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Days: 59.6
Mean Score: 7.15
  • Total Entries335
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  • Episodes3,546
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Boku no Hero Academia: Ikinokore! Kesshi no Survival Kunren
Boku no Hero Academia: Ikinokore! Kesshi no Survival Kunren
Aug 28, 2020 2:48 PM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season
Aug 28, 2020 2:48 PM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
Bungou Stray Dogs 3rd Season
Bungou Stray Dogs 3rd Season
Aug 28, 2020 2:47 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 6
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Days: 6.0
Mean Score: 9.00
  • Total Entries7
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  • Chapters838
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Boku no Hero Academia
Boku no Hero Academia
May 30, 2020 5:30 PM
Reading 273/432 · Scored -
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Kimetsu no Yaiba
May 25, 2020 1:03 PM
Completed 207/207 · Scored 8
Ao no Exorcist
Ao no Exorcist
May 18, 2020 7:23 AM
Reading 120/? · Scored 9

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lazardc Apr 19, 2020 6:39 AM
hi Evelina, how are you?
Xeleton Apr 17, 2020 5:51 AM
Original shounen's from 90's had simple story but really good storytelling, plot and wordbuilding haha.
Berserk is good if youre into emotions, philosophy and growth of a character. Its a hit or a miss. But for most people, its a hit. Its currently the most popular manga(even tho 1 chapter released per year lol). If you decide to go for it, start with 1997 version, then go with 3 golden age movies. There is also 2017 anime which is the sequel, but many people didnt like it because its CGI style animation.
I also would love to hear your thoughts about the animes ive suggested. Especially Berserk and its philosophical angle.
I usually watch animes ive added a year ago and binge them. For some season I just wait... wait ... wait... then binge it on random day haha.

But it seems like I got enough motivation to watch Shigatsu no Lion now. I got my final push from you. I might start it today or tomorrow haha. One of my favorite manga also emphasized on 'finding a place in the world' kind of issue, so im more interested now.
I personally dont like common supernatural things such as vampires but its just the story that kept me going. Or maybe it was just fall-in-love for me lol. I just love that anime beyond belief.
I strongly support rewatching an anime, like 5 years of gap between them. I had many diffrent feelings after watching them again.

I didnt enjoy One Punch Man until its second season haha. (I know most ppl hate 2nd season). But there was a character called *checks the anime* 'Garou'. I cheered him alot.

It will be hard to return to work life for many ppl because they are used to sitting home haha. With people like you talk and have fun, im sure it will be more harder to return. Hovewer, I hope things will return to what it was soon. I work as asst. prof. as M.Sc graduate. Its not a stable job, and I honestly want to work for a company instead of being in uni. I'm really bad at teaching lol. There is also unending competition and schemes between people... University life feels like a horror movie haha.
Working in a cafe sounds more tiring but enjoyable imo. I'm usually cooped up in the lab. Youre sure to meet diffrent kinds of people everyday.

of course. youre here since 2010 :o Its like since the beginning of humankind! hahahaa. there are users who registered at 2006 though, maybe youre not THAT old *pat pat*
If only I could watch this much anime since 2017. Ive been watching since 2010 and will probably never stop as long as there is quality anime/story. Its just I didnt use these forums. I was just keeping at spreadsheet on what I have watched haha.
Its not only anime either, Visual novels, games, manga. I'm basically lost in the neverending Japanese entertainment sector. Did you expand to other Japanese culture as well?
Xeleton Apr 17, 2020 3:13 AM
yep. of course. I said I hate cliche, but I still watch slice of life if its very goood and recommended to me by alot of people. It is just boring to understand and see whats going to happen in future epsiodes and how its going to end. Thats why I love twists haha.
The animes who changed me were filled with pain, suffering and tragedy haha. Hovewer, I still love comedy very much.

Lets see... an anime you havent watched but awesome sci-fi,supernatural...
- (its focused on battles,fight with lotsa supernatural elements, personally, this anime changed me very much)
'Set in the medieval era, Kenpuu Denki Berserk is a dark, gritty tale that follows one man's struggle to find his own path, while supporting another's lust for power, and the unimaginable tragedy that begins to turn the wheels of fate.' ( a great comedy anime imo, and lotsa ppl passed on this. I feel like its very lighthearted and fun) (just recently finished it and I find it beautiful. it adds diffrent perspective on how a character can grow)
Well, there are lots more but I think these are enough for now haha. I had shigatsu no lion on my watchlist for a year now. But I havent started it yet haha. What makes that anime so special? It also has high score in MAL.

Shiki has mixed opinions overall. Most score low, others pretty high. I liked it because the anime stayed very objective and protected its 'gray' path of telling their story.
Lol, if its 'great' slice of life, i would still watch it. What makes mob psycho 100 so good?

I suppose I should call myself luckier? I normally work in a uni but its closed but I still get payment. Its not determined how long theyll be closed though. I guess eventually some 'busy' times await me. But currently im kinda free so im trying to enjoy the free time haha. I've watched lotsa animes in a short timespan so I plan to continue it. Maybe I should start with one of your recommends.
Its sounds nice and not boring to be able to work from home though haha. What kind of work is it?

Also, idk if you know it but (since youre old member), you can check anime unique to me, or unique to yourself to make recommends easier. Just clicking the (90 shared) anime from top left of the affinity bar.
*In reality, it seems like its been there for a while, but it took soo long for me to realize it*
Futagokoro Apr 16, 2020 6:17 AM
that sounds great, i'm glad it's getting more traction in sweden!
i've been to stockholm before and i really loved it
it's absolutely beautiful there and cold x)

spirited away would be second, grave of the fireflies would be first for me, i cried like a baby T~T

i only started watching anime about a year ago :c

yes i have, there's a lot of people on discord, i really like scandinavia and i'm happy i've met some people from there too
speaking of which do you have discord? i would be really happy if i could chat to you more ^^
Xeleton Apr 15, 2020 8:26 AM
hey evalina! thanks for the add!
I thought you forgot to add me so I took the initiative lol.

I'm actually curious about what your favorites are.. like animes/genres and such since you dont have favorites updated on your profile yet
After checking your list, you have variety of tastes and pretty good taste overall. Except... how dare you give Shiki only 5 haha
*insert angry anime character angry gif here*
i hope youve been well in these hard times
Futagokoro Apr 15, 2020 7:15 AM
hehehe i actually see a few people from japan on here, most japanese people use anikore instead of mal since it's japanese
i kinda wanted to meet people all around the world and i like mal

do many people in sweden watch anime?
which is your favourite studio ghibli movie?

ne evelina i'm one year older than you :3

i got into anime because one of my friends forced me to watch hxh even though i was really reluctant
i'm glad he did because i really enjoyed it
Futagokoro Apr 15, 2020 12:16 AM
hi hi evelina!

you're a rare swedish person! :o
i know like 3 other swedish people

what got you interested in anime?

i'm tatsuko by the way, it's nice to meet you ^^
JVskunkape Apr 14, 2020 4:21 PM
I mean I guess every man has his price
JVskunkape Apr 14, 2020 3:27 PM
Onee-chanEvelina said:
Some people will do anything for money

what? lol
AndyKyrielight Apr 14, 2020 2:43 PM
Thanks friend XD Happy Easter too.
I hope you are having a good day ^.^
L0Ll Apr 14, 2020 11:20 AM
Glad it made ya smile. :3
L0Ll Apr 14, 2020 11:15 AM
Arigatou kind sis.

SBR_Gyro Apr 14, 2020 9:04 AM
I remember reading that the original author of the manga had quite a bit of control in making of this remake, even in things like choosing the production staff and things like that. I can't seem to find the source, but maybe this is a bit reassuring xD maybe not I don't know. It definitely is a strange feeling to see a beloved series that you remember fondly in a new form. From what I have seen, I liked it, but then again I knew nothing about the source material or the original series beforehand.

Oh yeah you are watching the first season, (that adapts Part 1 and 2 of the manga)... it's quite different from the subsequent season. I can't say that I was a fan from the first season to be honest, I began liking it towards later episodes and in Stardust Crusaders season more. Then I read the manga, with Part 7 being my favourite - as it can be guessed from my name.

Well...I am not an expert...maybe that's low fantasy? :P that's a genre....uhmm well maybe something like Clannad? That seems to fit your description

It's hard to say for me what I really like. My favourites are the shows that I found unique (such as Yu Yu Hakusho - which I found to be very imaginative & more unique than anything else in the genre; or Welcome to NHK which deals with social isolation, mental illness etc. ... it's something that I haven't really seen anywhere else.) My favourite anime of all time is probably Rurouni Kenshin, the OVA I have in my favourites, but I like the series as a whole too. To me it has perfect combination of romance, comedy, action, sadness + it's also "samurai" genre, and I love samurai films, manga anything really ^.^ Also the show is very special to me, it has helped me through difficult times, which is part of the reason why I love it so much. It feels strangely nostalgic to me, even though I discovered it just 2 years ago. I could talk ages about the show or why I love it but I don't want to bore you :P

So yeah my ideal "genre" if you can call it like that is probably something that achieves the balance between romance, comedy, action + has something unique to it :)

Out of my favourites I would easily recommend Koe no Katachi.............but you saw that one haha. Hmm have you seen Hinamatsuri? It's not really sad anime, it's a comedy with few light supernatural elements....and very unique I must say. It's about a little girl and one Yakuza member, I won't say more though, don't want to spoil anything :) But I think you might like this one. Maybe "Dororo" might be up to your liking too. It's a story of a son of the samurai lord on the journey to reclaim something that is his. This anime is definitely a lot more serious and sad story, which you might like, based on your description ^^ if you have any recs for me, feel free to tell me c:

woops looks like I wrote a quite a bit, sorry if that's a problem xD
diavolophobic Apr 14, 2020 8:00 AM
Hii! Thanks for the request! ♥‿♥ On your profile, it says you have Nanatsu no Taizai on your recents! I hope the show's going good for you. I have it on my plan to watch list. To be honest, I only wanted to watch it because the first op was really catchy.. ヘ(^_^ヘ)
SBR_Gyro Apr 14, 2020 7:35 AM
Hi, thanks for the request! :) I see that you have Fruits Basket in the favourites. I started watching the new season last year but I stopped due to exams and other things, so I haven't come back to it yet xD. I completely forgot about it, maybe I should start again, have you also seen the new season (the remake)? :) Admittedly I haven't seen that many anime in that genre, my favourite list probably reveals what I tend to like :P What is your favourite genre?
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