My ratings aren't an exact science, but they do deserve some context. I make no attempt to rate the "objective quality" of anything I watch or appeal to the popular consensus; my rating is my assessment of how enjoyable and worthwhile the show is according to the things that I value and like, including commonly discussed things like visuals, sound, characters, and plot, as well as more personal things like style and charm. If you really like something I rated low, or really dislike something I rated high, that probably means we care about or like different things. My ratings for everything I've completed, and some things I haven't, are the sum of that work's scores from 1 to 5 on twelve different categories, fit to the scale from 1 to 10. They're all still subjective, but I've made some effort to break it down in a way that helps me compare things I think are of similar quality and avoid the temptation to rank some things extremely high or low if I particularly disagree with the popular consensus.
Things I like: Great lively soundtracks, emotional thrills, clever or witty comedy, fantastical settings blended with the modern world, appealing unpretentious art, good dubs, character focus, suspense, flawed and distinctive characters, camaraderie, growth, fighting spirit, explosive and indulgent action, the Hero's Journey, suffering that pays off in the end, fun
Things I dislike: Bad communication with the viewer, overly confusing or badly explained plots, excessively low budget animation, characters with no personality beyond their role in the plot, anything that seems like it's talking down to the viewer or aggressively trying to push a message, confusing or boring pacing, certain art styles, viscerally disgusting imagery, pointless sadness
Things I don't get much out of: voice acting in languages I don't speak (i.e. Japanese), excessively deranged or psychedelic animation, creativity or "the message" being prioritized in lieu of good storytelling, horror, a lot of pure romance
What my ratings mean:
(note: descriptions on the very low end are somewhat speculative, currently the lowest rating I've given a show is 3).
Unrated: I don't have a solid opinion or can't remember what I thought about it well enough
1: Absolutely awful, containing almost nothing of any value. Not even close to enjoyable.
2: Terrible, probably with very little to like. Very poorly put together.
3: Generally bad, with a small number of positive or at least acceptable qualities. Probably incompetent in some ways.
4: Bad, but perhaps good in specific aspects. Not worth my time overall. Often quite boring in the ways that I care about.
5: Potentially almost enjoyable or worthwhile, but held back by glaring flaws that make the good aspects hard to enjoy, or just largely boring and unremarkable. Overall not worth watching in my estimation, but not too far away from such. This is as high as I'll rate something that I don't think was worth, and 6 is as low as I'll rate something that was.
6: Generally more good than bad, but still with quite apparent flaws, or just not enough good to make it more worth. Worthwhile, but not by much. Hard to enjoy or boring at points. May have some episodes or arcs which are much stronger than others.
7: Generally enjoyable, but not great. Consistently held my interest, with perhaps some weaker episodes or moments. May be not particularly noteworthy (but likeable) or with some interesting ideas (but questionable execution).
8: Quite good, solidly likable with no caveats.
9: Great, enjoyable throughout with particular strong moments. May have a small number of issues I think hold them back from being as good as they could be, or be consistently great but lack the fundamental resonance that I think characterizes a 10.
10: Immaculate, extremely fun, clever, hilarious, thrilling, or other superlatives. Consistently excellent, no significant flaws, perhaps some small issues that don't meaningfully detract from the whole.
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