.
In conclusion I have a lot of tech and have played around with tech for a long time.

It's nice talking to people but it can be a bit hard sometimes, with the people I've talked to so far everyone has been nice, though like I said before after a while of talking sometimes several messages sometimes a few, we run out of things to talk about and don't really say much more, which is fine and all, but for a person like me who is a bit shy, and I'm also shy in the sense that I'm sort of afraid to make the first interaction or in those cases Re-interactions. Which don't really help when you figure out something new to talk about.

Yeah it's like Romance in anime: Fine, no problem.
Romance in regular movies: I can't watch this.

The thing for me is I've never had a crush on someone/there has not been a person in my life that I feel like I want to be with so I don't really know how I would deal with it, but based on the type of person I am I think if I had someone I liked I would tell them so once or when I had talked to and knew that person to some extent.
Cause one thing I don't really understand in anime and other media is where the person tell the other person that that person likes the other person but that person never talked to the other person before, that if you ask me, seems like a recipe for denial/disaster since the person you asked out has never talked to you before.
I mean I think everyone deserves a chance but at least talk to the person a few times before asking them out.
Which I guess would be the hard part for a shy person (like you and me) but still. Overcome those fears lol.
PrimeStormer Dec 22, 2016 7:10 AM
I don't play games as much as I used to either, after Destiny I kind of got tired of most games, though there are still some that I play if I'm interested in it enough. My most recent game was Watch_Dogs 2 and Mafia 3
I've played everything and anything since my parents have not really cared for what I'm playing, the only thing I've not really done is play Subscription MMO's since my dad didn't want me getting into that. I have played a lot of free MMO's though.
I remember my first games were Halo, Medal of Honor: Frontline, and some racing game on the original Xbox when I was like 5-6 years old.
I also remember getting Doom 3 at some point when I was young and never finishing it cause I thought it was to scary.
So yeah my parents didn't really restrict what I could play if anything they gave me things I probably shouldn't play when I was that young. XD
A violent video game is as bad for you as a violent Movie if you don't know the difference between Reality and Fiction. Which I think some people don't understand.

I like dark humor too since it's funny, but if it was just dark and no humor I don't think I'd like it as much.

I can't say I like all romance anime either but I find most of them acceptable.
Yeah I'm still shy but I'm trying to change it a little bit by talking to people more, A few months ago I was talking to just about no one, but now I'm talking a bit more with a few people, though most seems to run out of things to say and then just stay silent.
I don't really know why but watching live action/normal movies with romance is something I have a hard time to do cause I guess it feels too real to me, there are some where it's fine but most I can't really watch.
I'm interested in relationships but I'm not looking for one, as in if it happens it happens, but I'm not going out of my way to get one.
PrimeStormer Dec 21, 2016 8:04 AM
Yeah I did really like it and played it either by myself or with some friends but after those six month's I've almost not touched it even though it has come out with a lot of new content. Though I have taken a look at it a few times during some updates but I've not really played it since I stopped, cause I just got burned out of wanting to play it and still don't really feel like getting back into it.

I'm a person who does not really HATE anything, but there are things that I might not like or enjoy reading/playing (very dark stuff in serious settings being something I don't really like), and the Rance series has some of that mixed in with stuff I like, making it a mix of good and bad and more interesting. Also that it's more of a silly and comedy VN with some dark elements makes it more acceptable I guess.
I've still not seen Prison School but I have seen some scenes from it and know what it's like. And I'm pretty sure I will like it whenever I'll watch it.

I didn't really like Romance before I watched anime. Maybe didn't care about Romance before I saw anime would be a better way of saying it.
Since it's not like I hated it, it's just I didn't really care before then, after having seen it in a few anime I grew to like it, one of the reasons for that being that I've never experienced anything like it irl, cause I keep to myself and I'm fairly shy irl and don't talk nearly as much as I do here.
So seeing it on screen is nice since it a way of seeing how it can be like.
I was fairly quiet online too until a few months ago where I decided I would try to talk to people online more and hopefully work my way to not be as shy both online and irl.
I think one of the reasons people like romance is cause you can sort of share the joy of two people getting together, and see the things that happen without having to experience it irl. And since it's something most people probably want to experience watching it happen in an romance anime for example is the next best thing.
Though I'm mostly talking for myself since I don't know what everyone thinks.
PrimeStormer Dec 21, 2016 3:55 AM
I mean I can't 100% focus on things as much as I could before I played a Console game called Destiny, after I had played that for almost every day for six months, I've had a hard time being able to be as focused on what I'm doing as I was before.
Now while I can still play or in VN's case read them for upwards of 10 hours a day I still take small breaks in between to check other stuff and made do other things for a bit until I get back to it
It's also because of Destiny that I have a harder time finishing some things cause that game burned me out on wanting to finish stuff.
That and some people just don't like to binge stuff cause they like to take their time, which I do but I also want to have fun reading or playing whatever it as soon as possible, so it's kind of a balance board of, do I want to have fun playing/reading or do I want to savor it so it lasts longer.
Majikoi A-2 for example I played one route per day cause it was a shorter VN and I didn't want it to end so I read a bit slower then I would normally.

Well Chiaki is like a super maid in that she seems to be able to do almost everything, so she is like the head maid. and she also teaches the protagonist how to act and be like a rich kid.

I do remember there was someone called that, though Ecchi or Eiichi is the one that's easiest for me to remember lol.

I tried Eiyuu*Senki several months ago but stopped, but now I want to start it again cause I want to read something that involves war and or tactics and stuff like that cause it is something I find cool to read how to plan out a battle so you can win it.
That and I did buy the two Rance games/VN's that Mangagamer are releasing on the 23rd so I'm also waiting for that.
A weird thing for me about the Rance series is it's a game/VN that I would except to not like, but cause it's not a serious VN and has comedy, it makes the things that happen funny instead of bad at least to me. If it was a VN that took itself seriously I know I would not like it since it's got several elements that I don't really enjoy. (bitchy and rude and overall annoying protagonist that sometimes does rape and other bad stuff)
I don't really understand why but for some reason it's good and funny even though in a serious setting it would be bad. Which either means I have dark humor which I probably do a bit or the writing is good enough to were those things don't seem as bad.
Also I've only actually played/read a bit of the Sengoku Rance VN, but otherwise I've read up a lot of things about the Rance series.
Mostly cause the Rance series interest me cause it's something I'd think I would not like but for some reason I do. I also have Rance in the left corner of my signature.

Dies irae I had heard about it before then found out about the Kickstarter and deiced to help back it since I've done so with several other Visual Novels. And cause it seem interesting to me.

I also find your profile picture sweet. I like it. :)
Since I like romance I find stuff like that nice. It's just a bit annoying that most Romance Anime don't really go anywhere, they just stay in a similar state most of the time with not much advancement in the relationships and such.
PrimeStormer Dec 20, 2016 8:12 AM
I just do what I feel like, if I feel like watching anime I do that, if I feel like reading Visual Novels I do that, if I feel like doing both or something else I do that.
And most of the time no matter what it is I binge it for the most part, which means most days I only focus on one thing.
I have a few that I stopped then came back a few months later finished a route then stopped again.
Well I don't think the Nukige genre for is for everyone.

Chiaki does appear quite a lot but lines relating to that quote don't happen too often.

I don't think it will be too bad, and I hope you'll like Re:zero since I thought it was quite good, which is also why I'm reading the web novel.

When you said green haired guy, I knew who you meant but I always forget his name, but I always remember that it is similar to Ecchi
Actual name: Aizawa Eiichi. Basically I remember him cause his name is similar to an anime genre. XD

I finished Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! A-2 Yesterday and I'm thinking of starting Eiyuu*Senki
Also as I was typing this I saw that Dies irae is on Kickstarter and I just backed it so I can get the digital version.
Dies irae Kickstarter Campaign
PrimeStormer Dec 20, 2016 6:28 AM
Ah so that's how you do it. I try to read as much as I can in a day, then if it's a bit late and I finish a route I'll probably stop and continue the next route tomorrow.
I do finish all routes or I should say I try, I used to play all the routes, but after having finished as many as I have now I'm starting to take a similar approach to how I handle anime, in that I might finish a few routes until I get to a route I don't like then just stop that Visual Novel until I feel like playing that route.
In most cases I try to finish the bad ones first so that I won't feel the need to put the route I don't like on hiatus.
I currently have 15 Visual Novels that I have finished one to several routes in, then I also have over 10 Visual Novels that I've not finished a single route in. That's also not counting H-VN's, that being ones that usually has this tag Nukige:

It's okay. And I do have Steins:Gate on my Plan to Watch List with a [b]Played The Visual Novel Tag. But yeah it's not in my completed since I've not seen the anime.
Chiaki is a Side Character from Noble ☆ Works: A Visual Novel about a guy who looks exactly like a rich high school kid and cause the rich kid is sick, The protagonist gets to go to the school in his place.
I liked it, I thought it was quite good and my favorite girl is Nagamitsu Maya She was Best Girl by far for me.

I kind of wonder what you'll think about it since every episode is kind of cliffhanger-y which worked to make the next episode more hyped up when it was airing but now that it's finished I'm wondering if it's gonna make it worse or if it's fine.
PrimeStormer Dec 19, 2016 10:15 PM
Well I hope you have fun with G-senjou no Maou, something I kind of wonder is do you read fairly fast or slow, what I mean is do you read for a few hours every day until you've finished it if it's interesting enough, or do you read in slower sittings?
If it's good enough I can sometimes spend upwards to 10 hours a day just reading the VN, so most visual novels for me if they are good enough usually doesn't take much longer than 1 week to finish.

Ok, that's good, I'm glad to find someone else who likes Visual Novels like I do too. So I'm happy to be able to share the things I like.

Not to be picky or rude or anything and I don't really blame you for missing it but I do have Okabe Rintarou from Steins:Gate in my signature at the top off my profile above the ES.
So to answer your question, Yes I've played the Steins:Gate Visual Novel and it was good

Code:Breaker I've heard of before and I might start the manga and see if I'll like it, and I will pick it cause it's finished and if I like it I would like it if it's something that's finished and not still being released at least for my first few Manga's.
Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo I'm pretty sure I've seen one or two episodes off the anime, though I must have forgot to add it to my on-hold list. I might try to read it a bit as well to see if I like it, since it's full of kisses. :0

Just know that Re:Zero's ending is a typical Season 2 When? ending. Unless you continue to read the web novel then I guess it continues.
PrimeStormer Dec 19, 2016 4:04 AM
Yeah when they have a fan patch and an official patch that has censored content, I usually go with the one that has everything since I don't like it when they cut content out even if it might just be an H-scene.

Your best bet would be to go for Miwa Tsubaki first then Azai Kanon then Shiratori Mizuha and last Usami Haru since that is the order their routes appear in. There are 5 chapters. #1 is introductions, #2 is Tsubaki, then the rest is in the order I listed before.

No problem, I've read a lot at this point and had to give people some advice on good ones before as well, so it's no trouble giving some advice about some of my favorites, especially since if more people grow to like what I like that would be great, and I'm glad my explanations were easy to understand, I just gave a brief summary of some stuff that happened and that I liked.

I like Space and Sci-Fi most though I've not found a lot of them so far, other than that I guess I like Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Seinen, Adventure, Magic, Supernatural, Ecchi.
I can watch and read most things as long as I find them interesting.
I would have to say Rem is Best girl just because of the later half of the anime and some stuff that she does, though Emilia is good as well and is the girl that the protagonist has the hots for.
PrimeStormer Dec 18, 2016 8:23 AM
The official version is voiced if you buy the DLC for 20$ apparently. So 40$ in total.

When I started reading G-senjou no Maou I liked Mizuha the most, but once I had finished it Haru won the spot for being my favorite, though I did already like her character from the beginning

First there is Grisaia no Kajitsu / The Fruit of Grisaia which is the first one with one route for every main girl.

Then there is Grisaia no Meikyuu / The Labyrinth of Grisaia which is the second one and has a main route that are all the route's combined from the first VN and continues with the story, this time being about the Protagonist Yuuji's past and a bit of current events at the end, it also has after stories for the routes from the first one and some side story's.

Then lastly there is Grisaia no Rakuen / The Eden of Grisaia which continues where the second one left off, I'm not sure exactly what it has since I've not read it cause it's not translated yet but I've seen the anime so I know how the main route is at least.
There are also a few side story Visual novels for the grisaia series that have come out since it gained popularity outside of japan and with the release of the anime and those are:
Grisaia no Yuukan / The Leisure of Grisaia
Grisaia no Zankou / The Afterglow of Grisaia
Grisaia no Senritsu / The Melody of Grisaia
There is also a spin-off game with the main character Michiru Idol Mahou Shoujo Chiruchiru ☆ Michiru
And they not too recently announced a new Grisaia Visual Novel with new characters following the events of the Third Visual Novel called:
Grisaia: Phantom Trigger

I guess we will see what the OVA will be when they give us more details.

Yeah there are some thing I really want to read but it seems it's not enough to motivate me to really go at it try to learn more Japanese.

I probably should read some manga's but so far I've not really found anything that has gotten me really interested.
I'm guessing you've seen or heard the I love Emilia quote that has gotten a bit out of hand.

Ok that's fine I mean I'm basically doing the same so it's no problem.
PrimeStormer Dec 18, 2016 4:22 AM
In a way most of the stuff on my On-hold list I've technically dropped, but there is the slight chance that I will start it again at some point.

Majikoi does have an anime I've not seen it yet except the first episode but since it's based of the VN it's should be pretty good since the VN is one of my all time favorites.

I played Ayakashibito fairly recently and I really liked it, and it became one of my favorites.

I don't know if I would classify G-senjou no Maou as an eroge but I guess it does have H-scenes but that's something most Japanese VN's have, unless you play the official steam version which is all ages but I played the one that was fan patched since the official version did not exist yet.
I also don't like it when they cut out stuff since it's kind of jarring most of the time when you get to those parts.
The best girl would have to be Haru since she is the main girl but the other ones are good too.
When you read it, read the other girls route before reading Haru's/ the true route. Since the True route is the finale it's best to save it for last.

Yeah Saya no Uta was kind of weird but it was a very interesting read and I enjoyed it.

A warning is the anime for Grisaia no Kajitsu skips a lot of things that happen in the Visual novel and the anime is not that great at least not the one that is based on the first Visual novel, the second and third one are better adapted in the anime. though I've not read the third Visual novel yet but I can assume it was better since it did not seem as bad as the first one.

Nekopara is apparently getting an anime OVA, which I'm not sure if that means it's H-rated or if it's one episode but I'm looking forward to see what it is and they are also working on Vol.3

Monster Girl Quest was not the best VN I've read but it was interesting, though I don't blame people for skipping out on it.

I've been learning it for almost a year but I still can't read all the Hiragana and Katakana, that's how slow my progress has been which is also cause I've taken month long breaks several times so yeah.
I just really need to set up a schedule and goals if I want to learn it at a decent rate.

I've read bit and pieces of some Manga and Light novels, but I've not finished one.
The only one I've stuck with is the Re:zero Web novel that is getting translated by TranslationChicken.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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