[B]W E L C O M E T O M Y P R O F I L E; [/B]
Profile Theme: Amnesia
[B]A B O U T M E ; [/B]
Hello, my name is holly i'm currently living with my parents and am extremely happy ^^ I attend an Anglican College. I can be shy at first, but when you get to know me I can be extremely weird and LOUD!
My Goals this year are pretty simple, i just want to great good grades and/or a good quality camera.
After I graduate High School i want to travel around the world a take pictures of lovely views, and then attend college.
I like the colors green and white, and love my friends and family.
I dislike Dirt, insects and boredom (they is nothing to do these days)
My hobbies are Horse Riding and tennis, i started horse riding about 6 months ago and fell in love with a horse called Ben. I do tennis after school and yeah :)
[B]L A Y O U T ; [/B]
[B]S E M E / U K E & D E R E T Y P E; [/B] {[color=gray] Uke is a general term for a partner in a relationship who is predominantly bottom and/or submissive. The equivalent for top is seme. deredere (デレデレ), which is defined as strongly and deeply exhausted, infatuated, moonstruck, head over heels, or lovestruck, but in this case used for "lovestruck."
Himedere (recently made up)
And if that wasn't a Japanese word up until now, well, the meaning should be clear from comparison with tsundere. A "himedere" girl is like a "tsundere" or a "kuudere" but too princess-like to fit into either category.
[B]M Y A N I M E C L O N E ;[/B]
♥ Alios Trancey ♥
Dont even ask...
they say me and alios are clones :/
My friends say i'm like him because...
1. we both have blonde hair and blue eyes
2. We both have "servants", apart from i call them my peasants(my poor friends LOL)
3. We are both childish
4. I am also a so called "psychopath"
5. I laugh evilly *cough* oh a regular basis *cough*
[B]R A T I N G S Y S T E M; [/B] {[color=gray] The way rate my list.
1. I click the anime title
2. I then click " Completed"
3. Then select a score from 1-10 on how much i enjoyed it.
4. I clicked done.
TADA [size=89]
[B]Q U O T E S ;[/B] My favorite quotes via Tumblr and ect..
[B]M I L E - S T O N E S ;[/B] { Or rather the sad goals. 10 messages 20 messages 50 messages 100 messages
20 friends
30 friends 10 profile views 30 profile views 60 profile views 100 profile vies 1,000 profile views 50 completed anime 100 completed anime
500 completed anime 10 completed manga
50 completed manga
100 completed manga
500 completed manga[size=89]
[B]C L U B S T U F F / N O T E S ;[/B]
✯ Ⓒolorful Ⓢhining Ⓢtars CLUB ✯ ╍ C.S.S.C ╍
Game Maker
* Make 1 game (at least a week)
* Have fun!
Newsletter Deliver
* Send newsletters to Ephine's List
*Send Letter as soon as i get it!
Namine's Café
Card Admin
*Create the threads once the card makers have created their cards.
*Communicate with the card makers on occasion, such as sending them a newsletter, and also helping identify themes for the editions.
[B]F R I E N D S ;[/B]
Friends since 11-29-14
Friends since 12-16-14
Friends since 12-16-14
Friends since 12-15-14
Friends since 11-29-14
Friends since 11-29-14
Friends since 12-15-14
Friends since 12-21-14
Friends since 12-05-14
Friends since 11-28-14
friends since 02-06-15
friends since 12-21-14
[B]O T P ; [/B]
{[color=gray] Such a cute relationship :3
Toma is a caring big brother figure to the heroine. In his own route, he is deeply in love with her, but found his feelings inappropriate because he was supposed to protect her as her big brother and he didn't want to ruin their relationship by confessing. Thus he was afraid to confess to her. His feelings of wanting to protect her is very strong, and sometimes it can overshadow the heroine's own will. After she repeatedly left the house even though she was being targeted by Ikki's fan club girls, he locked her into a cage so that she wouldn't run into danger outside.
In Heart World, he's still the heroine's big brother figure and loves her as much as he did in his own Diamond World route, but due to his own jealousy he accidentally harmed her during the Shinano incident and so gave himself up to the police.
In other worlds, he's a waiter of Maid's Sheep cafe, sometimes with slight interest in the heroine.
Hello everyone!! How is the Summer going? ^^
We are glad to announce the opening of sign-ups for the joint Magi Summer Event of a collaboration between Mafia Society and 20+ !
And as you can guess, we want to invite you all to join us! Magi Summer Event will start on the 1st of July and will end on the 31st of the same month.
This is the 2nd Summer Event for Mafia Society and the 1st for 20+! The Magi Summer Event will take place in a seperate club for all participants and we will be invited to a Skype group and Discord's room during the duration of the Event. There you will be able both to participate in Event's games and chat with others :)
What are we going to do?
We are going to have such events: Town of Salem
Anime Watch Challenge
Pokemon Showdown
Truth or Dare
The Resistance Online
Cards Against Humanity
Magi Mafia
Vocaloid Mafia
Simultaneous Watch
Each of you will belong to one of the teams and by participating in events you will be able to collect points for yourself and your team! Enjoy games, gain points and change them to prizes in the Prize Shop!
In adition we will have a special Magi Characters Card Edition! And more! Everyone will get their team badges to keep memories of this up-coming Magi Summer Event!
Very Important News!
Ok I want you all to take a deep breathe~ 1, 2, 3 *inhale* 3, 2, 1 *exhale*
The club is going to change their name! Yes, it will be quite unfortunate BUT!
we hope you guys won't leave just cause we've changed our name D: We'll still
be having the same concept and providing you with many card editions from here
and there. Alongside our Loyalty Card system. There's not a real reason to change
the name but just wanted a mystical if this is even the right word for it.. feel~
Continue to keep a look out of the club for new stuff coming your way ヽ(^Д^)ノ
It's still open huh? (ಠ_ಠ)
Well believe it or not, it is because we always want members like YOU to
help our club whenever we needed. We've also added additional jobs to the
application. Jump right here to find what you're interested in and apply.
Don't be shy, be fly \(^o^)/ That.. made completely no sense at all but hey, I
wrote this newsletter very late so don't blame me for writing weird shenanigans (ಥ﹏ಥ)
Breaking News: Auntie Shey have retired from the Bingo Event?? NOOOOOOO (*´Д`)
Please give her a huge thanks for helping and managing the BINGO Event for you guys~
Exciting News: We are going to CONTINUE the BINGO Event as long as more than 10 people
are participating! If you LOOOOOOVE cards, join the fun and see if you're lucky enough to win
and be able to give us a card edition and be able to request ALL those cards that are made in
that winner's edition.
Without further ado:
Congratulations to Ascheherz for winning last month's bingo!
Not to forget 2nd to 4th place goes to:
2nd Place - Hime-sama
3rd Place - EvianBubble
4th Place - Haruchan-
Want to be the new winner? Come play with us and snatch that 1st placer ┌(☆o★)┘
Follow this thread to sign up monthly~
Anime Challenge: Highest Score
Another Breaking News?! ಠ▃ಠ
Indeed.. I decided to want to close the Anime Challenge.. for several reasons.. even
if they're not a good reason, I'm honestly really happy that some of you joined the club
just for watching anime on other people's list ^^ We'll take a break from the anime
challenge and will be planning for extra events to make up for the loss. Don't go away
just yet cause you'll be missing quite a few thrillers~ The youtube video has nothing related to the upcoming events...
again.. it's late and I'm supposed to be sleeping ;_;
Card Editions && Claims
Pokemon Collector Edition is still ongoing?! ఠ_ఠ
For the time being, yes. It will end when 53 pokemons have been out in the field.
There's just too many pokemons out there to do so I'll need a break from it </3
Those that have been collecting them, you will be receiving a certificate. It may
come in handy, who knows.
What's coming next month?
Kamisama Hajimemashita Limited Edition
Aura Kingdom Rare Edition
Fire Emblem Rare Edition
Sci-Fi Limited Edition
Staff Favorite Manga Rare Edition
Club Comments
Making a thread seems kind of pointless so I'll want to liven up the club comments with
the following: (Let us know your thoughts. Share your ideas.)
• General Topics for members to discussed about
• Games: Fresh ideas that haven't been done in order clubs or what you think most people would enjoy playing.
• Events: Something like what we've had in the past like Bingo & Anime Challenge
• Cards & Claim themes are most welcomed
Do not be afraid to be the first to post.
Blog Entries
Seriously guys.. Is Blog Entry the new trend around here? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Can't stress this enough that we understand you would like to separate comments &
blog entries for deliveries or if you disabled everything but I beg of you to at least clean
them. We don't have the right to tell you how to run your blogs BUT it's really
troublesome for people that deliver. It's best if you just save your cards and delete the
deliveries from existence or a new blog entry if you want to keep them.
Putting this out there as I've mentioned in the club comments before, I do not want
to see people copying off each other's work UNLESS you got permission. (╬ಠ益ಠ)
It's unpleasant to see others copying and pasting or trying to replicate the same
content. As much as I want to ignore this, it just keeps happening and people
do notice the comparison. I'm saying this nicely but please just stop it already.
Newsletter Option
• Re-made the newsletter thread so if you would
like to receive these awesome lame newsletters from me, don't forget to subscribe!
• If you wished to unsubscribe anytime, message Dear_Clouds_Bot
and he will removed you from the list.
Visit us often & don't forget to take care of yourselves.
Good luck to those that are taking examinations and for
everyone else that's not studying hardcore, have a wonderful
day and enjoy the fresh air~
- DC Staff
NEWS We are in need of active card makers, claim makers and newsletter deliverer.
If your interested please signup in staff recruitment.
Claim a Song and claim a Manga is open again^^
-Please follow the post limit given by card makers. As it is difficult for them to make card beyond post limit-
-Always check out the club for new card editions /Birthday editions/Random Edition during weekdays -
Currently needed Card Makers ,Claim Makers,Member & Newsletter deliverer
We've discussed amongst ourselves that are in charge of Loyalty Cards that it's time to reset.
Yes. You read it right. We wish to have done this in the beginning of the year but it's not too late so we want to implement
this first and foremost. We're proud to know that we've been keeping up with the Loyalty System for as long as possible.
We came to this conclusion because we thought it would be fair to people who are new to the club to start fresh with
everyone that has been with us ever since we were open. It'll also help us organized better for those that actually use their
Loyalty Cards rather than using them once in a while. Resetting the Loyalty Cards will start on the1st of March.
New threads will be added and you'll have to request from scratch. We know that some people that have already
reached the Master stage would not be satisfied with this new fact. Unfortunately, there will be no excuses.
We're going to stick with this but we do hope that you stay with us like you've always been. Each and every one of you are
loyal to us and we're happy to have you request our cards daily. Please continue to do so. We are thinking of new ideas
that we can do with Loyalty Cards especially that we've been having the same templates for more than a year.. so stay tune :)
Any further information, we'll let you know asap!
Questions or inquiries, you can PM Dear_Clouds_Bot and he will answer your concerns about the change.
Hi all, this is the newsletter representing the month february.
This are the editions planned for February:
★ Shoujo LE - February 9
★ Happy Birthday faerygoth SE - February 11
★ Happy Birthday LovelyHikari SE - February 11
★ Happy Birthday Chiiran SE - February 13
★ Happy Valentine's Day SE - February 14
★ Xerxes Break SE - February 14
★ Sylph's CardShop 3rd Year Anniversary SE - February 16
★ Happy Birthday hiroshi SE - February 19
★ Happy Birthday Syoo-san SE - February 20
★ Soushi Miketsukami SE - February 21
★ Shaft LE - February 22
★ Happy Birthday AnnoyingTiger88 SE - February 24
★ Happy Birthday Samikuchan SE - February 25
★ Happy Birthday sunshinesakura SE - February 25
★ Winter 2016 Anime SE - February 27
★ Kafuu Chino SE - February 28
And of course random solo's our staffmembers open by themself :)
Wanna collect marbles? Keep an eye open on the marble collection thread runned by Lady-Michaelis, new marbles are up frequently.
Do you want a bday edition in SCS, don't be afraid and apply in this thread and even you can have your own bday edition :)
We're also always looking for new staffmembers/friends, if you're interesed in joining us, don't be afraid to apply, we don't bite <3
This month SCS exists 3 years and that's quite the achievement, come be with us on the 16th to celebrate this, we'd like to thank everyone to make this possible, as well as staffmembers and members, without either this couldn't be achieved! <3
This newsletter is send out by the following staffmembers: Sugar- ☆ leaveit2me ☆ xHecate ☆ juststaywithme ☆ Hime-sama ☆ Lyfa ☆ Toarujisuru - ☆ tsubasa_ - AbuHumaid
Hello! I hope everyone is having a great day and are
doing well in your exams if you have any. February is the month of love
as Valentine's will be falling upon us on the 14th. To celebrate
Valentine's Mafia Society is back with our 2nd Valentine's Event!
It will start on the 6th and end on the 14th. We have a ton of games
planned for you all to participate in, where you can play and earn points to
win prizes. You can find what these games are and their thread below.
The top 5 point holders will win a movie date over skype or rabb.it
with any staff member! Hope to see you there :)
Hi all, this is the newsletter representing the month january.
This are the editions planned for January:
★ Happy Birthday Roth SE - January 8
★ Happy Birthday Knightwalker08 - January 8
★ Squirrel SE - January 10
★ Hitoka Yachi SE - January 10
★ Moon LE - January 15
★ Happy Birthday EvianBubble SE - January 18
★ Akane Sakurada SE - January 18
★ Hisoka SE - January 20
★ Happy Birthday VHBP23 SE - January 23
★ Onodera Kosaki SE - January 24
★ Ramen LE - January 25
★ Happy Birthday Ascheherz SE - January 27
★ Happy Birthday Antauri SE - January 29
★ Lavender SE - January 30
And of course random solo's our staffmembers open by themself :)
Wanna collect marbles? Keep an eye open on the marble collection thread runned by Lady-Michaelis, new marbles are up frequently.
Do you want a bday edition in SCS, don't be afraid and apply in this thread and even you can have your own bday edition :)
Also freshly opened are the Vip Badges made by Lyfa, read the thread for more information. Also opened is the Record SE, it's updated when stated in the clubcomments.
We're also always looking for new staffmembers/friends, if you're interesed in joining us, don't be afraid to apply, we don't bite <3
It's a new year, full of new chances, new expierences and hopefully it'll be the best year for everyone! Don't give up this year and keep fighting for your goal!
This newsletter is send out by the following staffmembers: Sugar- ☆ leaveit2me ☆ xHecate ☆ juststaywithme ☆ Hime-sama ☆ Haine ☆ Toarujisuru - ☆ tsubasa_ - AbuHumaid
What's this? It's a super awesome special newsletter delivery just for members of Mafia Society :)
Hope you're all having a [u]lovely December[/u] so far, Christmas is coming upon us and we at Mafia
Society are celebrating Christmas together with a [u]12 Days of Christmas Event![/u] We've got plenty of
games for you all to participate in and badges and prizes for you to earn. Below we have links to
the main event thread that gives you all the details of the event and links to all the games and
other activities. The event will be starting on the 15th of December, hope to see you there ^~^
Hi all, this is the newsletter representing the month december.
This are the editions planned for December:
★ Happy Birthday Dvdkim SE - December 9
★ Happy Birthday NerveRacking SE - December 10
★ Reindeer LE - December 10
★ Happy Birthday busydude SE - December 11
★ Happy Birthday Haine SE - December 15
★ Snowman LE - December 15
★ Happy Birthday Skita21 SE - December 19
★ Champagne RE - December 20
★ Christmas SE - December 24
★ Happy Birthday Phraze SE - November 19
★ 2015 Favorites RE - December 29
And of course random solo's our staffmembers open by themself :)
Wanna collect marbles? Keep an eye open on the marble collection thread runned by Lady-Michaelis, new marbles are up frequently.
Do you want a bday edition in SCS, don't be afraid and apply in this thread and even you can have your own bday edition :)
Also freshly opened are the Vip Badges made by Lyfa, read the thread for more information.
We're also always looking for new staffmembers/friends, if you're interesed in joining us, don't be afraid to apply, we don't bite <3
The holiday season has started, we from SCS wish everyone a wonderfull time :)
This newsletter is send out by the following staffmembers: Sugar- ☆ leaveit2me ☆ xHecate ☆ juststaywithme ☆ Hime-sama ☆ Haine ☆ Toarujisuru - ☆ tsubasa_ - AbuHumaid
NEWS AMCW Skype Group is open^^
We are in need of active claim makers.
If your interested please signup in staff recruitment.
Members requesting for cards, Please follow the post limit given by card makers.
-Please follow the post limit given by card makers. As it is difficult for them to make card beyond post limit-
-Always check out the club for new card editions /Birthday editions/Random Edition during weekdays -
Currently needed Claim Makers,Member Recruiter & Card Makers
Hi all, this is the newsletter representing the month november.
This are the editions planned for November:
★ Patting Head SE - November 9
★ Happy Birthday 14leblanck SE - November 10
★ Eye Colors Edition - Teal - November 10
★ Dragons LE - November 13
★ Eye Colors Edition - Multi-Coloured - November 13
★ Eye Colors Edition - Free - November 16
★ Sleeping LE - November 18
★ Happy Birthday Phraze SE - November 19
★ Baby Animals RE - November 23
★ Happy Birthday Wrath SE - November 24
★ Thanksgiving Dinner SE - November 26
And of course random solo's our staffmembers open by themself :)
Claim a friendship has been opened for november, to claim go here, the banner from July to October aren't made yet but pls be patient.
We're also always looking for new staffmembers/friends, if you're interesed in joining us, don't be afraid to apply, we don't bite <3
Have fun in november <3
This newsletter is send out by the following staffmembers: Sugar- ☆ leaveit2me ☆ prez-anna ☆ juststaywithme ☆ Hime-sama ☆ Haine ☆ Toarujisuru - ☆ tsubasa_ - AbuHumaid
NEWS We are in need of active claim makers.
If your interested please signup in staff recruitment.
Members requesting for cards, Please follow the post limit given by card makers.
CURRENTLY OPEN LE/SE/RE lolipop Random Edition currently open Sunset LE currently open Night Random Edition currently open
Kise Ryouta LE opens Oct 25
vampire LE opens Oct 25
Krul Tepes Rare Edition [Characters Series] opens Oct 22
Lancer (Diarmuid Ua Duibhne) Rare Edition [Characters Series] opens Oct 22
Halloween Special Edition opens Oct 31
-Please follow the post limit given by card makers. As it is difficult for them to make card beyond post limit-
-Always check out the club for new card editions /Birthday editions/Random Edition during weekdays -
Currently needed Claim Makers,Member Recruiter & Card Makers
☓ Upcoming Editions for October: Books Limited Edition ~Open~ Candles Rare Edition November 7 Nail polish Rare Edition November 13 Yukata Special Edition November 15 Happy Birthday Phraze SE November 19 Armwear Rare Edition November 20 Genderbender Special Edition November 21 Wink Special Edition November 26 Chopsticks Limited Edition November 28 1000+ Special Edition [Flowers Theme] 1010 Members
And of course random solos :x~, Editions opening being delayed is highly possible.
☓ Discussions/Games :
You can find a list with all our games/discussions in the club here ^^
You can also enjoy our Truth Or Dare Game but with points system! For more information check [Here and Here]
☓ Staff Recruitment:
We're looking for more staff for [Claim, Layout and Card Makers], If you're interested please check this thread C: , You'll find more Information there.
☓ If You have any suggestions of games/Discussion or anything else in your mind Please Drop it here c:don't be shy </3
Hope you guys like our new layout~c:, Thank you for reading, Have a wonderful day ^^~
☓ Upcoming Editions for October: Bishie Limited Edition October 9-10 Gangsta Rare Edition October 14 Happy Birthday Yukinoshita SE October 16 Gakuen Alice Rare Edition October 17 Selfie Limited Edition October 22 Happy Birthday Brian SE October 23 Plastic Memories Rare Edition October 25 Lipstick Special Edition October 27 Halloween Special Edition October 31 1000+ Special Edition [Flowers Theme] 1010 Members
And of course random solos :x~, Editions opening being delayed is highly possible.
☓ Discussions/Games :
You can find a list with all our games/discussions in the club here ^^
You can also enjoy our Truth Or Dare Game but with points system! For more information check [Here and Here]
☓ Staff Recruitment:
We're looking for more staff for [Claim, Layout and Card Makers], If you're interested please check this thread C: , You'll find more Information there.
☓ If You have any suggestions of games/Discussion or anything else in your mind Please Drop it here c:don't be shy </3
Thank you for reading, Have a wonderful day ^^~[GG School starting]
All Comments (261) Comments
◈ ◇ Important Announcement ◇ ◈