Illo Illo!
I'm Otaku-kun88, nice to meetcha!
I'm an old Prinny dude who lives in Canada, Quebec. My primary language is french, but as you can see, I can also write in english.

<--- Oui oui! This is Moi! 😤
I think and act differently than most people. Because of that, everyone around me treats me like a weirdo.
Oh but don't get me wrong! I'm not complaining here. On the contrary, being different is something I'm actually proud of!
I mean, we ARE human beings, aren't we? As far as I know, every single human being is different, so why are we all trying so hard to act and think the same way? I don't get it... 😵
Why am I a weirdo, you ask? Well, one of the many reasons is because I love to laugh. I laugh at pretty much everything.
Most people think I'm immature, but hey! Being young of heart and being immature are two entirely different things, wouldn't you agree?
This world of ours is boring as heck. Instead of being serious and falling into a depression, like most people do, I prefer laughing.
Partly because of the above, moi is not really good at talking with others but if you send me a message, I'll do my best to answer you... just don't expect a serious answer. 🤪
I started watching animes in... 2007... I think?
I watch a bit of everything, but my favorite genres are a mix of comedy & action(Gintama is a good exemple), romance and horror(Satsuriku no Tenshi is a good exemple) and romance & drama (Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora is a good exemple).
My least favorite genres are sports, music and mecha.
Just for fun, here's a short list that contains some of my favorite animes:
I also love mythology, animals(Who doesn't? 🤣), writing stories and playing video games. I like RPGs, especially retro RPGs. 🤤
Again, here's a short list of some old games that I really love:
Back in the days, the games were so incredible! You could feel the devs' passion.
...But today, the game devs only think of making money. 😭 It's hard to find a good RPG nowadays...
They spend 90% of a game's budget on the graphics, then 3% goes on the story, another 3% goes on the soundtrack and yet another 3% is used on the gameplay. The remaining 1% is used to debug the game. Why do you think we're
ALWAYS getting a day 1 patch on
GAME? Sigh...
Of course, not EVERY "modern" RPG is bad. Take NieR:Automata and Sonic Frontiers for example. Those are pretty awesome games if you ask me! ✦.✦
That's all moi had to say! Well, at least for now! 😁
Thanks for reading and have a good day/night or....whatever! 😆
All Comments (15) Comments
Umm interesting. Ohh I see :o Okay then xD
Oh yeah, I love mages too, but I actually love swordsmen the most :D Hmm cool! Yeah I've seen all of them except Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei and I haven't watched Negima, but I've read the first two-three volumes since my sister bought them lol
It's okay, I don't mind, so no worries xD
Oh well that's not bad either. Haha don't worry, I have crazy dreams as well xD But idk those dreams sound interesting to me :o I mean maybe you were scared in the dream, but when you think about your dreams they seem cool, right? xD