I like and prefer Japanese stories. But why? A concise first approach would be that stories have a vision that is very different from what we're used to consuming. Different in a good way. No better or worse, but richer in narrative, visual and aesthetic sense.
Thanks to the possibilities of the global village, today this art has spread throughout the world and can access what not before. So, after an era of supermen and a saturated market, we can see something new and good. From the outset, we note that is totally unique and we like for those details that differ for good to the Japanese rest. It my passion join to
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The heroes are very different. Most vulnerable, they can bleed and sometimes lose, they are even more human. They are seeking self-improvement all the time ranging from what is considered right and wrong.
Their enemies are human yet, they are seen to reflect and make mistakes, unlike the powerful wicked and evil 100% that shows the western culture. Some characters begin as enemies and end part of the ranks of "good", to catalog the characters, then rethink your situation or various unfoldments of frames.
The clearest examples of this are in Dragon Ball, Vegeta, Piccolo and Majin Bu. Vegeta is essentially evil, but wandering among the ranks of good and evil, finally decides to join the safeguarding of its people. Hu Hu also Hakusho so with some suspiciously similar to those of the Dragon Balls characters.
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