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Days: 106.2
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Akazukin Chacha
Akazukin Chacha
Mar 3, 7:17 AM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
Tasogare Out Focus
Tasogare Out Focus
Jan 15, 10:37 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 9
Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijou.
Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijou.
Jan 13, 5:21 PM
Watching 2/12 · Scored -
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Days: 23.0
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Tasogare Out Focus
Tasogare Out Focus
Jan 15, 10:38 AM
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Ojisama to Neko
Ojisama to Neko
Nov 25, 2024 5:52 PM
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Nov 25, 2024 5:51 PM
Reading -/257 · Scored -

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S-quare22 Nov 3, 2017 8:46 AM
Thanks :3
CLYDESDALE Apr 13, 2017 6:43 PM
No, I'm lazy AF and I also have Photoshop. However, I have a laundry list of people on here that help me with that sort of thing. Why? Do you need a hand with something? I'm sure I could arrange something...
CLYDESDALE Apr 11, 2017 7:26 PM
Are you going to make a new one? Are you good with that stuff?
CLYDESDALE Apr 11, 2017 4:05 PM
I think it's been like that for a while. Wasn't sure if you did it on purpose. XD
CLYDESDALE Apr 7, 2017 4:58 PM
You like to have a sig pic that isn't visible?
Rawrberto Jan 26, 2017 9:10 PM
Yes! She is the absolute best <3
And thank you :3
Arillion Jan 29, 2016 8:15 PM
They declared bankruptcy or something. Which isn't surprising. That company slaughtered anime.

DiC dubbed Sailor Mooon in the 90's. Viz Media now has the rights.

I have a lot of time on my hands. I am focusing on trying to narrow down my PTW list though, so Mirai Nikki rewatch isn't a priority right now. Peach Girl is good, just that Sae will make you want to punch your screen in. I tried Kiss x Sis, that didn't work for me, but the other anime I haven't tried.

LOL, I love reading, but I'd rather not try to read anime and watch it at the same time lol but if I have no choice, I'll do it lol. I've watched over 100 episodes of One Piece subbed since they are taking forever to dub it. As for video games, yeah, I'll read the dialogue in those lol, if it's necessary.

I'm sure more people will join. People like roleplaying and stuff like that lol.

Yeah, I have a list of my favorite voice actors on my profile, if you want to check it out. Yes, I know who Chrispin Freeman is. He's an awesome voice actor too.

I've never watched Princess Jellyfish but I heard it was a good anime.
Arillion Jan 25, 2016 5:22 PM
Ugh, don't even get me started on 4Kids. I want to watch Shaman King but seeing that it's dubbed by 4Kids, I already decided that I'm going to watch it subbed, even though it's rare for me to watch subbed anime when it's already been dubbed but I refuse to watch anime dubbed by that studio. Glad they went out of business.

I'm pretty sure I'll like them. I might be picky but I do love to get recommendations. :)

LOL seriously, why would a cat from the moon have a British accent? I know right?? I was so pissed when they did that.
Good, I'm glad you finished it. I know how you feel about facepalming. I did that constantly when I watched Peach Girl. I am actually thinking about giving Mirai Nikki a rewatch since I watched it a while ago and kind of forgot what happened in it. All I remember is that Yuno is crazy as hell and it was a good anime.

It was pretty bad. I mean, it had too many panty shots. I don't have a problem with ecchi, since I do watch a lot of harem anime, but there IS a limit. That anime went way past the limit.

Yeah, I don't feel like reading. I'm lazy lol I'm sure I will eventually feel like picking up a manga someday.

You should keep your club. People might want to join. I also think you can do roleplaying in the forum games section.
Yeah I loved the Spice and Wolf dub. Brina Palencia is one of my favorite voice actresses. I have no idea what Pumpkin Scissors is, but I will definitely look it up.
Arillion Jan 24, 2016 7:37 PM
I love dubs. I even have a list of my favorite voice actors and actresses. Viz Media, Sentai Filmworks, and Funimation tend to have really good VA. At least to me they do.
So I jump headfirst into watching anime dubbed by those studios.

I haven't seen Full moon wo sagashite or Okami and her Seven Companions. I think I will put those on my list to watch. Thank you for the suggestion.

Usagi's voice actress from the 90's did get kind of annoying but I still loved her voice and Luna's British accent.
Yeah, my wifi is pretty bad, but I deal. Not going to kill me to walk downstairs.

I suggest you finish Mirai Nikki. It's a pretty good anime. Yuno is insane though, huh? lol Yes, Love Love was only 9 episodes and I managed to force myself to finish it.

I don't read manga. I haven't really gotten into reading those yet. More into the anime aspect. I don't know, I'm a weird person lol.

Thank you for asking, but I'm not really on here that often to roleplay. Also, I"m bad at roleplaying lol.
Arillion Jan 24, 2016 10:28 AM
Yeah, I normally watch dubbed because I'm too lazy to read lol. Yes, I loved the Sailor Moon 90's theme opening.

My wifi sucks. I have to go downstairs closer to the router in order to get it to work.

Good, you'll like it. It's a really good anime.

Yeah, I probably would have dropped a lot too. I would have dropped Love Love? because that anime was stupid as hell. I was watching it for the challenge and I was like, 'yeah, I can't do this challenge." It was at that point that I realized that I was too picky. lol
allflying Jan 18, 2016 4:26 AM
A lot of us are mostly casual. Well, maybe?

Anyway, hope you'll enjoy it. :)
abystoma2 Jan 16, 2016 8:50 AM
Arillion Jan 15, 2016 7:07 PM
Yeah Chiba-usa was a pain at the beginning but she grew on me after a few episode. But she did make things a bit more interesting that's for sure lol. I like all the scouts but Usagi is my absolute favorite. She is clumsy and a crybaby but a major badass when she needs to be lol. It sucks what happened to Hotaru in the 90's version though. And I always like Mamoru. He is funny. Thank you for your compliment on my profile page. As you can see, I am also a fan of Fairy Tail. If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend it.

I was going to do the challenge but after a day I realized it wasn't going to work because I think I'm too picky about what I watch and also right now I am more interested in rewatching series than than doing a challenge.
allflying Jan 15, 2016 2:16 PM
Well, look at my joined date. With that much time passed and only that much titles, I am still a casual watcher. I saw some people finished like 1k titles before, if you want to know what's being a not-so-casual looks like.

My sig is from "Onanie Master Kurosawa". Don't judge by it's title.
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