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Tensei shitara Dainana Ouji Datta node, Kimama ni Majutsu wo Kiwamemasu
Aug 26, 2024 11:12 AM
· Scored
All Comments (75) Comments
Damn he really gives whatever you guys want?That's something.
Does your teach hava a wife?My Math teacher doesnt tho.It's not like he's not a good person or anything,and he's also handsome,the main problem is that he's used to being strict to students that now he's even being strict to normal people lol.But my whole class doesnt give a shit about it lol.They even joke about him not getting a wife lol.Feels bad for him.
Today is Vietnam's teacher day.And there's a guy who stepped and said to him ''I wish you had a good life,more handsome and got a wife''.Then my whole class laughed the fuck off lol.
Oh really?It's a little diffenrent from Vietnam I think.We first encountered Chemistry in the last 2 years of middle school.And we're all be like ''WHAT THE FUCK IS ACID,CAN WE IT THEM?''.And I was no exception.I remember after the first year of learning Chemistry,I asked my parents for a tutor at my home,this tells you how bad I was at Chemistry that time cuz I'd never asked for a tutor.Now I'm good tho.
Why?Did it become harder later on?Cuz if you're good at it,I see no reason not to pick it.
Oh welp,VPN is OP asf I suppose.I have a friend who's studying aborad in Singapore.He said that Singapore government doesnt allow students to watch porn so he bought a VPN.
And tks for explaining how China works.I always thought that Chinese couldnt get outside their country.Oh welp.
But I think a teacher also needs to be strict.My Math teacher is a perfect example.He gives us homeworks and tells us to do it.For the ones who didnt like doing the homeworks,he always said ''Take it or leave it,you do this tomorrow or get out of my class'',something like that.I think his words were really important,I mean if a teacher doesnt force you to do the homeworks,then what do you go to school for?I really love him,some classmates in my class always say bad things about him,but he doest give a FUCK.What a man!
Oh really?When did you guys in Chinese first encounter Chemistry?In my country,Chemistry is considered the hardest subject by many students lol.
WOah that video was sick.But wait a minute,I thought people live in other countries cant visit CHinese sites?Oh welp.
Yeah but you know,there're some ads that contain virusses.It sucks.
Since you mentioned the word ''teacher'',how do ya define a good teacher?
Oh really?Interesting.I always thought Chemistry is the worst shit ever existed.Guess I'm wrong.
Ooh that must be a torture.Imagine listening to 4 Literature lessons straight,that's a public execution right there bud.
Lol the way you said it was very amusing to me somehow:3
I'm fine with ads tho,as long as they dont have virusses or do they.
Did anyone fail miserably when they change their subjects?I need something to make myself better:3
Wait you can watch anime legally on that site?How do you know it?Is it confirmed by Chinese government or something?
Ooh kissanime seems cool,I always thought the site is dead(due to rumours),it has LoGH anime so I'm gonna watch it someday,cant find it in Vietnamese site.
Shit I havent thought of that,what a plot twist right there.Bless you!
Oh cool,but if you drop out a subject then do you have to pick a new one?I'm curious.
Yeah ofc you know it lol,if you dont then we wouldnt have talked at the first place.
But using English to watch anime huh?I mean you can wait for a few days to have your anime subbed in Chinese.Or unless you really love that show then it's understandable.But still,impressive.Reading Eng subs when watching anime is pretty hard though,IMO,it's so fastT_T
Yeah kind of,I remember we only talked about fapping at the first place lol.
Now that I'm actually thinking of it,they once said they would buy me a Nokia(the one that is heavy asf and it isnt a smartphone you know) but I refused.Idk if that's a wise choice from me cuz maybe Nokia is still better than my shitty Iphone 5.So yeah.
Ah okay,your parents are great I suppose.I bet they understand you really well.
7 subjects?Pretty lucky?Is that a sarcasm lol.
Anyway in Vietnamese highschool,normally,you cant choose your electives,you have to study all the shits.Though in some specialized classes,you can choose ONE subject as your main,you still have to learn other subjects but they're just for fun xD.And you have to work your ass on studying your main subject.Idk if it's good or bad though.
Yeah speaking sucks,we're on the same boat.I only learned English cuz Vietnamese people are cringe to talk to online xD.
Btw holy shit our convo has reached the 100th comment,never thought talking to a sailor would be this long.
No it's not,sadly.I can hardly play any games(that's why I quit playing mobile games),everything takds 1-2 seconds,sometimes about 5 seconds,sometimes never, to respond,and my phone sometimes doesnt even ring when I receive a call or a message.It sucks bruh.
Lol my parents arent that great,they totally could by me a new one,every week they must buy atleast one thing to the house lol.
What about you?Tell me about how you got your phone^^
Yeah my life is filled with anime and hentai,right now.I havent had anything besides anime that is nteresting enough for me to invest in.
Oh boi how fucked you are.Welp better do some revisions next time dude^^
Lol I know.Vietnamese eduacation system has always been shits like that.But you gotta live with it.If it's demanding then it's demanding for everyone so it's not that bad tbh plus you only need money to get in good schools
Oh really?What about English?I think you're pretty good at it.
I'm quite similar to that guy,tbh.That's literally how I started playing Geometry Dash.
When my classmates saw me playing it,they were like''holy shit your hands are faster than your brain'',someshit like that.
Lol dont you get the sarcasm?It means my phone sucks so hard that no matter what phone do you have,it's still better than mine^^
Anyway,I'm using Iphone 5,yeah that's old as shit I know,but my parents refused to buy me a new oneT_T.
Games?Tbh I havent played a mobile game for 6 months,I wanna delete my old games but I'm just too lazy:)Plus sometimes I may need then for whatever reasons.
Yeah pratice makes perfect,doesnt it?
Unlucky I guess.
Nice friends over there.My friends always make fun of me,it doesnt matter whether i get a low score or a high one,I always get fucked:(
"What subjects do you study?''?Nice question,everything.Vietnamese educational system sucks hard you know.
I dont really have a favourite subject,cuz I dont like study,simple.But I'm the best at English(this tells you how bad I am cuz my English is already noob).
And you kind of reminded me one of my classmates.His English was so ''good'' that everyone started calling him Mr.Embassador lol.Ahh good time.
Yeah true,but it's not like the ''skills'' I was talking about,if you know what I mean.It was more about strategy.
Lol same here,I dont even know why I could finish all the levels lol.
LG v20?Never heard of it tbh,but I'm sure it's better than my phone.
Just looked through Battle Girl Highschool,seemed cute.
Oh boi people still play Piano Tiles these days?You do you then.I cant say anything cuz I still play Fruit Ninja:)
Interesting there buddy.I like your method^^Maybe that's why you are called 'boss',you can say to them that you dont revive shits lol.
BOSS?Does that mean you can tell girls to do anything for you?That's even better( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).Who need to be a boyfriend when you can be a boss.
Oh okay,got it now.But really bruh?You can solve a rubik in fcking 9 seconds,which is totally based on your skills,and you play gacha games,which is mostly based on your luck,damn,I thought you always played some hardcore stuff like Geometry Dash or something.Guess I'm wrong.
Talking about phone,what phone do you use?
Wut?I thought after the exam season everyone is free?Wait does that mean you're more free when you bout to have an exam than when you finish it,interesting.
And yeah you can ask for recommendations any time .
Jesus Christ you're fast,that's like Felik Zemdegs's record x2 or something.And you seem to be good at everything you interested in.You must be surrounded by girls asking for your phone number or someshit like that.
I havent even heard of Nana Maru San Batsu so¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Yeah I thought about it before,but you know what,students can do shits.
Gacha Games?Is it the games that cost you a shitload of money to spend(according to wikipedia) or something else?Either way you have a interesting belief right there:)
Lying is no good,ehh kind of.We lie everyday though.
Yeah you can think it that way.But the thing is,I dont usually remember hentai anime's names so it's hard to recommend you anything.And I think we have quite a different taste,so do you still want some juicy recommendations?
I guess we are all men of culture
I'm not sure if we should use they pronoun "we" though
Because there's only one person participating in this discussion
Damn I need friends
We have similar taste in anime,that's wonderful
Here, I made a profile pic version with the right dimensions. Better quality too!