Andy!! It has been soo long! How have you been? And how was your birthday.
I'm doing good, I'm still a nurse although on the verge of a job switch, I really do love the work, seeing all the smiles is everything, but the pay isn't really that good in the Netherlands. Besides I can support others for free, so I'd rather do such a thing as a lifestyle like it's supposed to be :). Generally not much has changed around me except I'm quite a bit years older, still barely in my twenty's, gonna go into my 30's looking for what truly brings the ultimate peace within.
I really appreciate you reaching out to me like this, it has been quite blissfull actually. Super glad hearing from you again. <3 Tell me all about you you and you.
the anxieties of become an adult =_= it's nice that you had a furry friend to help you
on the flip side, i do feel like these experiences make us more confident to deal with whatever life throws at us
i would have never guessed andy to be one to pick up strays. i think julie woke something inside of you :3c
crazy cat guys are nice. you chose well! sounds like you have the better end of the deal with providing while he does all the work >_>
i love cats. they're fluffy and i want to bury my face in them, but the thought of them destroying my things is what keeps me from going through with it. definitely not going for a kitten.
i'm enjoying my very generous vacations right now B) been doing some deep cleaning and catching up on anime. my brother is trying to drag me out to watch the new avatar movie but it's SOO LONG.
andy is living the dream! i'm happy for you. i can't believe you finally joined the superior side of cat lovers. i clearly remember you being team dog when you had your chihuahua. i will agree to be uncle richie but im not doing any babysitting!! i wonder what your husband and parents think about your cat obsession though 🤔 you're pushing it with 3 cats. keep your man healthy or you'll become one of those lonely, crazy cat ladies!! those are some good names. did you pick them all? :O i would love to get a cat of my own but i need to make my place cat proof first. i'd hate for them to destroy my things D:
bro you're making me look bad. andy has matured so much smh. i watch anime and play video games when i get home everyday. i have been reading a lot more manga though! that counts, right? >__>
hmm i haven't seen many good shounen anime in the past few seasons. it's hard to give you recommendations because our tastes are vastly different xD. maybe chainsaw man when it comes out. Summertime Render is a good mystery series that is currently airing. i recently watched Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? and it touched my soul. i want to read the manga so i have an excuse to buy it hehe
how's andy doing? are you enjoying the married life?
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how have you been? happy almost holidays!
I'm doing good, I'm still a nurse although on the verge of a job switch, I really do love the work, seeing all the smiles is everything, but the pay isn't really that good in the Netherlands. Besides I can support others for free, so I'd rather do such a thing as a lifestyle like it's supposed to be :). Generally not much has changed around me except I'm quite a bit years older, still barely in my twenty's, gonna go into my 30's looking for what truly brings the ultimate peace within.
I really appreciate you reaching out to me like this, it has been quite blissfull actually. Super glad hearing from you again. <3 Tell me all about you you and you.
the anxieties of become an adult =_= it's nice that you had a furry friend to help you
on the flip side, i do feel like these experiences make us more confident to deal with whatever life throws at us
i would have never guessed andy to be one to pick up strays. i think julie woke something inside of you :3c
crazy cat guys are nice. you chose well! sounds like you have the better end of the deal with providing while he does all the work >_>
i love cats. they're fluffy and i want to bury my face in them, but the thought of them destroying my things is what keeps me from going through with it. definitely not going for a kitten.
i'm enjoying my very generous vacations right now B) been doing some deep cleaning and catching up on anime. my brother is trying to drag me out to watch the new avatar movie but it's SOO LONG.
hmm i haven't seen many good shounen anime in the past few seasons. it's hard to give you recommendations because our tastes are vastly different xD. maybe chainsaw man when it comes out. Summertime Render is a good mystery series that is currently airing. i recently watched Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? and it touched my soul. i want to read the manga so i have an excuse to buy it hehe
how's andy doing? are you enjoying the married life?