ATENÇÃO: Gostas de PORTUGAL? És estrangeiro vivendo em PORTUGAL? Are you a person that likes PORTUGUESE culture? Vem fazer parte do clube Lusitan@s
Just another fan of anime and manga, as well as Japanese culture.
Accepting all friend requests, but please try not to be just a random user! Don't hesitate to send me a message about anything you want to talk about, sometimes I am weird, but I am a cool guy, for real ๐
I am not accepting anime/manga recommendations! Sorry, my lists are already too big for me (this is not a dirty joke)... ahah
Waifu: Kirishima Touka (Tokyo Ghoul)
Husbando: Vinsmoke Sanji (One Piece)
Protect at all cost: Forger Anya (Spy x Family), Kinomoto Sakura (Cardcaptor Sakura) and Mamizuka Kazuma & Takuma (Gakuen Babysitters)
Interests: science, engeneering, aeronautics, space, cooking, ocean and cats. What are your interests and hobbies?
Bagaço é para os portugueses o que matcha é para os japoneses.
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I hope things are going fantastic for you at the moment!
-- Spock
Feliz aniversário!