A good critic observes a production quality. A nihilist critic wants to measure nothing.
Every anime starts at 10 then gets -1 for missing quality, characters, or plot.
10-had amazing production quality, had interesting characters, had serious or deep plot,
9-had amazing production,had interesting characters, wasn't a serious plot / needs more seasons
8-had amazing production, had average characters, wasn't a serious or deep plot
7-had a passable production, had shallow characters or was an average story,
6-had a passable production, had shallow characters or, had a weak story
5-had an okay production, had gimmick characters / had a weak story.
(10) Legendary Tier!
Usually for anime that is an Instant Classic or undeniably well made from start to finish. These shows have been carefully chosen. They stand out and have aged nicely.
(9) Unique Tier !
Anime that is more special than your standard...These deserve a higher praise because of their story or characters or animation. They are so amazing, they earn their own rank. Seriously, watch these first before going to casual anime.
(8) Standard Tier !
The rank for new and old Anime. This is the rank for any show that meet the standard rating in a general audience and have a successful production. These are casual shows everyone is loving!
Years of watching anime has given me experience into what is good and not good. If you're curious, click on 'Completed,' click on filter on top right, sort by -Score -Desc.
My favorites list is NOT based on what is the best anime, but what I personally enjoy.
My favorite characters is mostly waifus and cool bros.
(Genres that I specialize In )
Romance | Slice of Life | Comedy
My Anime taste: "I watch anime like I read books, to enjoy my freetime. Sometimes I have trouble finishing shows because I never want them to end...."
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ya-ho. My names David.
みなさん こんにちわ !!
Long time anime wine-taster.
Favorite genre is romance, sub is the only way.
Why-y are you looking at m-my page,
Yes, I have; It is a great anime if you are looking for romance but done differently, I mean It's so obvious that the protagonist can't be together with Yuuko but still wants to be with her for a while longer and longer....
I like Clannad a lot more than Silent Voice and Pancreas because the characters are real. They have more time to develop. Their romance feels real, their heartbreak feels real. Those two movies feel like they only exist to make people cry and ignore the aspect of telling a good story first and foremost. Clannad is an amazing story that makes you cry because of it, Silent Voice and Pancreas make people cry so they automatically think it's a great story, which just isn't the case with them.
why thank you :) no one has ever complimented my ratings before lmao.
aho girl just wasn't funny at all to me, in fact it was one of the worst anime i've ever seen and I regret every second I spent on it :') it's way too obnoxious and forced.
uhh I do shed tears (a lot actually lol) but angel beats is over-hyped asf and I think people are blinded by the pretty visuals and somewhat decent music the anime had and rate it higher than it deserves. it was extremely mediocre and I actually found it to be a funnier anime than it was sad... the writing wasn't good, the story isn't good, the characters aren't good. besides the pretty visuals it's almost complete garbage imo. obviously no offense to you or anyone that likes it, I am just a harsh I guess idk lol. but to each their own, I won't talk shit about someone that does enjoy it you know? everyone is entitled to their opinions after all.
It's good that you liked the movie, I don't remember it very well because I did the review 8 months ago, but for what I do, I still agree with my points on that review I made. It's my take on what I saw, maybe I got things wrong, or maybe you got it, I just gave my review with my tastes and observations in mind.
I also don't like the rating system of MAL that much, I use it more as a "How much would I recommend this for someone" than an actual rate of quality, even so they are very close to each other, they have their differences. And I prefer using 5 as my average rate, so it can have more space to show how much I liked an anime when above my average line, which can have the opposite effect when the majority of people see 7 as the average.
About my past ratings, I can't confirm stability on them, after all, things like time, how I was when watching and other hundreds of small variables can change how I enjoy a show. But what I can say is that:
- God Eater is above average for me, but from what I remember it lacked greatly in my opinion at trying to hold the building/control of tension after the first great problem encounter (That giant beast).
- And Bleach's world and characters are actually good, but the anime had great problems of bad chronological planning, making it go back arcs on the middle of that hell's arc, also it's a not-so-original shounen in the fighting and story building aspects, even when the base storyline is interesting, they simply didn't make anything that unique, especially considering anime nowadays, and that's why I wouldn't give it a 10 (besides it being very long and not having an ending, so it's hard for people to start watching). I didn't read the manga, even so I wanted to back on the day, but I won't consider the manga on the anime score either way, so I discard it.
Anyway, we all have different tastes and even different ways to rate what we like, also I'm not a critic and even if I was, I can agree with you that I'll never understand all perspectives or how the entire plot was made, but what I like to see is a world that's more realistic and logical, like if the conditions were set as the plot said, that could actually happen and it's amazing at the same time (Things like making me think about that world and understanding the point of view of characters also are a big hit on me), and so I'll recommend what I see mostly based on that.
[PS: Sorry I can't use better arguments than this, I saw those animes long ago so I don't remember with accuracy what my observations were to give such scores, but that's why I use MAL in the first place, to keep what I watched in a simple list with the scores I gave]
O yeah that... seriously I also do not understand why would he date Asuka in the first place, it's the very definition of a playboy=.= I thought the Asuka disaster was bad... until a later arc..
No choice but to drop at 100+==, or else I think I would need to visit the hospital due to a popped vein. ==
All Comments (39) Comments
Wishes ^^
aho girl just wasn't funny at all to me, in fact it was one of the worst anime i've ever seen and I regret every second I spent on it :') it's way too obnoxious and forced.
uhh I do shed tears (a lot actually lol) but angel beats is over-hyped asf and I think people are blinded by the pretty visuals and somewhat decent music the anime had and rate it higher than it deserves. it was extremely mediocre and I actually found it to be a funnier anime than it was sad... the writing wasn't good, the story isn't good, the characters aren't good. besides the pretty visuals it's almost complete garbage imo. obviously no offense to you or anyone that likes it, I am just a harsh I guess idk lol. but to each their own, I won't talk shit about someone that does enjoy it you know? everyone is entitled to their opinions after all.
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I also don't like the rating system of MAL that much, I use it more as a "How much would I recommend this for someone" than an actual rate of quality, even so they are very close to each other, they have their differences. And I prefer using 5 as my average rate, so it can have more space to show how much I liked an anime when above my average line, which can have the opposite effect when the majority of people see 7 as the average.
About my past ratings, I can't confirm stability on them, after all, things like time, how I was when watching and other hundreds of small variables can change how I enjoy a show. But what I can say is that:
- God Eater is above average for me, but from what I remember it lacked greatly in my opinion at trying to hold the building/control of tension after the first great problem encounter (That giant beast).
- And Bleach's world and characters are actually good, but the anime had great problems of bad chronological planning, making it go back arcs on the middle of that hell's arc, also it's a not-so-original shounen in the fighting and story building aspects, even when the base storyline is interesting, they simply didn't make anything that unique, especially considering anime nowadays, and that's why I wouldn't give it a 10 (besides it being very long and not having an ending, so it's hard for people to start watching). I didn't read the manga, even so I wanted to back on the day, but I won't consider the manga on the anime score either way, so I discard it.
Anyway, we all have different tastes and even different ways to rate what we like, also I'm not a critic and even if I was, I can agree with you that I'll never understand all perspectives or how the entire plot was made, but what I like to see is a world that's more realistic and logical, like if the conditions were set as the plot said, that could actually happen and it's amazing at the same time (Things like making me think about that world and understanding the point of view of characters also are a big hit on me), and so I'll recommend what I see mostly based on that.
[PS: Sorry I can't use better arguments than this, I saw those animes long ago so I don't remember with accuracy what my observations were to give such scores, but that's why I use MAL in the first place, to keep what I watched in a simple list with the scores I gave]
No choice but to drop at 100+==, or else I think I would need to visit the hospital due to a popped vein. ==