I'm currently 25 years old. Not that you'd care, but I reside in northeast Morioh's villa district. Also, I've yet to marry. In order to make a living, I work Kame Yu department stores. After a long day's work, I return home no later than 8 PM. I don't like smoking, but do enjoy the occasional drink. I'm always in bed by 11 PM, and I make it a point to get no less than 8 hours of sleep each night. Before bed, I drink a warm glass of milk, it's always coupled with 20 minutes of stretching to decompress from the long work day. Sweet dreams are the usual result of this. I then awake as refreshed and recharged as a newborn child, ready to take on the day's challenges, and after my last checkup I was given a clean bill of health. For as long as I can remember I've done everything in my power to live a productive life that allows me to pursue a lasting inner peace. This may be a foreign concept, but I choose not to concern my self with winning or losing, life's troubles, or enemies who bring sleepless nights. That is how I cope with this backwards life we find ourselves living. It's what brings me happiness in a world fraught with hardship and misery. Of course, if I were ever to engage in combat, I would win the battle without question.
sorry for really late reply, i guess XD
ive been busy these weeks @__@
Well, as you can see, both the manga and anime, i loved it! And eijun ofx >//<
And looks like you're watching the Act II now OwO i still hold it since i'll start watch if already 25eps release XD
Well at least you're trying uu You'll probably get better with time ! I guess I should try too, don't know if I'd be able to stay consistent ;;
Ohw don't worry I'll get to it (eventually), hyped to watch season 2 then. **
For me it's September, really soon ;; Dw sometimes I take a lot of time to answer too
You're welcome Obsessions :D Can I ask? Why you chose obsessions as your username? just curious... :)
LOL^^ I haven't watch that anime sorry xD maybe it's not my type. Any anime you can recommend with me??
I'm currently waiting for newest updates especially the release of Dr. Stone, Demon Slayer and many more. You can check my watch list. I recommend you better watch The promise neverland you will not get bored watching it :D
Ohh, I kinda like chess but I suck at it so.. xD
Diamond no Ace is pretty damn good, I didn't finish the first season but I'm planning on rewatching everything from the beginning cause I forgot a lot about it, however I do remember the hype hehe~
Oh you too you're gonna start university soon ? (or you already did)
All Comments (45) Comments
ive been busy these weeks @__@
Well, as you can see, both the manga and anime, i loved it! And eijun ofx >//<
And looks like you're watching the Act II now OwO i still hold it since i'll start watch if already 25eps release XD
Oh hum I'll be a law student uu what about you ?
I'll probably watch gintama soon. Thanks for the recommendation.
I can't wait for their season 2 tbh. I really liked The Promise Neverland I swear to God :D
Ohw don't worry I'll get to it (eventually), hyped to watch season 2 then. **
For me it's September, really soon ;; Dw sometimes I take a lot of time to answer too
What about you?:)
LOL^^ I haven't watch that anime sorry xD maybe it's not my type. Any anime you can recommend with me??
I'm currently waiting for newest updates especially the release of Dr. Stone, Demon Slayer and many more. You can check my watch list. I recommend you better watch The promise neverland you will not get bored watching it :D
Diamond no Ace is pretty damn good, I didn't finish the first season but I'm planning on rewatching everything from the beginning cause I forgot a lot about it, however I do remember the hype hehe~
Oh you too you're gonna start university soon ? (or you already did)
Well nothing really, I don't watch much these days and you ?
Btw i see ur list, what do u think about Diamond no Ace?? xD
Nice to meet you!