About me, some facts :
- I'm an audiophile, so be free to talk about music with me, it's my absolute and first passion ;)
- Love to meet new people, especially from foreign countries, I also love to learn new languages. I'm actually fluent in French, English and nearly fluent in Spanishforget that, I didn't practice for so long that I forgot almost everything...
- Oh, my second passion is all about computers: I'm currently a Software Engineer and Entrepreneur working in many fields, from mobile/app/web development, forensics, reverse engineering & security. I also love designing enriching end-user experiences (UX) and very interested -and thus, versed- in engineering teams' psychology along projects' conduction.
- Used to love playing games, FPS and Fighting games especially. (Playing Smash -Melee- competitively ATM)
- So far, I've been considered as overly ambitious in every part of my life.
- My type of personality is INTP, The Engineer. See here :
- I have a personal website, but it's in french so... Look above in the "website" section
All Comments (119) Comments
Yeah, I love Future Garage.
Thanks, I'll check those links out. Here are some of my favorites.
Nice taste, I followed you just in case you repost some good shit. xD
You are now an old man, you look back when you threw that one duck like a football into the hoop at the last second. Because of that you met the man of your dreams. You rock back and forth on your rickety old chair at the front porch, slowly breathing into the crisp air. You slowly start to stand up from your chair, and you proceed to walk into a Forrest, deep inside the thick and lavish greenery. Then you see a little stone that is lodged up by smaller stones. A tombstone, with writing so small you would need glasses to see what was written. But you already knew what it said, you remembered it word from word. Here lays Duckie Leah Jones. 1955-2015.You say to your self: I will not cry this time, I will be strong this time. Slowly getting up you started to walk away from the tombstone, but the farther and farther away you get away from the stone, the harder it is for you to breathe, your chest starts to tighten up, your breathing becomes heavier, and your eyes start to fill up with water. It was then you started to run with all your strength out of the Forrest, letting waterworks flow like the river, and screaming so loud every animal in the Forrest could hear your pitiful cry's. Slowing down you start to feel dizzy, and your balance is starting to deteriorate. A big thug was then heard that echoed all around. Feeling the soft grass on your pale cheeks, you flip on your back and look into the heavens....."Huh? Why is everything going dark. It's only 2 o clock. Are there clouds blocking the rays of light that come from the sun? Then accepting reality, you drop the act. Your eye lids grow heavier and heavier by the second. "Never thought it would end like this huh Duckie? hahahaha *cough* hehuh I will always remember you, in life....and in death....." As you said your last words you formed a smile upon your wrinkly face.
A smile that says: You have lived a blessed life
I think I did okay, some pretty great and some... not so great. Results day is in a week so only time will tell.
I haven't got any of the DLC for smash yet :( But I did see a lot of Mewtwo's when he first came out and I got wrecked the first time I saw one but after that I had a pretty easy time of dealing with them. I realllllly want to get Lucas though since I adore the Mother series and Ness is one of my favourite characters to use. Roy would be great too since Marth is my mine :P
Haha, welcome to the club! My brother gets salty too whenever I beat him with Marth ;)
Lucas is sounding better and better the more I hear about him, if I'm to buy any of the DLC it'll definitely be Lucas.
SHURYUKEN! I don't know if you watched it but Reggie played with Ryu at the Nintendo World Championship and he seemed like a really spammy character lol but that's probably just because Reggie isn't very great at the game :P
I absolutely adore characters who use swords in Smash even though there aren't too many of them, that forward smash for Marth is pretty great too.
Everrrryone loves Melee because it's more complex. My first smash was brawl and I think it's great but everyone doesn't really like it as much because of it's predecessor, Melee. I got to get around to playing it though, I bet I'd love it.
Aaaand, yeah I'm up for a game. What kinda time you thinking of playing? Our time zones aren't very different and I'm on summer break now too so I have all day! (and night, my sleeping pattern is horrible)
Will do! I've been playing quite a bit recently because of the patch and the introduction of Mewtwo and stuff. Glad to see some of the characters have been buffed, Shulk in particular.
I never really played Melee, the first Smash I played was Brawl. I've played Melee a few times but it's always felt like a step down to me even though everyone praises it so much. I don't really find Marth to be that slow to be honest, he's not exactly the fastest character but his speed is fine for me. Obviously to someone like Cpt. Falcon who you main, he will probably seem slow :P His aerial cooldowns are like his only weakness for me :(
Cpt. Falcon is pretty awesome, he's just a faster version of Ganondorf. I have a few alt characters myself, I normally use Dark Pit, Fox and Ness alongside with Marth. Interesting to see someone who plays with Peach though, she's always seemed like one of the weaker characters in the game. I'm training Little Mac at the moment, he's really powerful but it's almost impossible to get back on the stage when he gets knocked off :( I wish I was good with Megaman, I'm more of a close range, in-your-face kind of fighter so Megaman isn't really a good match with me.
Of course you have no reason to get rid of those videos but does it ever cross your mind to delete those memories that you have?
I suppose that's one thing I haven't tried personally. Like you say, forcing yourself is not healthy at all and I know that. I guess maybe taking basketball back up might help me get my mind back on track. Loosen myself up a bit. Thanks for the indirect advice :D
Yeah, it's hard to picture another nation having bad parts in their cities but that's only because the media and travel agencies will most likely never publish this information without and worth involved. I'm just glad I realised these things before I started to travel when I was younger, or otherwise I would be a naive person without his wits :D
No you're pretty much right. All the Baltic languages are similar in some sort of way (or at least I have noticed this) but they are quite difficult languages to learn. The main reason is support for these languages back at home, at least here in England. If you don't self study like I do, the prices for a tutor is absolutely OUTRAGEOUS compared to learning other languages. Sucks really.
Russian definitely does look complicated from first glace but now that you say it consists of small grammar and verbs, it's probably not as complex as it seems.
Now that's something I wanted to hear from someone who has learned another language so fluently. 'I never looked at an English grammar book'. I know grammar is important in some cases but I don't like being forced to learn it straight off the bat without first building your vocabulary and practicing your pronunciation, but that's just me.
Do you enjoy working at Melberries? I mean I know you enjoy your work but as a specific company, do you enjoy it?
Unfortunately, money is what makes the world go round. It's a shame that many talented people are left to rot in the dust because they cannot get the financial support but that's business for you.
I bet it must be a good feeling when you see people using your services and products that you created, isn't it?
I added you, my ID is - saif.m
Get well soon man, hope you feel better. I often play with my brother and I'd say I'm pretty good but I don't know how I'd compare to the rest of the community :P It'll be fun anyways! Hit me up whenever you want to play :)
I main Marth, never even played Fire Emblem but he's my best character. How about you?
That my friend, is always the things about choosing a path, as you know. You'll always say to yourself 'what if I did this, or what if I did this instead of that' but at the end of the day, I like to see things like this (I'm not religious) - Things happen for a reason. But you don't need me telling you this, you're the one who has experienced this to an extreme :D
Oh she kept the kitty? I don't even know what to make of that to be honest. I don't think people can forget about others they cared for so deeply so easily. How everyone acts to how they actually feel are completely different.
I have to follow your example mate! I have a big problem with motivation you see. I'm trying to learn a new language but my motivation keeps dropping and rising everyday so I've been struggling to find a good method to keep myself going.
Also, three screens are the way. Although I only use two at home, I always use three or more at work so I understand :D
Well it's a good job you didn't. I don't want people to think of London (although it's not my hometown) as a bad city because of it's bad side. I'm sure every major city in the world has it's bad sides.
Well I wish you the best with learning Russian. Funnily enough, I think I will be attempting to learn Russian after Latvian myself. Although that won't be for a LONG time :D
So Skype/phone calls, IM's and video games were the key to your influential English huh...I'll have to remember that one. I've been trying to figure out a good way to Learn a new language without staring at a book all day.
Oh so you're pretty much like a pseudo-machinima or roosterteeth then? That's a pretty good idea if you can successfully do it. I mean you only have to look at those guys (not so much Machinima anymore)
Well those ideas certainly sound relevant to today's society and awesome at the same time. I'm actually quite curious now to see how successful they may or may not become now so I'll gladly listen to your investors pitch :D