"If you were to start something and weren't able to finish it, no one gets to decide if that's a failure or not. Even if it only looks like a bad thing, your will to try to do something, or even just your earnest feelings... Things like that will always be left behind within others. Someone after you might do what you were trying to do even better." -Kirima, Seiichi
"Mendokusai" -Gintoki
"The moment you put it into words and tell someone, it starts to diverge from your feelings. Words are nothing but lies and nothing but cheats. No matter what the truth, the moment it is told, it becomes dramatized." -Kaiki Deishu
"Even if you can't decide what's right, you can decide what side is right, can't you?" -Oshino Ougi
"If I survive but couldn't protect what was important to me, then I might as well be dead." -Tama
"When armies go into battle a draw is a defeat for the lesser side." -BadMouse
"Men are all scum." -Gintoki
"Whether you're victorious or you're defeated, no matter what you protect or what you lose, there's no meaning in war. No matter how you tidy it up, it's a pointless act that ends you up with nothing but corpses and sins. There's really... nothing worth going that far to protect. If there were something like that, it would be the souls of those that are trying to build an era without such needless war, or of those that fight against themselves, rather than an enemy. And those souls still aren't dead. Not as long as there are those that carrying on those feelings." - Sakata Gintoki
"Social justice without economic justice is just false promises" HasanAbi
"For a society to be human it must have empathy." azureScapegoat
"you can have anything you want except your freedom"- Ravana
3x3 key:
Full Metal Daemon Muramasa
Gintama: S1-8, Movie 1, Love Incense Arc, semi-final, and final
Aiyoku no Eustia: Only the first 2/5 chapters are translated
Hidamari Sketch
Aria (might be 1 or 2 higher)
Alien Nine
Kino's Journey: 2003, and Life Goes On
Violet Evergarden
Notes: Somewhere between the top 5-7 are perfect 10s.
I started watching anime in ~Mid June-ish 2018 and was brought in by Miyazaki films. Specifically, someone posted a shared video viewing of Spirited Away on Facebook and I watched it and I really liked it. Started watching anime all day Mid Augustish. I was a hikikomori from March 2018 to Feb 2019 and watched 50 days of anime in that time. I watched Naruto, Bakugan, Pokemon, a small amount of Dragon Ball, and Sonic X as a child. I loved the Shadow the Hedgehog GameCube game. Either A Certain Scientific Railgun, or Kill La Kill was my 1st anime series after really getting into anime.
I like to take a good amount of drugs and get completely dissasociate in media.
I most appreciate: DARK FANTASY, psychological, Iyashikei, trauma/mental illness being portrayed well, making of a warm familial place from none, that have really nice or funny or wholesome or fun parts and then go to warm belonging, extremely serious parts, drama, comedy, gripping, emotional, slice of life, unique (especially in animation), moe <3 UwU, adventure, thrillers, philosophy, romance, fantasy, whirlwinds of emotion, atmosphere, chuunibyou, Sadists, cheracters who don't give a fuck *mendokusai*, and some action.
I primarily watch Sub, and always watch things in broadcast order (at least the 1st time).
The first half year I watched anime I was a NEET and got 50 days worth in.
I watch a very large amount of youtube.
People I like to listen to number one being Vijay Prashad, but also Hasan Piker, and RIP Trixie the Golden Witch (Digibro).
I wish MAL was called Otaku List and had visual novels, and JRPGs. I also really wish singular episodes could be marked watched or rewatched and make your own tags you can filter by in list.
1 Tokisaki Kurumi (Date a Live)
2 Usami Haru (G-senjou no Maou)
3 Kanoe, Yuuko (Dusk Maiden of amnesia)
4 Minakami Yuki (Wonderful Everyday)
5 Yukina Himeragi (Strike the Blood)
6 Kunieda Aoi (Beelzebub)
7 Velvet Crowe Tales of Berssria)
8 Haruhi Suzumiya (The Meloncoly of Haruhi Suzumi)
9 Ryuko Matoi (Kill la Kill)
To filter out most hentai on my list always look at the list by top rank down. unless I look at the anime as an anime more than hentai or find great artistic enjoyment I will not rank porn. I think I only have a couple ranked. I was originally gonna have a second account for it but a digibro video give me the courage. If I ranked them by how hot I think they are then some would be way higher than they deserve to be. I never have hentai in my watching and always put them in dropped instead so dropped is primarily hentai.
I often add people who have at least semi-similar tastes as me. Only for sure deal breaker is if it seems you don't actually watch what you put on your list.
Recently got back into magic the gathering. hopefully, I will use it to improve my social skills and mental health by eating out. My main decks are Thalia and the gitrogmonster stax cedh, and a maverick stoneblade legacy list that I hope to upgrade into lands with a tabernacle and 3 more mox diamonds by 2025 https://www.moxfield.com/users/OshinoEdan
been playing bo6 zombies pretty much non stop/ I got mtg legacy weekly on Fridays down the block.
Escaflone is incredible.
not so much stuff in 2024 I wanna watch :(